
in nuclear •  8 years ago 

image from

The Other Nuclear Fission Reactor.

I really had no intention of posting this. I mean...everyone knows that LIFTRs

image from linked article
are MUCH, MUCH better in every way than any other form of energy generation short of fusion. So much so that
the Chinese are working on
a 2 MW molten salt fueled research reactor in 2017. This would be followed by a 10 MW demonstrator reactor and a 100 MW pilot reactors.[104][105] The project is spearheaded by Jiang Mianheng, with a start-up budget of $350 million, and has already recruited 140 PhD scientists, working full-time on thorium molten salt reactor research
Everyone knows that right?
Then I read alarmist posts about the Fukushima Tsunami (in which not one person died due to the effects of radiation) and about how the entire Pacific is contaminated and about how we're all gonna DIE

and such malarky....
No...everyone doesn't know.
. the video.
Then you will know.

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Thorium reactors, Safe Energy, almost endless natural resource.

Thanks for sharing!

No, no, no. We have so much oil to burn first.

So it seems, and uranium too.

Oil is better used to make stuff from rather than to burn it.