in nutrition •  7 years ago 

Why it is important to be aware of the food you consume and why this works true miracles in your body and mind
Conscious nutrition (eating) is something that has been forgotten for some time. Instead of eating naturally and, above all, consciously, we tend to overconsume because of countless ready meals, sweets, soft drinks and other chemically contaminated foods or because of our own addiction to these foods. In this context, we also often lose track of our own eating habits, develop food cravings, eat almost everything that comes in our fingers and completely lose the feeling of a conscious diet.

Becoming aware of the foods we consume
Nutrition awareness seems overlooked, people do not pay attention to the quality or the effects of individual products, but eat what they feel like, without worrying about the effects. On the other hand, there are also people who think about the negative effects of energetically dense foods ("foods" that have a very low Bovis value or whose nutritional/natural properties have been almost completely destroyed, i.e. low vibration foods). Eating habits are shaped differently in every individual, and people do not easily notice or are not even ready to recognize their addictions. It is a great step for an individual to admit that he has developed a strong addiction to certain foods in the course of his life, such as: coke, ready-made products, fries, bags full of sweets... Why should you voluntarily feed yourself with poison, something that interferes with the body's own functions, something that in turn is responsible for the development of countless diseases, something that at the end of the day only boosts your desire to crave more and has a negative effect on your entire mental and spiritual state. READ MORE:

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