RE: @nogalert

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in nogalert •  8 years ago 

Initial list of accounts:
@a00, @a1r, @a55, @abroad, @absolute, @abug, @acai, @acceptable, @accepted, @accurate, @active, @addicted-to-you, @adm1n, @admire, @admission, @adopt, @adorable, @adore, @advanced, @advantage, @advise, @affection, @agenda, @agility, @ahoy, @aide, @alliance, @alluring, @almighty, @alturist, @analyze, @a-ok, @apostle, @apparent, @appeal, @approval, @aragorn, @array, @arwen, @asleep, @assert, @astar, @astronaut, @ats, @attach, @attached, @augury, @await, @award, @awp, @b00, @b0b, @b0ss, @b0tn3t, @b0x, @b0y, @b1t, @b3rry, @backed, @backer, @bacteria, @baked, @ball, @ballista, @banhammer, @barrelroll, @barrier, @basket, @battery, @bb-8, @beam, @beams, @beetle, @beetles, @being, @bend, @beside, @besides, @better-half, @bey, @birthday, @bishop, @bittersweet, @bluff, @bold, @bolt, @boot, @bosom, @botman, @botnetwork, @bouncer, @bowl, @boyfriend, @breakfast, @bricked, @bride, @brilliant, @bromir, @brush, @brushing, @bubbles, @bugs-bunny, @bul, @bulbul, @butter, @buttercup, @c00l, @c0m, @c0p, @c0w, @c-3po, @cabin, @cabinet, @cable, @calculation, @captin, @captive, @caring, @carjack, @cas1n0, @cas1no, @casin0, @catbus, @catnip, @cave, @ce0, @cedar, @cellphone, @cement, @ch1na, @challanger, @channel, @chapters, @character, @charge, @charming, @chateau, @cheek, @cheer, @chemical, @chest, @children, @chips, @chivalry, @civilian, @civilization, @civilized, @clarion, @classy, @clean, @clementine, @clever, @cleverbot, @cloak, @cloth, @clues, @coast, @coaster, @cognitive, @cold, @colonial, @colony, @comfort, @command, @command-center, @commander, @commands, @comment, @competitive, @compound, @concert, @confusion, @consumer, @container, @continued, @control, @cooks, @co-op, @copy, @corrupt, @cosmonaut, @couch, @counseling, @counter, @cover, @creature, @creatures, @crib, @crit, @critic, @crucial, @crystal-ball, @ctrl, @cud, @cuddle, @d00, @d0g, @d0n, @d0s, @d0t, @d1e,, @damage, @dau, @dear, @dearest, @deed, @deeply, @defeat, @defence, @defend, @defendant, @delay, @delight, @deliver, @delivery, @deputy, @desert, @deserve, @desperate, @detailed, @detect, @devoted, @dew, @dexters, @dimension, @dirt, @dirtless, @diviner, @division, @dominate, @donor, @doubledecker, @dragonborn, @drama, @dramatic, @dreaming, @drift, @driven, @druid, @dual, @ducky, @dunk, @dust, @dwarf, @dye, @dynamite, @e00, @e12, @e21, @e23, @e24, @e28, @e30, @e32, @e34, @e36, @e38, @e39, @e46, @e60, @e61, @e70, @e91, @eager, @ed-209, @educate, @efficient, @eg0, @elderly, @elected, @elventroll, @elves, @embrace, @emotion, @emotions, @employer, @enchanter, @endless, @enhance, @enjoy, @enjoyment, @entrance, @entry, @equally, @esh, @essential, @estonia, @ethical, @evilbot, @exact, @exceed, @excellent, @excited, @exciting, @exhibit, @exist, @existance, @existing, @expect, @extension, @extra, @exy, @f00, @f01, @f02, @f03, @f0x, @f10, @f11, @f12, @f13, @f15, @f16, @f1n, @f1sh, @f20, @f21, @f22, @f23, @f25, @f30, @f31, @f32, @f34, @f35, @f3w, @f45, @f46, @factor, @factory, @fairness, @familiar, @fandom, @favor, @fearless, @feast, @feds, @feeling, @fellow, @fewer, @fifth, @figure, @figwit, @find, @fingers, @firm, @first-class, @fitting, @flaming, @flat, @flavor, @flee, @floater, @flood, @floppy, @flour, @flurry, @fold, @followup, @follow-up, @fond, @fondness, @force, @formal, @fort, @fortitude, @fortunate, @fortuneteller, @found, @fountain, @freshman, @friendship, @from, @frozen, @fuel, @fundamental, @furthermore, @g00d, @g00gl3, @g00gle, @g0d, @g3t, @gad, @gain, @gal, @gam3, @garlic, @gautama, @gaze, @gears,, @genetic, @gentle, @gently, @geohot, @ghostbusters, @gifted, @gimli, @glorious, @glove, @glue, @goblin, @goodfellas, @good-looking, @goodyear, @graceful, @grain, @grandfather