now playing week #31 - Night Nurse - Gregory Isaacs

in nowplaying •  7 years ago 

After visiting my Mom today in the hospital, I went into town with my family for lunch. I heard this tune blasting from a restaurant and quickly Shazammed it. It is what's now playing in my car, house, phone, etc. I dedicate it to all the tireless people that care for the sick especially the night nurses. PS - This song rocks!!!!! Can't believe it's taken 35 years for me to hear it.

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Night Nurse
Gregory Isaacs

Adding Night Nurse to the weekly playlist


Outlaw in Babylon

One of my favorites from Gregory "Mr Cool" Isaacs, you should also check out his many other hits, you'll love them too, He was a Legend.

Not sure why I hadn't heard of him - I must have been living under a rock:) Making up for it now!!! - Thanks

Wow I am surprised, however you would have to be deep into reggae music to probably have heard of him. His name is famous as Bob Marley, they were all from that era, only he mostly sang love songs while bob was mostly into Roots and Culture. Check out iTunes or Google him.


Outlaw in Babylon

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Week 31 spans from Sun. Jul 29 to Sat. Aug 4

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aber das ist sehr gut: erstens kannste da mehrere Posts pro woche machen und zum anderen schon mal auch eine Möglichkeit, schon gepostete Songs nochmal zu Reposten, weil ist ja für den Zweck der Teilnahme an der Nowplaying action - leß mal in Ruhe durch, der Contest läuft ja jede Woche...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Sorry Mr. Popsoz - didn't want to spam your post here...

Found out too late that the reply should be to @nowplaying-music 's comment...

Hope you don't mind...

As I little excuse I upvoted your post, folow ypur blog and upvote your reply ;-)

@honolulu, please make your own post to the nowplaying contest, as that is the only way to get your songs added to the weekly playlist.


ah okay... thanks... now I understand how it works...

Bless Shazam for helping you discover this great song! I think I did the same thing a few years ago when I first heard it haha.