🐴 AC3 #25:❗Ajuste de Cuentas❗🐎🏹🎮/❗Revenge Hour❗🐎🏹🎮

in ocd •  5 years ago  (edited)

🟣Español 🟠

❗Holaa stemmians❗👻 el día de hoy les traigo un nuevo post de assasins creed 3 en el cual vamos a seguir la historia donde lo dejamos anteriormente y en donde ya casi estamos en las partes finales del videojuego, dicho esto ❗comencemos❗🐻🎮🚀


Hello to Stemmians❗👻 , today I bring you a new post of assasins creed 3 in which we are going to follow the story where we left it before and where we are almost in the final parts of the video game, that said let's start ❗🐻🎮🚀

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arcade send nudes.gifLuego de haber logrado localizar a Charles Lee, en el muelle y perseguirlos a través de un barco en construcción y donde se caía a pedazos connor logro salir del barco sin recibir daños pero cayó del techo del mismo junto con lee y este quedó muy malherido con una estaca en su costilla dejándolo sin posibilidad de poder luchar pero esto no impidió que le diera un disparo a charles lee, haciendo que se fuera del lugar muy herido y connor al momento de poder recuperar la fuerza y el conocimiento lo siguió hasta el lugar donde había huido para poder acabar con él finalmente.

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Connor se dirige de inmediato a pesar de estar malherido al lugar donde charles lee ha huido, connor finalmente encuentra a charles lee en un bar moribundo tomando un trago en una mesa apartado, connor de inmediato se acerca a el con la intención de finalmente acabar con él, pero al parecer charles lee a pesar de notar su presencia no intenta huir ni escapar de la situación, ya que en pocas palabras parece que se ha dado por vencido en su lucha contra connor o se encuentra demasiado herido para continuar con esta pelea interminable.arcade.gif

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derecho.gifConnor se sienta en la mesa frente a charles lee y este le alza la botella y se la pasa a connor para que este tomé un trago también, algo que es un tanto extraño pero a la vez confuso debido a la gran rivalidad que existía entre connor y charles lee y a la vez la ya mencionada guerra de los templarios contra los asesinos, connor finalmente luego de tomar un trago se queda viendo fijamente a charles lee, y este simplemente lo ve y le da a entender que termine lo que fue a hacer a aquel lugar, connor herido toma un cuchillo y toma a charles lee del cuello y lo apuñala de forma brutal y directa en el corazón, y esta escena en mi opinión, es una de las más brutales que he visto en la saga de assasins creed, además de algunas escenas bastante brutales en la saga de ezio también y en la de altair, sin duda alguna es una escena que representa la venganza y la represalia de años y años de combate y peleas entre estos 2 bandos.

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Finalmente connor deja moribundo a charles lee luego de apuñalarlo y darle el golpe fatal y este le quita la llave que este tenía de collar en su cuello, y este collar es nada más y nada menos que la llave al templo que está buscando Desmond en la actualidad, charles lee termina cayendo boca abajo encima de la mesa muerto, y connor se dispone a retirarse muy herido del lugar para ir a la villa a recuperarse de sus heridas y pensar en todo lo que ha sucedido actualmente, el final de una secuencia épica y asombrosa y que cada vez nos deja más cerca del final del juego, sencillamente es algo que da una sensación de epicidad única.espadas.gif

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arcade.gifAfter having managed to locate Charles Lee, on the dock and chase them through a ship under construction and where he fell apart with connor managed to get out of the ship without being damaged but he fell from the roof of the ship along with lee and he was very badly injured with a stake in his rib leaving him unable to be able to fight but this did not stop me from giving a shot to charles lee, causing him to leave the place very injured and connor when he could regain strength and knowledge followed him to the place where he had fled to finally be able to kill him.

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Connor heads immediately despite being badly injured where Charles Lee has fled, Connor finally finds Charles Lee in a dying bar having a drink at a secluded table, Connor immediately approaches him with the intention of finally ending him, but apparently Charles reads despite noticing his presence does not try to run away or escape of the situation, since in a nutshell it seems that he has given up on his fight against connor or is too hurt to continue this endless fight.arcade send nudes.gif

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derecho.gifConnor sits at the table in front of Charles Lee and he lifts the bottle and passes it to Connor so that he took a drink too, something that is somewhat strange but at the same time confusing due to the great rivalry that existed between Connor and charles reads and at the same time the aforementioned war of the Templars against the murderers, Connor finally after taking a drink stares at Charles Lee, and he simply sees it and implies that he finished what he was going to do to that place, connor wounded takes a knife and takes Charles reads from the neck and stabs brutally and directly in the heart, and this scene in my opinion, It is one of the most brutal that I have seen in the saga of assasins creed, in addition to some quite brutal scenes in the saga of Ezio also and in the Altair saga, without a doubt it is a scene that represents revenge and retaliation for years and years of combat and fights between these 2 sides.

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Finally, Connor leaves Charles dying after stabbing him and giving him the fatal blow and this takes away the key that he had from a collar on his neck, and this necklace is nothing more and nothing less than the key to the temple that Desmond is looking for in the Today, Charles Lee ends up falling face down on the dead table, and connor prepares to retire very injured from the place to go to the village to recover from his injuries and think about everything that has happened today, the end of an epic and amazing sequence and that increasingly leaves us closer to the end of the game It is simply something that gives a unique epic feeling.espadas.gif

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donkey kong.gifY hasta aquí el post de hoy stemmians, espero que les haya gustado, pero sobretodo lo hayan disfrutado, ¿Qué piensas que pasará a partir de ahora?, ¿Crees que la muerte de charles lee finalmente logre frenar a los templarios o al contrario solo hará que sigan intentando imponerse?, házmelo saber en los comentarios, si te gusta mi contenido no olvides seguirme para no perderte de nada en tu feed de steemit o por el contrario visita mi página web en wordpress, sin más que decir te deseo unos buenos días, tardes o noches, ❗hasta otra ocasión❗🐻ezgif.com-resize (14).gif

Todos los gifs e imágenes que viste en este post fueron sacados y editados por mi de assasins creed 3 ingame.ezgif.com-resize (11).gif

Agregame en discord si quieres darme sugerencias para post o saber alguna información #SadBear#6392ezgif.com-resize (6).gif

VISITA MI SITIO EN WORDPRESS SadBear Webezgif.com-resize (18).gif

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donkey kong.gifAnd here the post of stemmians today, I hope you liked it, but above all they enjoyed it, what do you think will happen from now on? Do you think that the death of Charles Lee finally manages to stop the Templars or on the contrary only Will you keep trying to impose? Let me know in the comments, if you like my content do not forget to follow me to not miss anything in your steemit feed or on the contrary visit my website on wordpress, without saying more I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening, until another occasion❗🐻ezgif.com-resize (14).gif

All the gifs and images you saw in this post were taken and edited by me from assasins creed 3 ingame.ezgif.com-resize (11).gif

Add me on Discord if you would like to give me suggestions for post, or acquire some information #SadBear#6392ezgif.com-resize (6).gif

VISIT MY SITE ON WORDPRESS SadBear Webezgif.com-resize (18).gif



Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://sadbear.repollo.org/2020/03/10/%f0%9f%90%b4-ac3-25%e2%9d%97ajuste-de-cuentas%e2%9d%97%f0%9f%90%8e%f0%9f%8f%b9%f0%9f%8e%ae-%e2%9d%97revenge-hour%e2%9d%97%f0%9f%90%8e%f0%9f%8f%b9%f0%9f%8e%ae/

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This is the one with Pirates and such, eh? I really need to find some time to play this game! 😀

This is the Assasins Creed 3, the one you refer to 4, which would be the next one I'm thinking of playing after finishing this one, and as a curiosity Edward Kenway the protagonist of 4 is Connor's grandfather the protagonist of 3🎮

Ah, damn it. That one isn't available for PS3. I guess I'll need to wait for a good deal for PC. 🤔

If in fact assasins creed is the game of transition from the saga to the new mechanics seen today in this saga, although in my opinion it was much better at that time than it is today