Toy Fair And Motor Show

in ocd •  2 years ago 

Motorshows? Toy fairs? Drag Racing? Everything cars or mechanica related... That's my thing! Its almost like an addiction a wanted and needed addiction. Sometimes its good sometimes its frustrating and sometimes its just downright abusive to your wallet xD !

With that being said we still shred rubber and destroy motors... more often we destroy the gearboxes with the tremendous power output.

Okaaayyyyy back to the originating story!

If or when a car show is in my area I wouldn't miss it for the world! Seeing those beautiful works of arts that people have spent hours on perfecting with blood, sweat and tears! I sometimes wonder how people feel when the crowds are stunned by their creations... It must be HEART WARMING to say the least!
(Still busy with my project, might be a few years before its going to be showed of at a motorshow!)

Keep in mind I am showing what I found attractive, not everyone will agree with me but luckily this is not their story to tell! have a GOOD one fellas.

(Kicking off with this absolute beautiful Alfa Romeo that's in a near perfect mint condition with its almost olive like colour. I personally feel this car didn't get the attention it deserved! I mean just look at that beautiful rear end!)


(People build the way they desire, if this was my ride... which it is not and with that being said I have no say over how it should be built! But lets say hypothetically it was mine! I Would have tinted the windows a little bit darker!)

The iconic Ford Escort! Now people if I can get my hands on one of these bodies I would be a very happy soul indeed! As long as I can remember I've always wanted to restore that cute little buggy car.. Only the MK1 which head lights are square little boxes, I mean I would settle for less and take the MK2, but both of them are getting more scarce to find. I did settle for a Datsun Sunnytruck at the end of the day but my heart wants what it wants!

If you look real closely at the engine bay you can see the chrome covered top that shines brighter than the morning sun!

They don't make them like they used to hey!

(Just look at those puppy eyes! Now that's something to fall in love with, the little box-shaped headlights!)

The classic and iconic Nissan 350Z! See a lot of people are not fond of this bad boy! Do not know why, maybe its a Nissan thing! But back in the day these were some beautiful road killers! This one is also in a almost mint condition!
And it came out with a motherly sound system as stock in the car, so while shredding up rubber you can have blasting sound!


Look at this little Mazda MX-5 I don't believe I have ever seen this little critter in real life!! I cant say much about this little cutie as I don't know much about it! Yes yes, I could probably google a few cool things and paste them here, but this is sharing from the heart! So I would rather not speak of what I know not!

Soooo its Lambo time! There was a few Lamborghini's and Ferrari's but I found this to be the most attractive little beast of them all. This one is much much older than the rest of them I'd say around 05 model? I might be mistaken! This big beast is very well taken care of it has a wrapping around to protect the paint. And its big beasty V8 motor is shining like the day it was bought! I have to say a lot of respect to this fella for taking care of her!

This motor is cleaner that my own daily ride! and its much much older than mine. Have to say I kind of feel ashamed!


Now I know this ain't no car. YES! But for those who know what this is ... well only they would understand why I took a photo of it to share!
This bike wasn't part of the show it was merely also a bystander coming to enjoy the car show! But where I am from you don't see many of these driving around let alone seeing one parked! This is the Kawasaki H2! the most powerful and fastest commercial street bike produced thus far. Releases a couple of years back and its yet to receive a successor! In my personal opinion this superseded the legendary Suzuki Hayabusa!



Okay lets get back to the topic at hand! CARSHOW! HOTROD TIME !!!!!

Now see over there in the US of A this is a fairly common sight! But over here in South Africa this is not the taste of everyone porridge!
I admit im not fond of them aswell! But how can I resist in sharing this!

I personally think alot more effort and back breaking goes into these builds! they are not easy to aquire and I doubt there easy to work on.. especially getting those curves right to have it looking like a proper HOTROD machine


You can see my friend in the left with the elementy shirt walking away with disappointment in his heart because of me admiring the HOTRODS! Haha Jokes probably on me as he will be laughing at me for a long time to come!


This without a doubt is my favorite one with the two-tone! Just look at that slickness


So the toy part of the show! I kind of slipped up here of taking good photos. There were too many to take photos of! But damn these are really detailed models! They had 3 seperate halls displaying these toy cars as we all know they certainly are not meant to be toys!


My next comment is probably not needed! My friend made this joke "if you look real closely underneath these Land Rovers you can see the oil leaking out!" If only my mother could hear me now she would most certainly smack me over the head! Yes my mother drives a LR ... And honestly they do drive nicely!

Most Iconic Nissan Skyline GT-R

I wish they had them in midnight black


Pearly silver Nissan GT-R Skyline


I mean look at the insane detail inside the engine bay! It really is a complete replica of the original car... Down to the last bolts and nuts!!! Its really jaw dropping seeing the details in real life!


So last but not least! I thought I would throw these Caddy pickups in aswell seeing that my friend is absolutely crazy about a good looking Caddy!

Apologies for the badly taken photos !




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