Welcome to the Garage Sale Issue 4 - Velkommen til garasjesalget utgave 4

in norway •  7 years ago  (edited)

We are back as promised after the cleaning!

Here at the garage sales* everybody are welcome to sell something, make an auction, buy and bid.

Recipe for selling something:

  • Write your own post where you as detailed as you wish presents what you sell and at what price.
  • Write a reply on this page where you briefly tell what you are selling, at what price and if there are any benefits for the buyer - CashBack, SBD from Upvoting in return etc.
  • Then paste a link to your own post.
  • Now you can paste a link from your post to your product here, where you make the money.

Now you have the chance that your product will be sold and you are friendly to the ecosystem. If your product is not sold the first time you try, you still have this benefits:

  • Steemians usually Upvote each other in here. What did you say? I earn money for trying to sell my stuff? Yes, you do.
  • Try to understand the CashBack. I heard that it have happened that Steemians have got more in CashBack than the price of the product when they bought it? Yes, that have happened! Nobody can promise that due to the nature of STEEM and SBD, but as you now understand the CashBack is usually BIG.
  • We have a lot of fun in here and sometimes we have games so you can win. Is there any games now? Yes, if you can guesstimate the Views on this post at closing time - 7 days (you can only guess once when you bid) you will get some really big Upvotes (many $).

Made by @Lighteye

Norwegian version:

Vi er tilbake som lovet etter pausen vi måtte ha for å rydde opp.

Her på garasjesalgs* sidene er alle velkomne til å selge noe, lage en auksjon, kjøpe ting og by på auksjonene.

Oppskrift for å selge noe:

  • Skriv din egen post hvor du så detaljert som du ønsker presenterer hva du selger og til hvilken pris.
  • Skriv en Reply på denne siden hvor du kortfattelig forteller hva du selger, til hvilken pris og hvilke fordeler du gir til kjøperen - CashBack, SBD fra Upvoting av din kommentar osv.
  • Så limer du inn linken herfra i din egen post.
  • Nå kan du lime inn en link i posten din hit (hvor det lønnsomme salget skjer).

Nå har du mulighet for at produktet ditt blir solgt og du er vennlig mot økosystemet. Hvis produktet ditt ikke blir solgt første gangen, har du forsatt disse fordelene:

  • Steemere Upvoter vanligvis hverandre her inne. Hva sa du? Tjener jeg penger på å prøve å selge tingene mine her? Ja, det gjør du.
  • Forsøk å forstå CashBack systemet vi kjører. Jeg har hørt det har hendt at Steemere har fått mer CashBack enn de betalte for produktet når de kjøpte det? Ja, det har hendt. Ingen kan love at det skjer på grunn av STEEM og SBD sin natur, men som du da forstår så er CashBack'en vanligvis betydelig.
  • Vi har ganske mye moro her på sidene og noen ganger har vi konkurranser så du kan vinne. Er det noen spill på gang nå? Ja, hvis du kan tippe antallet Views denne posten får når den stenger - 7 dager (du kan bare tippe en gang sammen med at du byr på en vare) får du noen store Upvoter (mange $).


Auction 12 is closed - Auksjon 12 er stengt

Auction 13 is closed - Auksjon 13 er stengt

Issue 5 is here - Utgave 5 er her

*Garage sale - n.

  1. A sale of used household belongings, typically held outdoors
    or in a garage at the home of the seller.
  2. Garage sale exist as a new *phenomena on steemit.com

*Phenomena - n. pl.

  1. An occurrence, circumstance, or fact that is perceptible by the senses.
  2. pl. phe•nom•e•nons
    A remarkable or outstanding wonder.
  3. Physics: An observable event.
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Our auction nr 13 issue 4 is closed- Vår auksjon nr 13 utgave 4 er stengt

Yet another auction of our T-shirt is back due to high popularity.
We still have all sizes, lady and men's model. Bid what you want and have fun.

Enda en auksjon med vår T-skjorte er tilbake grunnet høy popularitet.
Vi har fortsatt alle størrelser, dame- og herremodell. By hva du ønsker og ha det skikkelig moro når du byr.

The winner get our famous

@BabsBoard - We fix everything

My new bid is 29 STEEM - Mitt nye bud er 29 STEEM - 29 STEEM عرضي الجديد هو - Ma nouvelle offre est de 29 STEEM - Mi nueva oferta es 29 STEEM

This is one of the best T-shirts I have bought - Dette er en av de beste T-skjortene jeg har kjøpt

You are the winner of our auction 13 Issue 4 @Fender
Du er vinneren av vår auksjon 13 Utgave 4 @Fender

Just send 29 STEEM to the Wallet of @BabsBoard. In the memo you write your name, address + Model and size. If you do not want other people to see your name etc. You just start with # in the memo field, then it is only we and you that can read it.