, @grandmaster, @grave, @great, @greatest, @greet, @grip, @gromit, @groom, @groot, @ground, @growl, @guarantee, @guideline, @gull, @gunman, @gunshot, @h0dl, @h0t, @h1gh, @h1p, @h3art, @h8d, @habit, @habitat, @hacked, @hangover, @harbor, @harmless, @hat, @hate, @haunted, @have, @haw, @hazard, @headline, @hearted, @hearts, @helm, @helpful, @helping, @herald, @here, @heroic, @h-i, @hic, @hid, @hideout, @highlight, @highway, @hint, @historian, @hitman, @hobbit, @hod, @hole, @holy, @homie, @honestly, @honeymoon, @honor, @honored, @hony, @hood, @horn, @horns, @hose, @hoster, @hot-dog, @hour, @h-p, @h-q, @hum, @hurry, @hypnotist, @i-1, @icon, @ideal, @i-heart-you, @ilive, @i-m, @imply, @impressive, @inch, @include, @increase, @increased, @increasing, @incredible, @indication, @inflation, @ingredient, @inn, @inner, @innocent, @inquiry, @insane, @inspector, @integrate, @intellect, @intense, @intern, @into, @inverted, @invoker, @involved, @irk, @iroc-z, @irresistible, @ish, @j0y, @j3t, @j3w, @jail, @jeans, @jig, @jog, @join-the-botnet, @join-the-botnet , @journal, @joyful, @jug, @juggle, @junkie, @k1ng, @k3y, @k-9, @karthus, @keen, @keep, @keg, @keygen, @killer, @kiw, @knife, @knock, @l00t, @l0l, @l0v3, @l0ve, @l0w, @l1fe, @l1t, @laboratory, @lack, @lah, @lake, @lakes, @land, @landing, @lara.croft, @later, @latvia, @lav, @lawn, @lawsuit, @layer, @leather, @left, @leg, @legitimate, @legolas, @lemongrass, @lens, @lesser, @leu, @level, @levels, @ley, @lightly, @lineman, @littlemy, @little-my, @living, @loaded, @loading, @lob, @lodge, @lovebot, @loved, @love-ya, @love-you, @lovin, @lul, @lulzsec, @lungs, @lure, @lurker, @lye, @m00, @m00n, @m0d, @m0m, @m1x, @m3n, @machine, @magical, @magician, @magics, @magnetic, @mansion, @marker, @masked, @masses, @mastery, @maybe, @mayor, @mayor.west, @mean, @measure, @medic, @medication, @medium, @megabook, @megaton, @meh, @melodic, @melt, @member-berries, @merch, @meter, @mice, @mild, @milky, @milkyway, @millie, @mined, @mines, @minions, @minute, @missle, @mixture, @mm-hmm, @mockingbird, @modem, @modify, @mon, @moominmamma, @moominpappa, @moomintroll, @mop, @moral, @motive, @motor, @motto, @mount, @move, @mow, @m-tech, @muffins, @mug, @mutual, @m-y, @myth, @n3t, @n3w, @narrative, @naturally, @nay, @necromancer, @need, @nerves, @neu, @neutral, @nid, @nightcrawler, @noise, @nomination, @nominee, @nonetheless, @normally, @northwest, @nothing, @nuke, @oar, @oat, @obi-wan, @obtain, @occupation, @offline, @oft, @often, @ohm, @oioi, @old-man, @olf, @omy, @once, @onions, @oo7, @opt, @optimus, @oregano, @organ, @oscar.the.grouch, @oval, @oven, @over, @overcharge, @overlook, @p00, @p0p, @p0t, @p1e,, @pack, @pad, @paint, @paired, @pale, @palms, @pants, @parent, @parking, @particle, @particular, @passenger, @passionate, @patched, @patient, @paused, @paw, @p-c, @peak, @pec, @penman, @peppermint, @pes, @pesant, @pew, @phase, @pickle, @picture, @piety, @pikacu, @pill, @pippi, @pirates, @place, @plate, @playing, @playoff, @plenty, @plot, @plural, @ply, @poet-tree, @pokerface, @pole, @polished, @politeness, @pomegranate, @ponds, @poor, @porky, @port, @pose, @poses, @position, @pr1ze, @prayers, @prefer, @prescription, @pretend, @pride, @priest, @prison, @process, @processor, @productive, @program, @projectile, @promise, @proof, @propeller, @proper, @prospect, @protection, @protein, @proud, @prove, @province, @psyche, @pta, @publisher, @pud, @puke, @pull, @pulley, @pun, @puppet, @purchase, @purifying, @push, @puzzling, @qu3st, @qua, @quack, @qualify, @quarterback, @quest, @quietly, @quit, @r2-d2, @r3d, @rag, @railgun, @railway, @raimo, @ranks, @rares, @ratio, @rayman, @reach, @reader, @ready, @really, @receiver, @redemption, @ref, @reflection, @refuge, @registered, @relate, @related, @relative, @relaxed, @release, @reliable, @relic, @remark, @remote, @rep, @replica, @repute, @request, @reservation, @restore, @restriction, @results, @retire, @rid, @ride, @rifle, @rigour, @risk, @rituals, @riven, @robin.hood, @robotic, @rolemodel, @romantic, @roof, @rookie, @room, @rooster, @roses-are-red, @rot, @rough, @round, @router, @routine, @rue, @ruler, @rumcake, @rumor, @russ1a, @rye, @s0n, @s0s, @s0ur, @s1x, @s33, @s3a, @s3x, @sac, @same, @sand, @satellite, @satisfaction, @satisfying, @scan, @scheme, @scholar, @scream, @scrub, @se0, @seaman, @sector, @secure, @seize, @senator, @senpai, @sensitive, @sequence, @serve, @service, @severe, @shadowline, @shall, @shampoo, @shapes, @sharper, @shed, @shelf, @shelter, @shiny, @ship, @shitsngiggles, @shock, @shore, @shots, @shout, @show, @shower, @shrine, @shuttle, @sidewalk, @similarity, @singer, @singular, @sink, @sir.isaac.newton, @size, @skim, @skin, @slalom, @sleet, @slight, @slips, @slope, @smell, @smoochie, @snap, @snare, @snickers, @sniff, @snork, @snorlax, @snowfall, @snufkin, @soak, @soaked, @so-called, @soh, @soil, @solid, @solve, @some, @soon, @sorcerer, @soulmate, @soup, @sour, @sow, @spaceship, @speak, @speaker, @spearmint, @specialist, @speculate, @speculation, @speedy, @spill, @spirited, @splendid, @split, @spokesman, @sponge, @spoon, @spot, @sprite, @squat, @squeeze, @ssd, @stable, @starfire, @star-lord, @statue, @steemwinner, @steemwinners, @stick, @sto, @stork, @straight, @strain, @string, @stroke, @strong, @stronghold, @stunt, @succeed, @such, @sugar-is-sweet, @suggestion, @suit, @sunglasses, @superior, @sure, @surgeon, @surprising, @survivor, @suspect, @sustain, @svo, @swain, @swans, @sweep, @sweetheart, @swell, @switch, @sylvester, @sympathy, @t0d, @t0p, @t0y, @t1p, @t3n, @t-800, @taa, @tablespoon, @tactics, @take, @tale, @talent, @talented, @tanel, @taste, @taxpayer, @teaspoon, @teenager, @telescope, @temple, @tender, @tent, @textbook, @that, @the.godfather, @theft, @theme, @then, @there, @thief, @those, @thumbs, @ticker, @tidy, @tied, @tik-tok, @tilt, @tincan, @tinman, @tint, @tire, @tired, @tissue, @tog, @tomato, @tongue, @tops, @toss, @toucan, @tourist, @tow, @towlie, @tox, @tr0ll, @trick, @trojan, @truths, @t-shirt, @tsirkus, @tune, @tunnel, @tup, @turbine, @turf, @tw0, @twin, @twinkles, @twins, @twist, @type, @ubgs, @understand, @uniform, @unit, @unite, @unlimited, @unselfish, @uphold, @upper, @urge, @urges, @useful, @uz1, @v0ice, @v1p, @vague, @valiant, @valley, @valuable, @vary, @vau, @vcr, @vehicle, @vendetta, @ventilator, @venture, @veteran, @vikings, @violets-are-blue, @virtue, @virtues, @virtuoso, @viruoso, @virus, @visible, @visual, @vital, @vitamin, @volatile, @v-s, @vum, @w0w, @w1n, @w1se, @w1zard, @w3t, @wag, @wage, @waiter, @waiting, @waitress, @wake, @walk, @wall-e, @want, @warhead, @warm, @warming, @warn, @waw, @week, @weev, @well-kept, @wem, @wey, @wheat, @wheel, @wheels, @whether, @whine, @whisper, @whistle, @whiz, @wholesome, @wid, @widespread, @wig, @windmill, @wingman, @winners, @winning, @wipe, @wise, @wise-man, @wisest, @wishes, @wohoo, @wok, @wonderer, @wooden, @woodpecker, @wordshop, @work, @worm, @worms, @worship, @worthwhile, @worthy, @would, @wound, @wrap, @wub, @x0x, @x0x0, @xmas, @y0da, @yam, @yay, @yew, @yip, @yob, @youre-amazing, @youre-awesome, @z00, @zag, @zezima

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This post received a 3.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @nogalert! For more information, click here!

These are all nogano's accounts? How did he arrive all of these?

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Holy shit.


That is allot of passwords to remember/write I'm happy with just one account lol

someone has been busy.

No wonder I couldnt get my username when joining.

@playfulfoodie and @sherlockholmes check this out lol
