in nineeleven •  7 years ago  (edited)

Please watch this video by the SGTreport. Tons of Information, please share.

From the video with links as follows.
James Perloff is half Jewish on his Father’s side.
5 Dancing Israelis there to document the event. Released 60-70 days after 9/11.
Israeli Art Students called the B-Thing had full run of the building for one year before 9/11.

9/11 was outside job by Israeli Operatives, but with the cooperation and consent at the highest levels of the US Government.
1967 attack on the USS Liberty. President Johnson and Defense Secretary McNamara cooperated with that attack by Israelis.

"9/11 Was a False Flag to get into illegal wars" - Former FDNY Rudy Dent

Airports involved on 9/11 was Huntley USA, which is a subsidiary of ICTs International, which is owned by 2 Israelis Harrell and Menachem Havesome. World Trade Center Security in the end of Kroll and Associates, owners are Jeremy and Jules Crowe are hardcore Zionists Israel.
Larry Silverstein invested less than 2 months before the attacks $124 million. With the Insurance claim received a $5 billion-dollar insurance payout. Is friends with Netanyahu.
Every since 9/11 US has been fighting Israel’s War.
Danny Lewin, former Captain in Israeli Defense Force and Served in Sayeret Matkal, which is elite military special ops on 9/11. They specialize in assassination and counterterrorism. Lewin could kill terrorists with a pin, credit card, or bare hands. Watch shows 9/11. Row 9 on Flight 11, on 9/11.

What happened was there were 2 suitcase Nukes in the service elevator 50. Bear in mind there are 6 basement levels below each tower. Elevator 50 is the only elevator that rant the full length of each tower, center of the building, only elevator where service pits were carved into the bedrock beneath Twin Towers. Launching pad for a Nuke because the bedrock would contain the sideways and downward force of the nuke allowing it to go straight up.
Nuclear Event top ten reasons. 1 Thyroid Cancer: Iodine 131, 2 WTC dust samples found Uranium, Strontium, Thorium, Cadium, and other products of a Nuclear Fission, which can only be explained in a nuclear fission event.

3 all that molten steel shine the fires that lasted over three months, millions of degrees hotter.
4 buildings didn’t collapse they exploded. 5 inner contents of the towers were vaporized, nuclear explosion keeps on exploding endures level of energy.
6 Columbia’s Observatory in Palisades New York had two off the chart spikes when the building collapsed.
7 Nukes explained rest of damage to rest of WTC towers. Rest of WTC are interconnected underground by sewer, stormwater drainage 3 feet wide to service pits to elevator 50. Followed the path of least resistance through these underground pipes or tunnels. Geysers and stems from pressure traveled to other buildings, emptied to other sewers.
8 Dust cloud itself US Military Nuclear Bomb Tests are very hot cloud.
9 Susan Lindauer, CIA Asset and cousin of George Bush’s Chief of Staff Andrew Carter. Advanced warning of 9/11 and destroyed by a mini nuke and airplanes.
10 Netanyahu 1995 book on “Fighting Terrorism” Intercontential Missiles, Nuclear payload, bomb in the basement of the World Trade Center. Caught talking to Tom Brokaw 2 days after 9/11.

Please read and watch videos that Titus Frost did on 9/11 and the Direct Energy Weapons.
What Really Happened on 9/11 = IXXI

What hit the Twin Towers?
On Shanksville, Somerset County Coroner Wallace Miller within 20 minutes declared this crash was different, there was no wreckage and no bodies. On the Pentagon, Karen Kotowski Lieutenant Colonel and US Air Force retired and PhD “there was a dearth of visible debris on the relatively unmarked Pentagon lawn were I stood only minutes after the impact beyond the strange absence of airliner debris, there was no sign of the kind of damage to the Pentagon structure that one would expect from the impact of a large airliner this visible evidence or lack thereof may also have been apparent to the Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld when an unfortunate slip of the tongue referred to the aircraft that slammed into the Pentagon as a Missle.” No footage of the Pentagon, except of the aftermath.