Bare send 29 STEEM til lommeboken (Wallet) til @BabsBoard. I Memo feltet skriver du navn, adresse + modell og størelse. Hvis du ikke vil at andre skal se hva du skriver, starter du med # i Memo feltet. Da er det bare vi og du som kan lese hva du skrev.

The Upvote Apparatus will now summon people to come and give you CachBack.
Upvote apparatet vil nå tilkalle folk for å komme å gi deg CashBack.

Hei @Babsboard

Har akkurat overført 29 STEEM, takk for handelen.
Have transferred 29 STEEM, thank you for the deal.


Yes, I want another T-shirt 5 SBD - Ja, en T-skjorte til 5 SBD

A joke about the bid and have fun part:

  • Do you know where you get the biggest CashBack?
    ~ At the gas station?
  • Ha ha ha, have you ever heard of a @Babsboard gas station?

En vits om dette å by og ha skikkelig moro:

  • Vet du hvor du får den største CashBack?
    ~ På bensinstasjonen?
  • Ha ha ha, har du hørt om @Babsboard bensinstasjon noen gang?

I like to wear t-shirt.I like this t-shirt because of the cool steemit logo.My bid is 19.5 SBD.

Hi @BabsBoard.
Wow, another Steemit T-shirt auction.Thank you so much for that.
This time i am going to win this T-shirt.
My bid is 18 SBD.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi @babsboard!
happy to see the T-shirt again
I can not see the auction of the T-shirt without participating
My bid is 15 SBD
Good luck everyone 🍀

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Here is the T-shirt again and here I am again, do not despair with life and do not despair with @Babsboard, thanks for giving us more chances to win this T-shirt masterpiece.

I bid 20 SBD


Regards @Gagago

Last time i didn't win the bid. So this time my bid for this beautiful Steemit T-Shirt is 16 SBD.


Hey, hold your horses @tommyhansen

Nothing beats the CachBack that you get at the famous @babsboard site.
If I could get this cachback at a gas station I would drive all day:-)

I need to cool shirt.

My bid is 10SBD

I see I need to raise my bid, so many that wants this t-shirt-
Jeg ser jeg må høyne budet mitt, er jo så mange som vil ha denne t-skjorta

I'm ready to pick a fight with you for this one @achrafo

My New Bid 25 SBD

I want this shirt

My Bid is 12 SBD

Hei guys,

This shirt will not belong to anyone else I came to get it then set aside and leave it to me 🔫💰😆.

My offer is 23 SBD image

Hello everybody,

Here we are, I would be very happy to have this T-shirt
my Bid is 21SBD image

Thank you!!

Its summer now in our country.I need a t-shirt to wear.What can be a better to wear a t- shirt with steemit logo.I need to buy this t-shirt.So my bid is 19SBD. image

How do I get this t-shirt? I can 20 Sbd for this T-shirt plez anyone reply...

This auction is now closed - Denne auksjonen er nå stengt

Auction nr 12 issue 4 - Auksjon nr 12 utgave 4

The auction of our T-shirt is back and very popular now when the spring is finally here.
We still have all sizes, lady and men's model. Bid what you want and have fun.

Yes we give to the

Auksjonen med vår T-trøye er tilbake og veldig populære i disse dager nå som våren endelig er her.
Vi har fortsatt alle størelser, dame- og herremodell. By hva du vil og ha moro.

Spread the happy message: "Steemit all over the world "

@BabsBoard - We fix everything

I bid 34 SBD for the T-shirt - Jeg byr 34 SBD for T-skjorte

My guesstimate on the Views 813 - Jeg gjetter ca. 813 Views

You are the winner of auction 12 Issue 4 @TommyHansen
Du er vinneren av auksjon 12 Utgave 4 @TommyHansen

Just send 34 SBD to the Wallet of @BabsBoard. In the memo you write your name, address + Model and size. If you do not want other people to see your name etc. You just start with # in the memo field, then it is only we and you that can read it.

Bare send 34 SBD til lommeboken (Wallet) til @BabsBoard. I Memo feltet skriver du navn, adresse + modell og størelse. Hvis du ikke vil at andre skal se hva du skriver, starter du med # i Memo feltet. Da er det bare vi og du som kan lese hva du skrev.

The Upvote Apparatus will now summon people to come and give you CachBack.
Upvote apparatet vil nå tilkalle folk for å komme å gi deg CashBack.

