As I watch the pathetic presstitutes in the mainstream media on both sides of the Atlantic continue their propaganda campaign against Donald Trump it occurred to me.....
Dont get me wrong, I don't watch network news very often and I certainly don't watch it for the news. It's for comic relief. Listening to the talking heads is hilarious, most of them don't have the first clue how moronic they sound as they trot out their given narrative.
This morning I tuned into the 'News' and listened to a complete asshat going on about 'The Donald' being a racist because of the alleged 'Shitholes' quote. These idiots parading as purveyors of truth are desperately grabbing onto anything now to denegrated the man. They followed this up by blaming all manner of economic issues in Britain on Brexit! Sighs.

Anyone who wants to rule over others more than likely has sociapathic or psycopathic tendencies, in the past we had statesmen, not any more! When was the last time we saw a real statesman or woman running for office, anywhere?
Shitholegate as it will no doubt become known is just the latest in a litany of non-stories being debated by bought and paid for shills parading as legitimate journalists, clogging up the airways and getting the retarded SJW's all wound up into a frenzy of renewed 'Trump Hate'.
I'm not going to get too deep into the reasons why the MSM are going after Trump other than to say that they are being instructed to by their owners almost ALL of which backed Hillary Clinton either with donations or by slaughtering Trump on their networks. I'd rather focus on how we as individuals can try to affect some change.
Below is a fantastic infographic by FrugalDad.com illustrating just how ridiculously easy it has become to control the media, you just get 6 Oligarchs and you buy it all! Remember this was created over 5 years ago so it's only got worse since then. Take a look around the Internet, you can find similar situations in Britain, Australia and other countries.

As individuals we can refuse to partake. Just stop watching, simple right? These networks rely on massive amounts of advertising revenue to survive, advertisements aimed at YOU! They also rely on license revenue, money that comes from YOU! I believe that if people just stopped tuning in to these news networks the advertisers would take their money elsewhere and that would leave the networks with 2 choices...
1. Go out of business.
2. Give people what they want, real news.

It may sound like a naive idea but we've got to try something, without a proper journalistic base holding the government and other large entities to account you end up with oligarchical fascism. Forget the racist aspect many people think of when they here the word fascism, I'm talking about the merger of corporations and the state, geez folks were a long way towards it already and without real investigative journalism there is no stopping it.
Come on folks, lets force them to change or go broke trying to feed us bullshit!
As Steemians, especially those who already write truth posts I propose a new tag #nomorefakenews I know it's not exactly earth shattering but I believe that in the coming years Steemit will be MASSIVE! New adopters may well be different to the earliest adopters here who were from the Crypto, Anarchocapatalist and voluntaryism camps. These people may well be jumping ship from Fakebook and the other social media platforms and looking for real news. Let's make it easy for them to find.
Every relevant post I write from this moment forward will contain the tag #nomorefakenews hopefully if it takes off it will be easy for old and new adopters alike to seek out real news from those of us who care about the truth.
Thats it, not exactly the most complex plan ever devised but the simpler a plan the easier to execute. It may fail miserably and I'm ok with that, it's better to try and fail than to sit back and do nothing. I'm just one man and on my own nothing I do would ever make any difference but together we CAN make a change

Great idea my friend, simple but effective! I'm absolutely sick and tired of these MSM knob jockeys (whoops triple micro-aggression alert) trying to define the boundaries of the public's perceptual reality! Who are these idiots to tell me which words are racist or sexist? They insult my intelligence with every word that spews from their garbage filled mouths. This is the language of Shakespeare and yet they try to define which words I can use or which prenouns I can articulate? To me MSM (both print & televised) are akin to a disease, a disease that's infecting the minds of the masses! Good on you for trying to find a cure @tremendospecy and thank you for the shout out! I really appreciate it.
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Haha, you sound exactly like me this morning as I ranted at the TV as a halfwit presenter interviewed an equally moronic 'social commentator' What the fuck does that even mean!? about Trumps latest 'outrage'. I swear if I hadn't just bought it I would have put my foot through the screen 😂
Then the same pair of deluded cretins then went on to blame Brexit for everything from the Carillion debacle to the inflation figures. MORONS!
