Othelius Expedition, the Lillesand Experience!

in norway •  6 years ago  (edited)


Captains Logs, day 34- 54, stardates: 05072018-25072018
The Lillesand Experience
Arwens position: Lillesand harbour.

As three weeks time have passed with Arwen moored at the same harbour, the Captain worries that Landsickness might strike among the Crewmembers as they slowly forget their obligations to the open sea, and dicipline deteriorates. Pluto, the Deck Hand, is showing signs thereof by wandering off on his own accord, without bothering to ask the Captains permission. The Captain himself has been negligent of his duties as author of these Logs, and must now write a summary, as the details of the Days are lost in a haze of work and social events.

But Lillesand has confirmed our belief in Arwens Karmaphilosophy, as yet only loosely defined by Crew and Captain. Through our hostess, Mia, we have been introduced to the inner circles of Lillesand society, where coincidence and circumstance have fulfilled our every need. Provisions are again aplenty on board, our Sprayhood is mended, the solarpanel installed and our Mainsail Rail has been replaced.

Even the Captains wish for a Recordingsession has been fulfilled, as two local musicians and a homestudio did him the Honour of helping to record one of his own compositions. The Captain is looking forward to the editing the next film.

It is easy to see Lillesand as a trap especially designed to enchant sailingcrews like ourselves, and the time has become overdue for our continued Voyage along the Coast. However sweet the embrace of this township has been, we needed to cut the threads of her web, and close our ears to song of her Sirens.

But as we certainly wish to revisit this pearl among the Southern townships of Norway we needed to part in as loving a manner as possible. Crew and Captain spent the last two Days of our stay fulfilling obligations to our Hostess by Cleaning out her Outhouse and painting down her Cellar, and also invited our new friends to an outing at Speiderhola, a beautyful spot across the Bay from Lillesand. The Menù was of the old Norwegian Summertradition, concisting of grilled meat and Sausages.

Pluto, the Deck Hand reports progress, if only Locally in the Lillesand Area. He also expresses his dismay that the Captain has not kept closer records, as the list would have been impressive had all streetcorners covered by him been included. The Captain at least submits a list of the main areas:

The old School: Check!
Speiderhola: Check!
Øvreberg: Check!

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