A Spate of Mysterious Deaths in Sweden of Independent Journalists gives Rise to Suspicion of Murder by the Swedish Secret Service known as Sopa !

in nomorefakenews •  6 years ago  (edited)

October 1, 1989
National Police Board's Department of Security
Headquarters Bolstomtavägen 2, Solna, Sweden
59°21′09.5″N 18°00′38.3″E
Employees Approximately 1,100 (2014)[1]
Annual budget SEK 1.142 billion (2015)[2]
Minister responsible Morgan Johansson, Minister for Justice

Sweden a once, beautiful peaceful Nordique country of Tolerance and Emancipation has since become a Totalitarian Social Marxist nightmare 1 Where the Government has opened its doors to anyone who could beg borrow or steal to get there ! Now the once peaceful quiet country is anything but that , with rape crimes now off the charts making it quite simply the rape capital of the world ! Police stations being bombed by totally out of control migrant gangs ! With recently even IED,S in the form of trafficked miltary grenades being left in parks for passers by to pick up, to be blown to Kingdom come as a consequence !

Clearly this Multicultrural dream of the Left has gone bad and now the population of Sweden is afraid to leave their homes at night for fear of falling upon these bad sorts roaming the landscape looking for their next victim of abuse and terror ! The media there as ever is totally controlled and reports nothing on this and if they do they alwasys omit the fact the fact that these crimes are almost all 100 percent committed by this said new population of forcibly injected cultural enrichment !

There are a few independent journalists that have stuck their necks on the line by openly reporting these develpoments but now it seems they are beginning to pay the price for their defiance and desire to tell the Truth ! With four of them dying recently, all from sudden heart attacks " even though they were infact young and seemingly in good physical shape !

The most notable being a young man named Bechir Rabani who is born from his parents who came from Palestine 30 years ago, Being born and raised a Swedish national ! He has been very outspoken about the recent developments and was a " death or Glory " style reporter who did not curb his words or plsy the polite game with government offficials that he estimated have played a significant role in the destruction of Peace and Propserity in his Country of Sweden !

So as I said at the age of just 33 and in the prime of Life he dropped down dead of a heart attack ! There are some that are now suggesting that he was like his 3 other collegues of Truth sillenced for his rebellious nature and lack of fear of going aginst the grain in the narrative being so closely controlled by the secret " anti terrorist " service of Sweden called SOPA !

In this post I am supplying you two films,the first is an interveiw with Bechir Rabani himslef where you will see his hardcore questioning and pressuring of the nefarious government offcicials who clealry are much to blame for the ensuing insanity now running the streets of Sweden ! The second film is an ex- CIA Whistelblower that explains the methods by which secret services may silence trouble makers with rather depicable and underhanded methods of poison and electomagnetic targeting of potential targets resulting in their untimely and un expliquable by post mortem, deaths !

One thing is for sure Sweden now has serious issues and its not silencing dissenting voices such as Bechir Rabani that will help the situation improve ! Infact its more than likely going to furhter exasperate the already dangerous state of affairs there now still furhter !

Tobias Lindberg & Bechir Rabani - Sweden: Minority Rule, Disintegration & Rising Resistance - Hour 1

Red Ice TV
Published on 16 Oct 2016

Tobias Lindberg is the creator of Informationskriget.se, a site dedicated to exposing globalism, corruption, and the dangers of multiculturalism. Bechir Rabani is a Syrian non-refugee living in Sweden, who opposes mass immigration and the anti-White agenda.

After a few necessary introductions, we dive into the subject of today’s show: Sweden. We begin with a reflection on the enormous changes this once-idyllic country has experienced. Bechir remarks that, although third world immigration to Sweden has been ongoing for decades, it has drastically increased within the past few years. He also reminds us that most of these supposed “refugees” are not, as the media would have us believe, Syrian, but instead men – not children – from other Middle Eastern countries. We then discuss the rape epidemic in Sweden, with Tobias pointing out that gang rape – a practice not uncommon in contemporary Sweden – was practically unheard of prior to the third world invasion. Moreover, it is virtually only non-Whites who engage in this disgusting, animalistic crime. The first hour also touches on the dynamics of assimilation, the victim mentality, and the need for the more reasonable immigrants in Sweden to speak out against Cultural Marxism.

The members’ hour begins with a consideration of the Swedish Democrats. Despite being preferable to other Swedish political parties, the Swedish Democrats are notorious for purging members who stray too far from the politically correct. Further disappointing is the fact that the Swedish Democrats focus on Islam, while consistently failing to condemn Jewish influence or Zionism. We then discuss the pathological altruism in Sweden, with Bechir noting that Swedes have become too nice to see the threat posed by non-White immigrants. Switching gears, we mull over our options: revolution or war, as most Swedes are likely to pretend everything is fine until the situation can no longer be ignored. On the subject of leadership, Bechir remains somewhat dubious, as he thinks most leaders can be bought, bribed, or intimidated; Henrik, on the other hand, remains hopeful for the appearance of a virtuous leader. The members’ hour concludes with a discussion on the importance unity and retaining the moral high ground.