I have transferred the money to @Babsboard - thank you.

Jeg har nå overført pengene til @Babsboard - takk for handelen.

Made by @lordoftruth

I need that beautiful & cool Steem T-Shirt for my little sister.
My Bid is 16 SBD for this beautiful T-Shirt.

My guesstimate the Views on this post time will be 625.


Hi @babsboard. I'm back and wants this shirt.

My bid is 15SBD

I guess it will have 635 views

Kindest @FruFiffi

I know when i am gona wear this Beautiful Steem T-Shilt, everyone gona say WoW. So i need that Cool Steem T-Shirt.

My Bid is 22 SBD.

My guesstimate the Views on this post at closing time will be 500.

I love @Steemit & I need one of those @Steemit T-Shirt so I can represent @Steemit by wearing it.

So I raise my Bid to 31 SBD.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is such a cool tshirt with steemit logo.I need this one for this summer.My bid is 10SBD.My guesstimate the Views on this post at closing time will be 725,total reply will be 191 and highest bid will be 37SBD. image

I want this smart looking Steem T-Shirt for my Spring break that's why i raise my BID to 24 SBD.


Hei @babsboard,
I will never give up until I get this beloved t-shirt I bid 22 SBD
My guesstimate the Views on this post at closing time will be 235.Reply will be 48 and highest bid will be 28SBD.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hello @babsboard you are welcome again

My offer for the famous t shirt is 21SBD.my guesstimate closing time will be 225 Views. and the highest bid will be 27SBD.

Need one those Cool @Steem T-Shirt. My T-Shirt size is L(large).
My new @BID for this Cool @Steem T-Shirt is 25 SBD.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I love @Steem that's why i want the beautiful steem T-shirt.

My Bid for the beautiful Steem T-Shirt is 17 SBD.

My guesstimate this post will make 700 Views

My Bid for this dashing & attractive Steem T-Shirt is 19 SBD.

This post will make 750 Views.


I raise my Bid to 23 SBD.


I wished I could participate in this auction of this wonderful t-shirt with the logo of Steemit but unfortunately I do not have enough to win and I hope that @Babsboard don't stop showing it until I can someday get it.
Regards, @smer

Hi @babsboard.

i bid 33 sbd for this tshirt.

I really want to wear which has a logo of steemit as I am a steemian.My offer is 12SBD.!My guesstimate the Views on this post at closing time will be 652.Reply will be 176 and highest bid will be 46SBD.ClearcutWetGrayreefshark-max-1mb.gif

My bid is for this lucrative tshirt for is 20SBD.My My guesstimate the Views on this post at closing time will be 520.Reply will be 187 and highest bid will be 41SBD.51.png

By any means I wanna win this bid.I wanna give it as a gift to my boyfriend.I will raise my bid.My new bid is 29SBD.images45.png

My guesstimate for this post at the end will be 640.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Auction closed - Auksjon stengt

Another fantastic spring time product out on auction

This 12 pocket vertical wall hanging plant bag
Ideal for herbs, succulents, flowers, smaller vegetables such as lettuce and other leafy greens, strawberries and even orchids

To see full details click here
As @babsboard always say; Bid what you want and have fun

Best regards @EveryDayCoach

Ohhhh. I see this is popular and I need to raise my bid

My new bid is 23 SBD

You are the winner of auction this auction @frufiffi

Just send 23 SBD to @everydaycoach. In the memo you write your name, address and country. If you do not want other people to see your name etc. You just start with # in the memo field, then it is only @everydaycoach and you that can read it.

The Upvote Cannon Boat will now summon people to come and give you CachBack.

Have a nice day and enjoy the CashBack
Best regards @EveryDayCoach

Hi, Thank you @everydaycoach. I just made a transfer of 23 SBD too your account. Looking forward to plant my strawberries in this cool item:-)

Hi @everydaycoach. I love your spring time product's. I will start of the bidding on this product since i did not win your last auction.

My first bid 10 SBD

Did you just say i can grow flowers, smaller vegetables and other leafy greens, strawberries and even orchids on this 12 pocket vertical wall hanging plant bag. This is just awesome man.

My bid is 18 SBD.

After winning this Bid, i am gona give this gorgeous hanging plant bag to my mother as a gift with lots of beautiful flowers plant in it.

I bid 19 SBD for this lovely bag.


That's a real beauty. I want this smart looking wall hanging plant bag.

My bid is 17 SBD.


Oh my God, this 12 pocket vertical wall hanging plant bag is cool & stylish.
I want this stylish wall hanging plant bag for my reading room.

