Novavax has the weirdest fanboys.

in novavax •  2 years ago 


Look the vaccine is good, but it isn't like some super vaccine. We've had head to head data with Novavax and it isn't superior to mRNA vaccines. And it has the least amount of data regarding Omicron protection. People are making unwarranted claims about the vaccine based on old data or by extrapolating limited immunological data.

And its delays are largely its own fault. It was an inexperienced new player this pandemic and wasn't really situated for vaccine manufacturing at scale.

I'm glad we have it as an option, particularly for global supply and access (it is a big part of COVAX), but no need to oversell it. The mRNA vaccines are effective and safe. It makes no sense to get Novavax instead of the Omicron-specific mRNA vaccines.

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