It's a disgrace, we need to do everything we can to change the narrative at least here at Steemit.
Cheers for the passionate comment my friend.
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Haha yes my friend I think I wrote this after watching the news so the opinion was fresh and unfiltered lol I have never been able to understand why newsreaders are so elevated? Repeating robots I call them ;) Again great idea my friend!
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Yes, they're not reporters they're repeaters!
I agree, why are they put on a pedestal when they're just reading a script crafted for them by their corporate masters?
It's a sham.
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#nomorefakenews is a good tag. I hope to see lots of real news on steemit under this tag. @ironshield
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Cheers dude, it won't take long to get a good thread of real news together.
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I like this new tag, I really hope it can gain traction without turning into anarchy and conspiracy theories.
Real honest factual news with real sources and no agenda would be well received i think.
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Cheers Gohba.
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I like it. Simple and straightforward tag. I'll be using it in my next truther post.
Thanks for the mention brotha!
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Thanks mate, you're welcome.
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Used to think I was the only one who feels this way. Good to find many likeminded persons here, let’s find a way
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There are many of us here mate. I'm pretty sure there are many more, hopefully they'll find their way here.
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😂😂😂 Nice.
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I agree 100%. Since when has allegedly calling a country a shithole been considered racist? Can one be racist against a land mass? I didn't think you could, but then I have been wrong before.
Don't buy into this crap. They are sabotaging language to suit their political agendas.
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I agree, a shithole is a shithole, if you wouldn't want to live there or go for holidays - it's a shithole and nothing to do with race.
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Haha, no argument here mate. Doesn't make you racist if you don't want to go there though.
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Agree :)
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I think Melbournes a Shithole, does that make me racist against..... hang on what race is Melbourne?
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#multiculturalism bro, get with the times.
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So I'm racist towards multiculturalism. Thats gotta be the most racist of them all. :)
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Racist - level over 9000
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Your racist..... Us Melbournians are a breed of our own and the rest of you just can't handle the fact that Melbourne keeps being listed as The Worlds Most Livable City!
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It's complete bollocks mate. With so many real stories not getting investigated and reported its so annoying to see the constant shite that's being peddled by the news networks.
Cheers Muxxy.
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Very insightful, and the tag is wonderful definitely going to be using it
I am really really tried of those junks reason why I find it difficult most times to watch or even listen to them
Very educative tanks bro
@sirknight is a great motivation to everyone
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You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!
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Thank you.
@sirknight is indeed an inspiration and a great friend of mine we joined Steemit the same week.
I think many, many people are sick and tired of being lied to, it's time to turn off the MSM.
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Yes definitely time to off the MSM
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Just posted my first #nomorefakenews post here:
Is Youtube Shadow-banning the White House?
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Awesome mate, you're already number two on the trending list behind this post.
There are only two of us though 😂😂😂
I'll go read it bro.
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I'll definitely be using this tag! Thanks @tremendospercy for thinking of solutions, this is what we need more of. We all know how shit things are, so instead of talking about that, let's talk about solutions. #nomorefakenews
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Thanks babe, I knew you'd jump on board. Your posts regarding the atrocities perpetrated by Israel are both brave and informative, we need more of that.
You're awesome Lyndsay, I'll never forget the unbelievable support you, V, SirKnight and PF have given me in the last 7 months. ❤️
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I'm happy I met you and that we're friends :) Of course I'm on board, and I'll always support you!
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Likewise babe 😉
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There is just one thing we can be sure about today @tremedospercy ! That is we are being lied to ( We need to get more angry and really start fighting this with whatever we have within us all !!
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Agreed buddy. It may take time but unless we try we're as bad as the cognitively dissonant sheeple.
Thanks mate.
