One Piece, the iconic creation of Eiichiro Oda, celebrated for its anime and pirating adventure, has been transformed into live-action after 25 years. The response has been overwhelmingly positive following a string of previously unsuccessful anime adaptations.
Despite a renewal from Netflix has not been announced yet, this hasn't deterred showrunners Steve Maeda and Matt Owens from planting the seeds for possible future storylines involving the Straw Hat Pirates. It was a good decision to do so since the live-action series received glowing reviews from critics and fans liked the adaptation.
In a pseudo-post-credits scene, which unfolds immediately after the One Piece logo but before the full credits roll, a tantalizing hint is dropped regarding the direction the story could take, especially in terms of the villain, should there be a Season 2.
The scene showcases a shadowy figure sitting at a desk, holding two cigars. As the figure grunts while studying Luffy's wanted poster – a significant moment from the Season 1 finale – the camera zooms in and the music intensifies. The mysterious pirate then proceeds to burn the center of Luffy's poster, the fire smoldering from within.
Per The Direct, fans are speculating that this figure is none other than the long-standing One Piece antagonist, Smoker, being primed as the villain for the upcoming season. The live-action adaptation features the initial appearance of the character, a notable figure in the anime and manga until this point.
Smoker has been a crucial character in several early arcs of One Piece. While the character was evidently missing from the initial Netflix season, it is anticipated that he will have a substantial presence in the subsequent storyline.
The live-action adaptation of One Piece has been received positively, despite previous unsuccessful anime adaptations, and showrunners have hinted at possible future storylines.
A post-credits scene suggests that Smoker, a popular antagonist from the original series, may be the villain in a potential second season.
Smoker, known for his longsword, cigars, and ability to transform into smoke, has been both an ally and adversary in the One Piece universe, making his inclusion in a future season plausible.