Was Swedish journalist Bechir Rabani murdered ?

Ole Dammegard
Published on 18 Dec 2017

Was Swedish journalist Bechir Rabani murdered, just hours before a planned major exposure of media giant Robert Aschberg? Author and researcher Ole Dammegard interviews former Black Op-independent contractor Cody Snodgres, involved in many secret assignments during his career, including assassinations, about how a possible heart attack could have been done by a hit team and what to look for at the autopsy. Our deep felt sympathy goes out to his family and friends. May his death not be in vain. (from the latest Light On Conspiracies-Webinar, the recording is available here https://www.lightonconspiracies.com/a... .

After 22 years of silence, Ole Dammegard’s friend and former independent Black Ops Contractor Cody Snodgres, recently decided to step forward as a whistleblower. In 1994 he was offered 1 000 000 USD by the CIA to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. When he turned it down, he went from being an asset to a liability and the agency then tried to kill him on several occasions. Now he is devoting his life to get the real truth out there.


Your thoughts and reactions to my post, as ever much appreciated in the comment section below !



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It’s dreadful to see the demise of Sweden.
Political correctness has done a real number on that formerly proud nation. The authorities are covering up horrific crimes being perpetrated by immigrants and no-go areas are common place now in many cities.
This should serve as a warning to other countries in the eurozone and indeed the rest of the world, if you let your guard down a country can be culturally and morally destroyed in short time.
Free speech is dead I’m not surprised those who wish to report it are dying too.

Yes @tremedospercy, more of the same eh ?? This will not end well surely ? There will be elections in Sweden in September, we can only hope that this insanity might just bring people genrally now to their senses and that they vote out these lunatic leftists and that this policy of self destruction can be somehow reversed ?? There have been in the last few months four independent journalists all dying from heart attacks ! Talk about flagrant !! thanks for the great comment as ever and your constant suportto my posts brother )

I think we can all see what is going on and the Agenda at hand - ALL across Europe.... It is being turned into a Cess-pit. Immigrants are bringing their problems and their backward methodology. People are too afraid to speak out.... Respect for the land is being lost and the people responsible are living in Dream-land.
As for SOPA responsible for those deaths? We will probably never know, but it wouldn't surprise me....
Nothing has changed so far, therefore the people are probably willing to accept the situation...

Sure @preppervetuk, alot of us see the players and their agenda 1 But how can they just all sit by and watch their own countries go down the drain and with such speed and severity ! Its so beyond me now ! White people are now the hunted in their own lands, by the people who have just arrived, the police that protect them and the secret services that dicatate the strategy being given to them from the dark hand of deep-state government and the secret destroyers of peace and prosperity in the West 1 Its truly disgusting and hard to put into words, but I am determined to try, ! At what cost I dont know or care to be honest !

My two cents says there's definitely a connection. What's more troubling however is that there's more effort to silence alarmed victims than to address the issues. Sweden, like much of Europe, looks doomed to a cultural death... and we owe it all to our very own 'tolerant' leftists

yes they seemingly dont care about the victims of the rapes or otherwise, but they seem more concerned in hiding the bad players identities before people really catch on to how bad this really is ! Today in Sweden you can go to jail for critiscising the "migrants behaviour ", like a 78 year old lady who found herself on the wrong side of the law there for just this " offence ", of voicing her valid concerns as a citezen ! Whereas the perpertrators of these crimes merely need to cry and say they are tormented and are feekling bad and they get off scott free to restart their criminality on some other poor soul on the way home in a dark street ! Yes as you say @empress-enemmy, we know who to hold responsible for this irresponcible if not damn right evil political agenda ! May they rot in a jail and later Hell for their crimes !

Hey my friend, great post .. they know exactly what they are doing! They will keep pushing the white majority until they get their civil war and then they will come into mop up the pieces. They seek no less than the destruction of the nation state, but because they've tied globalism to migration the people that would normally speak out about it are the ones cheering it on. Be they from Syria or Africa, the globalist cares not for the migrant .. they are simply a means to an end. Wake up people! Thanks again @gomeravibz

Sure they are pushing for a Civil war in Europe, this was clear from the very beginning of this enforced immigration agenda 1 But as I see it, this civil war will not happen, because their agenda is just so now exposed and in full veiw that it can do but one thing, namlely implode ! I see a huge awakening happening and the silent majority has found its vote and I do see this disgusting leftist neo liberal totalitarian state collapsing into nothing ! We see now the end of this Golbal world and the rise of the independent soverreign nations ! A good thing to, I am sure you agree @perceptualflaws ! )

The killing of journalists is not new in my country. At one point someone even branded it as the deadliest place for journalist. I thought that this act does not happen a lot in other countries but I am wrong. It's such a sad news. These are troubling and trying times.

Where are you living @leeart ?? yes these are dark days we are living, either we all stand up now or die ! a choice !