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Can I put in a follow up tag suggestion:
"NO BULL S....."
or #nbsn
"No BS News"
Just thinking constructively as to how to make the tag as simple as possible yet just as effective and if/or when the idea takes off with possible radio shows etc etc etc..... NBSN is so much more catchy and easy for people to remember.
Don't kill me for thinking out aloud here.
PS. As you can read out of my comment here, I see it as a real deal possibility!
Count me in!
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Hey Mate, there are no bad ideas when it comes to combating the bullshit.
I like #nmfn as a shortened version of #nomorefakenews
As long as people know where to look and new adopters and people recently awakened learn from those of us who've were red pilled a long time ago I'm happy.
Cheers Jack.
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Use the propaganda machine against the propaganda machine.
Are people brainwashed into expecting any "News" source to have an acronym that ends in "N"
Well, then, here it is "NFN"
Simple as that.
of NMFN or any other combination that works with the "......N"
as long as it feeds the subconscious needs that the TV in our living rooms has planted there!
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Together we can make a change, standing together we are impenetrable!
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I agree, the trick is to get everyone on board.
It's about time humanity stood up for itself, it only takes a small % to affect a change.
Thanks for checking in babe. 😉
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This makes me think of William Wallace... His band of 300 defeated an army of ten thousand trained soldiers. Because Wallace and the Scots were fighting for freedom from their heart, and the army was only fighting because their boss told them to...
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I think your mixing it up with the 300 Spartans that took on the Persians at the battle of Thermopylae.
Wallace had 7-8000 untrained men against roughly 10-18000 trained English soldiers at the battle of Sterling Bridge, but your premise is correct. The revolutionary war was won in the US with about 2-3% backing from the people so you're correct about people fighting for freedom being a force to be reckoned with. ❤️
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Ha! Yes, you are correct :) I have not slept in two days from stress so all my realities are melting into one another ;) Lol
When you do something from the heart, be it a battle or a blog post, it outshines the rest.
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True story babe, please get some rest.
Steemit needs you healthy babe, your'e a great asset ❤️
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It's not from lack of trying ;) I am finished for the evening, so I hope I can lie down and sleep will find me, caressing me into the soft lull of dreamland... <3
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I am so happy to read this. I do not watch any television or have cable. I left my ex husband in 1999 and his tv addiction which I hated.
I learned in journalism class in college shortly after this information that you shared, at least in part. Because people put their own spin on news, it's no longer news, it becomes opinion.
I have a Fakebook only to see my grandkids photos & share my articles there from Steemit (Why not profit?)
I'm super happy about this article and I hope it actually does something how to make a positive change. It does matter if one person opens their mouth and speaks out.
Excellent article, as usual!
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Thanks Janelle. I'm glad the article resonated with you. ❤️
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Very much so <3
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Great post - the zionist scum media need to be publicly shredded - I'll start using the #nomorefakenews tag
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They certainly do mate, that's one of the narratives the press are trying to control. If you hate Zionism you're anti-Semitic. What a crock! They're not mutually exclusive, many neocon Zionist aren't Jewish and most Jewish people aren't Zionist as I'm sure you're aware.
Thanks mate, hopefully we can change some peoples thinking and get real news out on the blockchain where they can't edit or delete it.
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I haven't watched tell-a-vision for 6 years and it is one of the better choices that I've made. When I occasionally catch a glimpse of it e.g. when visiting someone I used to get upset at the lies I was hearing. Nowadays I don't get upset,. I just get a little sad when I think of all of the people in the world that sadly believe what they are seeing on tell-a-vision to be true.
Good post as always my friend, well done!
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Thanks mate, kudos to you for switching off.
I don't tune into to the corporate news that often, it's something I do to see how the networks are trying to control certain narratives. Trump and Brexit are non stop here, as far as the British networks are concerned they are to blame for everything. It's so pathetic.
Thanks @steemtruth
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Liked, Followed, Resteemed, AND will be tagging my own posts nomorefakenews. These are the seeds that need to be spread when starting a grassroots movement. Thanks for this!
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Thank you for reading, commenting, resteeming and getting involved.
Hopefully we can do our part, at least here at Steemit.