So my Bid for this cool plant bag is 16 SBD.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is very useful for indoor gardening.I was thinking about something like this.I need this one.So my bid is 12SBD. image

Now this time I wanna win this plant bag.I need this for my bed room.So my bid is 14SBD.images45.png

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Congratulations @frufiffi


3 pieces of fantastic felt pots for use indoor or outdoor.
Have a look at the main page to see more details click here

Give a bid and make sure to secure this cool items

Don't forget the CashBack to the winner

Best regards

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


You are the winner of auction this auction @amalmez

Just send 24 SBD to @everydaycoach. In the memo you write your name, address and country. If you do not want other people to see your name etc. You just start with # in the memo field, then it is only @everydaycoach and you that can read it.

The Upvote Cannon Boat will now summon people to come and give you CachBack.

Have a nice day and enjoy the CashBack
Best regards @EveryDayCoach

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

How much did you bid @amalmez ?!! I do not understand anything here anymore 😮😮

She did bid 24. But think she has edited the text. Not good. What happened @amalmez?

Hi @everydaycoach!
I'm going to explain what happened, I confirm that I have not deposited a bid, it was just a fault comment that I edit in a second after its publication because I do not know how to delete it, you Answered my comment after hours I do not know why although I edit the comment once published, you have selected me as the winner.
And since this issue is closed I do not pay attention to your comment
In any case if you want me to be the winner, I promise you that once I receive the cashback I will transfer the money.
I hope you understand me well.
thanks for your understanding
Best regards!

Hi @amalmez. Yes I can see from the history that you changed the bid you made. Have not discussed this with @babsboard that is the auction boss. I’m away on holiday in Spain but will have a talk with him of what to do! Normally a bid is a bid. Best regards @everydaycoach

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi again @everydaycoach
ok no problem, as I promised you already, once I receive the Cashback, I will transfer the money.
I did not deny that I changed the Comment. I just explained that the change came after about a second or a few seconds because it was only a mistake. I would not want to hinder your work.
have a good trip in Spain.

My new bid is 8 SBD - Mitt nye bud er 8 SBD - 8 SBD عرضي الجديد هو - Ma nouvelle offre est de 8 SBD - Mi nueva oferta es 8 SBD

I want those grow pots for my rooftop garden.
My bid for those strong & beautiful grow pot is 14 SBD.
Hope i win this time.


I really need this fantastic pot's

My first Bid is 7 SBD

Winter is gone, Spring is here so i need to plant some seeds. That's why i need those beautiful pots.

My Bid for those pot is 13 SBD.



My BID for this 3 pieces of fantastic felt pots IS : 12 SBD


My bid is 11 SBD

gets older.jpg

I Raise my bid to 18 SBD

Spring is here, so it time for plant seeds thats why i need those strong grow pots.

My BID for those grow pot is 15 SBD.

I will not give up

my new Bid is 20 SBD


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I bid 10 SBD


Need those Good waterproof & air permeability grow pots for plant some seeds.
So i raise my BID to 19 SBD.


My new bid is :

21 SBD


My Saturday BID 23 SBD

Have a great weekend
Regards @FruFiffi


3 pieces of fantastic felt pots for use indoor or outdoor.
Have a look at the main page to see more details click here

Give a bid and make sure to secure this cool items

Don't forget there is CashBack on this auction

Best regards

Hey, I said i want this pot's so i will raise my bid

New bid is 25 SBD

I need more of this.

My bid is 20 SBD

Hey i am back again, i raise my bid for those beautiful FABRIC (FELT) POTS is @21 SBD


This is the best time for tree plantation in our country.This felt pots is going to be nice for tree plantation.My bid is 9SBD.51.png

I need those waterproof Grow Pots for my rooftop garden.
So i raise my BID to 22 SBD.


I need this for my roof top garden.This felt pot looks very useful for gardening.My bid is 14SBD.images3.jpg

Desperately i want those lovely Grow Pots so i raise my Bid to 18 SBD.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hei @EveryDayCoach,
It is spring and I hope to get it to grow some medicinal herbs, I bid 14,50 SBD

Wow, lovely pots.

My Bid is 11 SBD.


Winter is gone, Spring is here so i desperately need those grow pots to plant some seeds. That's why i need those beautiful pots.

My Bid for those pot is 10 SBD.


Spring is here, so it time for plant seeds thats why i need those strong grow pots.
My BID for those grow pot is 17 SBD.


I need those lovely pots for my garden.My Bid for those grow pots is 6 SBD.