April Gallop who was in the Pentagon saw no aircraft, bodies, nothing. Major General Albert Stubblebine to form a head of US Army Intelligence who said a Missile hit the Pentagon.
Cruise Missile underneath Flight 175. No way any commercial airline would have it, period.
Deep State Military Drone Planes at 590 miles.
G-Forces acting against it. Boeing cannot be controlled at that speed, Penetration of the aluminum wings and tail. Planes don’t decelerate, airliner nose cannot travel through steel columns. Cloaked Missiles, controlled pin-point precision, hardened with penetration.

5.6 Airborne Holographic Projector. Projects 3D image, cloaking image, used to fool enemy.
Israel commissioned Dolphin Class Submarines in 1999. 1987, ELA, with Stealth technologies. LaVon Hotel and King David Hotel, classic example is USS Liberty.
Deep State has technology way more advanced than what we lead to believe.
Secret Space program. Alaskan Fairbanks on 9/11 Inside Job, NIST is lying.
Thermite, dripping steel from buildings. Limited airline debris not matched with any 9/11 planes.

What happened to the Planes and Passengers?
Mohammed Atta’s luggage didn’t get on Flight 11, had names of the 19 planted hijackers.
About half of the 9/11 hijackers are alive. They couldn’t fly the Boeings.
Yes, hijackers on the planes. Occam’s Razor. Not the Arabs that we are lead to believe, but the Israeli Special Ops 11-11-11 Danny Lewin and his group of Israeli Intelligence.
Experienced Special Ops were flying the Planes.

Conversations about 9/11 with an Airline Pilot. Could not hack a 757, nor a 767 Conventional, no computers in basic operation, which made the old generation aircraft so dependable in basic flight handling. Modern 777 are computer regulated, could be hacked, not the ones on 9/11. Real hacking by people established.
What hijacker would encourage the passengers to call their families and let them what is going on. The Israelis wanted the Muslim narrative to be established.
Charlie Hebdo incident was another Zionist operation. Fake shooting on the police officer on the ground never happened, played his part.
Every Boeing cockpit was locked by a key. Hijackers had copy of the key.
Recording of Air Traffic Control, Flight 11 did not hit the tower, was in the air heading towards Washington. Planes were half empty.

Where the planes landed? All 4 planes bound for California, get away over the Atlantic. Shut off the Air phones, 2 VHF radios at 760 frequencies on the ground, ear phones are cut off, plane down.
Killed the passengers by taking the plane back up the altitude. Depressurize the Cabin, shutting off the air that comes through the air conditioning packs, and open the air outflow value, the passengers would be dead in one minute. Unlimited oxygen in the cockpit.
Explained why MH370 went up 40,000 feet it had trouble were depressurizing the cabin to kill the passengers on board.
Distance from Boston to Los Angeles over 2400 miles. 2400 miles away are the Azores at the Loggie’s Airbase by the CIA for covert operations. Landed to refuel in Azores, Destination was Israel. Planes had to land back at original takeoff. Loggie’s Airbase is Official Diversion.

Cheney allowed an civilian aircraft that needed to be refueled to come in.
Pathway from Azores was through Africa only. Was the pathway for the first three aircrafts.
Flight 93 was shot down by Let’s Roll by Cheney to save the 9/11 scheme. Donald Green, passenger and licensed pilot. Flight Attendants have keys into the cockpit in case of emergency. If the passengers did get control of the cockpit and made a rough landing. Seceded landing, then the entire 9/11 would be revealed with Israeli’s at the cockpit. None of the illegal wars would’ve happened in the Middle East, AIPAC would lost a special relationship with United States as would Israel.
David Ray Griffin wrote 6 or 7 books on 9/11.

9/11 and Beyond the Rothschild Israeli obsession with Nuclear Weapons.
All for the Greater Israeli Project.
Every War is a Bankers War. Military Industrial Complex
All by Design, World's A Stage.

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