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Superb post, though the quote "I'm talking about the merger of corporations and the state" happened a long time ago, hence bailouts for the too big to fail all the time, with tax payers money, have you never thought why BANKS do not bail out other banks? or why government print money then want it back in the form of TAX? and why do government have to pay low paid corporate workers a subsidy to survive in countries like the UK when the same corporations they work for are given tax breaks to the point that Google and Apple combined pay less tax in the UK than the average single factory worker does per year, you see, that merger my friend happened a very long time ago.
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Thanks mate,
Like you I'm well aware that it's not a new thing. I was trying to get to the point that the media are now being fully weaponised without any subtlety to ensure that doesn't change hence the attacks on anything that will threaten the paradigm. Trump, Brexit etc.
None of the points you make are news to me, I've been awake for a long time, check out my earlier posts. But there are many folks here still in the dark and reading our interactions can help wake more folks up.
Cheers for reading and commenting buddy.
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My bad if you thought I did not think you were awake, I can see you totally are, and I am happy you are spreading the word, I went blue in the face trying to wake people up in the UK, so I left and came to Poland, luckily here they are very clued up, not only will I check your other posts, I instantly added you to my follow list, and everyone else you gave a mention to in the post, now I need to clear out some of the not so good I am following, and sort my news feed out to what I want to see, very nice to meet you, and looking forward to reading back, and future posts.
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I only found you due to following perceptualflaws and seeing a mention to you on his post and found perceptual from a v4vapid post..
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PF and I are great friends we joined within a few weeks of each other. V is also a great friend and supporter. As I said in the post there are many here at Steemit looking to disseminate the truth, it's great to have you on board @deliberator
It can be frustrating trying to wake people up and having travelled the world for many years I understand that outside of the western paradigm people are far more award of the lies being fed through the media.
Are you on discord?
If not you should join us, there is a link in the post, we have a great truth thread there with many like minded Steemians who will no doubt support your work and who's work you can access easily.
Hopefully see your there mate.
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Yes I joined the discord network, I had no idea you had a dedicated truth channel though, now I know, I feel like I just threw 4 weeks down the toilet, not finding out when I joined the site, I will 100% be looking to discord tomorrow, with pleasure :-)
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Don't worry about it dude, your time hasn't been wasted if you've been networking. It didn't even exist when I joined Steemit but we've got a great group in there now.
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If you have time check my post from a few days ago, I am on the bottom of the pond, so my work goes mainly unnoticed, and my style is still not defined or up to scratch, the message is there though, I just need to get up to speed with inserting giphs and vectors .
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Nice piece ! and thanks for the shoutout. I've just edited my latest post (thanks for taking the time to read and comment) and added the #nomorefakenews tag and will try to remember to add it to my future truth posts (please remind me if I forget).
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You're welcome mate, you do good work here.
Nice one adding the tag, it shouldn't take too long to get a good stream of 'real news' for those of us who care about the truth.
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I don't watch TV anymore.
I stopped scrolling my facebook feed.
I don't visit news pages on the internet.
Thank you Steemit! You've changed my habits!
Thanks for sharing your view!
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I do all that except that I think it is important to understand current events so you can engage in a normal conversation with sheeples who are not awake so that you can appear NORMAL and ignorant like them to fit into society.
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I'm totaly for this new category.
I stoped watching mainstream media like a year ago becouse i believe they are insult to our inteligence. Keep it up bro
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Thanks buddy.
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Fake news have become rampant now on the internet and network news nowadays. It's a pity because it causes deformation of chatacter.
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True.. television invented not because they going to telecast news and movies the reason behind was big corporate wants to promote their product and brainwash mass amount of people .. thank you for making awareness in the society ..
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@tremendospercy your work is well you are very intellengt writer i hope your success is very soon?? Thank you i support you everytime but i want to you support me alltime thanks for this post
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‘Fake news’ has rapidly become a catch-all term to discredit all kinds of stories. We need to be smarter at recognising and combating outright fabrication
ntil recently, there was news and “not news” – as denoted by comments of “that’s not news” below the line on more light-hearted stories or features. Now there is “fake news”, said to be behind the election of Donald Trump as US president and a recent incident involving a gunman at a Washington pizzeria.
The term has become widely used – too widely. But it’s understandable there’s confusion when some fake news is only a bit fake, or fake for an arguably legitimate reason (such as satire).
Can we still make a useful definition of fake news? And should we even be worried about it at all?
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It's more about the networks spinning stories for the benefit of there political puppets and not reporting stories that need airtime. I've seen seen a single report on the mainstream about Uranium one or the vast amount of paedo and sex trafficking arrests in the US. It's disgusting that they parade as news organisations when they are now full on propaganda outlets.
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Wow, i observed this also in the main stream media. Many of them just plot out narratives to justify their hate for Trump, and it just goes to show how biased and unobjective the media can be.
The #nomorefakenews is a tag everyone should adopt. Let's all collectively campaign against these biases portrayed by the MSM.
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Thanks dude.
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Personally, I stopped watching the news a few years ago. It just wasn't relevant.
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Good on ya, I check in now and again for comic relief. It's hard to watch.
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The election of 2016 has completely DESTROYED the credibility of the mainstream news. It has never been so clear. We now have to put the nails in the coffin.
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True story mate. Yes, let's bury the buggers.
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Tomorrow is #FAKE NEWS AWARDS day - #greatawakening
#FakeNewsAwards - Q anon
I will be using your tags you mentioned in your post @tremendospercy
This fake news needs to be exposed and delt with
peace @blackrussian
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Cheers buddy. Awards for fake news, that is hilarious. It'll be a tightly run contest all the networks are full of shit!
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Great information. I saw this on discord. I’m glad I checked it out. The #nomorefakenews is an excellent idea. I’ll use that trend for sure.
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Thanks mate, good on ya.
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That's why I get all my news from Phillip Defranco on youtube.
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Yeah he's cool, I like James Corbett too.
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Never heard if James need to check him out.
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He's one of the best truth journalists out there.
He's on Steemit @corbettreport
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The dumb masses believe everything their TV tells them.
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Most of the Facebook people are like that. If you tried to inform them of Fakestream media they de-friend you...........
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True story mate, let's see if we can change that.
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Been trying!
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There are so many people trying to bring down cryptocurrencies.
Let's hope they don't succeed in doing that.
I only have a few people out there on Internet that I actually trust.
There are so many frauds, liers.
It's good to have few sources that are honest about what they talk about.
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All of the Steemians I named at the end are great sources of real news. Hopefully we'll attract more.
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so agree!
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Thank you 😉
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A more pertinent question would be why ?? Why is the Media predominately reporting this negative ( and in many cases sensational) content aimed against the Right ? It's obvious it is happening. And it's obvious that mainstream media is biased to the Left. There is NO disputing that.
But how do people from the Right like Hannity and Gingrich keep touting how strong the Conservative party is, how the majority of Americans are Conservative , and overall how the Conservative Party is a force to be reckon with...but only muster up one or two mediums that penetrate mainstream media ..i.e. mainly Fox News. If the Conservative Movement was so powerful as they say and so prevalent in our World as they say then they would have their own Media that could counter the mainstream liberal media.
They would have 5 or 10 Fox News instead of just one.
I'm not saying it's right or wrong. Honestly, the leftist mainstream media just reporting on sensational news against the Right all the time is not the beacon of journalistic integrity.
I guess it is what it is.
But I'm just attempting to give you insight into why we have Media that slants to the Left. For better or worse It's because the Media is who we are as a Society . The fact is In US and the demographics of our Society are not like they were 50 years ago or even 20 years ago. It's not predominately white nationalism so prevalent during those times. It's middle eastern immigrants, blacks, hindus, muslims, latinos, mexicans, gays, transgender, whites, Europeans, satanists etc..etc..and everything in between.i
And a certain homogenous group wants to put off that change as long as they can and continue
living in 1950 America. They would rather stagnate than progress in this World. Trust me if this group had the power the left had in the Media they would be dominating and penetrating the mainstream news unapologetically with their own hard right ideology
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The fact that there are even sides is ascenine.