I need those 3 pieces of fantastic felt pots for my balcony garden.

I raise my my BID to @26 SBD.


By any means I am going to buy this pot.I raise my bid.So my new bid is 29SBD.images45.png

You are the winner of auction this auction @sarahmcdowell
Just send 29 SBD to @everydaycoach. In the memo you write your name, address and country. If you do not want other people to see your name etc. You just start with # in the memo field, then it is only @everydaycoach and you that can read it.
The Upvote Cannon Boat will now summon people to come and give you CachBack.

Have a nice day and enjoy the CashBack
Best regards @EveryDayCoach

Please, sir @EveryDayCoach, I have a question, Is it possible to win even though we do not have the price we offer?!!

Hello @GaGaGo
I will answer you since I run this place.
The simple answer to your question is of course not. I do not know anywhere in the whole world where you can by and not pay.

However it has happened in the past that people asked to borrow some of the money and they could by and pay back when they got the CashBack.

You see, it is very easy. If people do not pay back what they borrowed everybody will see that and they will be downvoted and destroyed.

You see, both @EveryDayCoach and @BabsBoard are amongst the coolest people around. You just have to bee honest and straight and we fix the rest.

Regards and Love
@BabsBoard - we fix everything

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes sir @babsboard, I understand very well what you said, which is very logical and can not be discussed.

Thanks for the song, I liked it a lot and this is the first time I hear it.

My respect and appreciation for you.

I have got some problem.I don't have that much sbd in my account,i talked with one of my friend for support
he told me he will give me some sbd but now he sold all of his sbd.I am extremely sorry for this.Now can you continue the bid thus some other can bid and win it.Please pardon me.If you don't mind then i can send all my sbd for the felt pot.I have got 10 sbd will you give that felt pot by those 10 sbd?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Is it true? are you serious ?!
do you know that I was not able to participate this week at auctions just because I did not have much SBD, is avoiding this kind of problem, I preferred to stay calm and have fun with offers from others.
Anyway Congratulations

I want to grow some Tasty Strawberry on these Beautiful "Grow Pots".

So My new BID is 27 SBD.


This will be very useful for indoor gardening. I want to buy this nice pot.My bid is 8sbd.images45.png


Sapphire RX 560 - Pulse 4GB

Used for 1 week.

Perfect for gaming.

50SBD + post expences

I'll give 100% upvotes to bid winner

Hi @vannfrik, i like it!! i bid 10 sbd

Your SAPPHIRE Radeon RX 560 DirectX 12 100413P4GOCL 4GB 128-Bit GDDR5 CrossFireX Support Video Card is really awesome for gaming. So my bid for this excellent video card is 15 SBD.

I hope i win this BID because this device is very good.

I like this sapphire rx 560.I need this one.My bid is 16SBS.images45.png

Hi @babsboard and eveybody,

I Put for sale this traditional Moroccan bellows called "Rabouz", which remains essential in many homes, especially in the countryside and mountainous regions or remote.It is fit for use as well as for decor.
The prise is 25 SBD
And of course do not forget the wonderful cashback

This is the link for more info :


Best regards @smer

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello again @babsboard!
Welcome back, so happy to see the new issue of the garage sale.
And i’m back too with my jewels, this time I bring necklaces from the Moroccan Eastern Sahara called « MERZOUGA ».

I put on sale two necklaces, which I brought with me from one night spent in the desert,
for a price of 45 Steem
The famous Cashback is here


To see some pictures that I took in « MERZOUGA », I invite you to see the main post Here
PS: it's not an auction, it's a simple sale.
Thank you very much
Best regards

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Hello everyone

I put on sale this week traditional Moroccan bag

we do not forget the famous cash back

the post link:https://steemit.com/norway/@hope-espoir/for-sale-traditional-moroccan-bags
Best regards @hope-espoir

Hello everybody,


I want to sell these two silver-covered bracelets, which are local handicrafts here in the towns of Tinghir, Morocco, 100%

The required price is 15 SDB



This is the link of the post: https://steemit.com/sale/@gagago/two-silver-covered-bracelets-for-sale

I like this bracelets.I want to buy this.My bid is 5 Sbd.images45.png




This is a beautiful flower vas.I wanna sell this.Price is 30SBD+POSTAL COST.Highest bid will get it.The famous 100% cash back offer is on.IMG_20180409_151451.jpg


I wanna sell this bag.Price is 35Sbd.100% cash back is on.
https://steemit.com/babsboard/@rupok/selling-a-nice-bag-for-women-32d0cb98d45d6 image


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment