New Dtube finds - 5 videos you should check out🤩👌

in onelovedtube •  7 years ago 

Hello Hello everyone!

I've lately noticed that I stopped looking for new creators on Dtube- just stuck to the few good old channels I'm following. So I thought I'd try to check out some new videos and new people to follow, and use the opportunity to bring them to you guys!

I've had this fantasy where I would do something like this to support channels that are just starting when I'm a big channel myself. But I've realized we can support each other in the Dtube community even while we're small. 

So for today I have 5 videos to recommend- by creators I've just discovered, by no specific order:


She's got some really nice content you should check out about life and gaming, but the one I wanted to recommend here is more of a promise video. She made a video talking about wanting to start a series about new channels she will discover on Dtube. Kind of like I'm doing! So I obviously got very excited and had to mention it here.



She's got a lovely channel with a lot of short, consistent videos with great advice about life, motivation, Detube and more... The video I'm recommending here is about starting your day right- but check it out to hear what she's talking about:)



She talks about veganism, health, life... and has a fun, light personality that makes it easy to connect to her content. The video I'm recommending is  about a practical tip to drink more water- something we all need. 



She's a new creator in Dtube, and at the time of writing this post only has 2 videos on her channel. Se has a fun quirky personality that makes it fun to listen to her, and I'm following to see what other content she is going to make. the video I'll recommend today is a video she made recommending a book- check it out for more details. 




This is a channel of a couple traveling through hitchhiking- I don't think I need to say anything more. They'r experience is unique, fun and full of interesting experiences and people. In the video I'm recommending, they're in the Netherlands, and they're staying with a women named Ruth... So I like her already. 


BTW, I only noticed that all of these channels are women/co-owned by women while writing this post, but can't say I'm too sad about this;)

Want to recommend a channel/video you like and feel is underappreciated? Go ahead in the comments!

Have a great day,


▶️ DTube

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Very good recommendations.

I'm glad you liked them! :)

Great video This is great more content creators should do this and make it a tag called dtubefinds that why everyone always advertising keep other

That's a great idea! I know some pople already do these kind of things on a regular basis, but we can totaly turn it into a hashtag:)