It's a construct to keep us constantly at odds with each other to make us easier to control, the media are being used by their corporate masters to promote the left as they are traditionally favour centralisation and are control freaks.
It's better for big business when your in bed with the governments you also own, ironically that is fascism the merger of corporations and the state according Mussolini, something that has always been reported to be a right wing political ethos, thus proving my point that it's ridiculous.
The left/right paradigm has been co-opted so no matter which one of the puppets that are put up for selection is picked nothing changes. It was supposed to be Bush/Clinton and Trump gate crashed their party, that's why they're after him, they didn't chose him the people did.
Personally I think he's a fool but as I stated in the post, I don't like any politicians but at least he's his own man
The media are supposed to be impartial, period!
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"The media are supposed to be impartial, period!"
In the history of Man ,they have NEVER been and NEVER will be. Trying to somehow convince others or your ownself that it needs to be that way may seem noble but it's just plain futile ! My response is "human nature"...nuff said !!
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I never said they ever had been I said they were supposed to be.
I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything I'm trying to get a thread of properly researched truth posts here that is easy for those who care about real news to find.
What are you doing about something you clearly think is wrong other than having a go at someone who is trying to affect change?
Fuck all looking at your blog. Posting YouTube videos of morons isn't going to make the world a better place is it!
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"Fuck all looking at your blog. Posting YouTube videos of morons isn't going to make the world a better place is it!"
Okaaaay, not sure where that came from but hey whatever makes you feel good lol
The fact is I wasn't trying to have a "go" at you or anyone else. Just expressing my opinions.
Too bad you have to go on the offense and personally try to denigrate someone else and their work here.
Plain and simple when someone resorts to that it usually means they come from a weak position.
It's exactly what we are seeing with this President... i.e don't like something you hear or something that contradicts your position then lower the bar and start hurling personal insults and uncalled for rhetoric.
The current Administration has made this permissible and you ( even though you are from Great Britain)are a prime example of the kind of things we are seeing now in the US !
I know I truly appreciate your Post and your points and views within it. And the amount of diligence and work you put in it is to be highly commended as I gave you an Upvote. Although I might not agree completely with them, they are very sound points and ideas you talk about !!
Actually, I agree with a large portion of them. And I. too , am a seeker of Truth so I can appreciate that.
The fact is Iam always open to hearing the other side and having constructive and critical debate.And I refuse to participate in this immature bantering of personal insults and going back and forth with that !! No thanks, I'll pass.But by all means, you can go ahead and have at it.
P.S. I truly hope your #nomorefakenews will be applied in a unbiased manner. Starting with the President of the US who is the purveyor of #fakenews and a pathological liar along with his cronies. And Iam neither a Dem or Republican. And cannot stand partisan politics. Btw, it's funny when I started watching CNN I begin to see that they do report on a lot of negative news related to Trump and the Conservatives. Much of it is sensational trivial news. But in the last few months I begin watching Fox News ( maybe in UK you don't watch that ??) . Let me tell you I have NEVER EVER seen such blatantly biased news and they do not even hide it. It's so much full of right wing, pro trump propaganda and hype and little facts..well it's hard to sit through. But I somehow manage lol. Like I said I try to look at all sides.
Bottom line : #nomorefakenews needs to be applied all the way around. Left, Right etc..
If Truth is where you are going and want to go, then I'm all in with you. Sometimes I might be fidgety with some contrarian views along the way but in the long run TRUTH always has to be prize we keep our eyes on.
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It appears we have have missed each other's point which is ok, differing opinions and healthy debate is good. I mistook you for one of the many trolls that pervade social media sites these days which is why I went on the offensive.
IMO the networks should be ignored as they're trying to control the thoughts their viewers by spinning non stories in tit for tat attacks on the opposing side they support, something they should never do. Report the facts on real stories and let the viewers form their own opinions, that's my issue. No impartiality and bullshit narratives created to distract from real and important stories.
