in no •  7 years ago 

Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim ....

Words that are familiar to our ears even the little children already know it. Starting from the road together, eat together, hold the handle, until finally something that is not desired (ZINA), Naudzubillah ....

Friends .... God forbids / forbids something because surely in it more harm than benefit, vice versa.

In QS. Al-Isra verse 32 is written that we are forbidden to approach adultery and to commit adultery. The dating is definitely adultery of the eye (see), adultery hand (typing words of gamalan / holding hands with non mahramnya), adultery of the heart, etc..
"But min we are dating syar'i kok, often take part in the study, ngaji together, etc .." "" Stop doing justification! The dating of syar'i is not there !! Instead of courting mending taarufan deh😊.

Religion has forbidden us! Less what else ?? Friend .. taste is not wrong, just placement is wrong.
"But my boyfriend sholeh kok, clever ngaji again". Try deh asked him, ngajinya already up QS. Al-Isra: 32 yet? Did you know the meaning of the verse yet?
"Remember ya ukhti, akhi !! Good man / woman (sholeh) engga will never want to invite / invite dating !! Because they know "good only for good" (Surah An-Nur verse 26)

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