I totally agree.
That's the attitude which will slowly make a change if we can get folks to adopt it. Write posts along those lines and you'll get traction here, a good following and maybe a few bucks into the bargain.
Peace dude.
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Yep, sounds good. Iam Following you now and look forward to seeing more posts from you in the future. I know for all people to a certain extent it can be damn hard to Follow the Truth because it can hurt so damn much. i.e religion, relationships, hard core family traditions and beliefs etc..etc.. But not being led by Truth and not trying to find it can hurt so much more.
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Yes yes yes and yes. This is something I'm very passionate about. The bias, propaganda and spin is leading people by the nose and polarising society to the point that they'll spend their time arguing on the created topic of the day, instead of uniting against an entire fake system. I shall be using the #nomorefakenews in my future posts as well. Thank you.
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That's brilliant @looksfarwoman
You're dead right too, they try to get the sheeple fighting over false memes like jangling a set of keys to distract an imbecile while the crimes of the elites are ignored.
Thanks for reading and getting involved.
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Well then, you need to start with the guy at the top. He is the King of Fake News. The Commander in Chief and a large portion of what is coming out of his mouth is continually #Fake News. That's what is incredulous to me. And the irony here.
This guy is holding the most powerful office in the World and he is a pathological liar and spreads fake news more than any person or news entity....COMBINED !!
Yet many people can only talk about the Fake News of the media. Sure there is ,but let's NOT forget the person in charge of being a role model and leader for not just the US but a Leader of the Free World.
And he has made it blatantly acceptable to spread lies and #fakenews to get what he and his Base wants.
It's pure insanity
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It's the same here in the UK, but not as blatant. It's the media's job to be a watchdog for lies and corruption, not it's mouthpiece. Unfortunately they're bought and paid for by the government and their cronies.
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Well as much as I think that shitholegate is a waste of time - not because it is unimportant but because no one gives a shit what Trump says anymore since "pussy grabbing" was given a free pass and set the bar for acceptable behaviour as well below the belt. That's just the way it is. If we could move past the name and ask why the "shitholes" are the way they are, and how we are rapidly moving toward shitholes status, that would be a more interesting discussion.
It's like the endless debate about whether Trump lies - he does, get over it, just accept it and move on, or if he is obese - he is, get over it, wouldn't be the first and won't be the last, or if he cheated on his wives and fucked hookers and other women - he did, get over it, wouldn't be the first president that did that (Kennedy, Clinton, who else?).
Maybe if you want no more fake news you should persuade the one need station Trump supporters do watch to play with that game and stop with the endless bullshit propaganda agreeing with whatever narrative comes out of the Whitehouse today even if it is 180 from the previous day.
But really, nomorefakenews isn't going to hurt the lamestream media, they weren't relying on your eyeballs and clicks anyway. That's why pretty much every media outlet Trump likes to call "failing" isn't actually failing, and for the most part are doing better than ever in recent Internet era times. And so is fox too. Which just goes to show most people couldn't give a damn about their content, they just want salacious rhetoric.
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another great way to hit them where it hurts is to consume pirated materials, use Dtube, and of course hopefully there will be a steemit like platform that provides alternatives to mainstream news and media.
the question then becomes how can a decentralized platform combat fake news being posted on it? (does it have to be fully decentralized?)
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Thanks for informing us! People really need to wake up!
I had a friend that tried to explain this to me about 15 years ago. I didn't think it was possible.
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I like watching https://naturalnews.com to stay away from mainstream media.
Mike Adam's knows his stuff.
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wall i really dont have so much to say so .. i would just say nice post thanks for posting
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great post, thanks for the graphic.
I have you back, get ready for the next installment in the privacyworkshop series next week:
I'm trying to make some friends and get some people to look at this huge post I made even though it's no longer monetized because I really wondered about steem when hardly anyone saw it, and it took a lot of work/risk.
At any rate followed, thanks again for the sweet though disturbing graphic.
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