5 Reasons You Should Attend the Open Days of UK Universities | AHZ Associates

in open •  2 years ago 

Universities in the United Kingdom hold open days to give prospective students an idea of what their experience will be like. Open days give students the golden opportunity to get a real-time understanding of the university's teachings and culture and help them make the right choice based on their experience. Attending various open days at UK universities assists students in narrowing their options to the best one.

5 Reasons You Should Attend the Open Days of UK Universities Infographics.png

Reasons Why You Should Attend the Open Days of UK Universities

1. Picking the most-suitable academic courses

With so many options available, it often gets overwhelming for students to steer through the course selection process. When it comes to making this decision, open days are your best bet. When you attend open days at UK universities, you have the opportunity to attend trial lessons of various courses and interact with the entire department.

Meeting your lecturers and teachers and getting a sense of what your course will be like will help you narrow down your options. You will know exactly what courses intrigue you and which don't. Furthermore, by becoming acquainted with the department's teaching style, you will be able to make a more informed decision.

2. To have a one-one interaction with current students

Talk to current students if you want an unbiased opinion on any university. They have first-hand experience of the university's academia, culture, and their perspective, which holds great importance for all potential students. That is where open days come in. On open days, the majority of UK universities have current students running the show. They provide guided tours of the area and answer your questions and concerns. You can use this information to your advantage by inquiring about everything you need to know about the university and its student life. You can also learn about accommodation, culture, and nightlife to get a good idea of what your life will be like outside of university.

3. To get a real-time experience of the place

It is said that seeing is believing. This is especially true when it comes to open days. Students can visit and explore the area around their preferred university thanks to open days. Campus location is important because you must ensure that whichever university you choose will provide you with enough breathing space to survive the next few years of your life here. Check out the lecture halls, library, sports facilities, and housing, among other things, to assess the quality of life that the university will provide you. Before jumping to any conclusions, prospective students should investigate the environment and student life at a university.

4. To foresee cost analysis and financial planning

Finance management goes hand in hand with academics. All students must conduct a detailed cost analysis of their degree programme to determine its long-term viability. While most students are aware of the fee structure at UK universities, they may be unaware of other additional costs. Some UK universities, for example, charge fees for workshops, conferences, field trips, lodging, and other amenities. Open days also provide a great platform to look at options for scholarships, financial aid, or bursaries for students. Speaking with and networking with other students also aids in gaining a clear picture of the finances and their management.

5. To do a 360-degree assessment of the university

Attending an open day at a university gives you a general sense of the place and everything it has to offer. Keeping all factors in mind, it is critical for students to feel at ease and at home in the environment of their preferred universities. Whether it's students, extracurricular activities, teachers, locations, or facilities, it all comes down to you and your satisfaction in the end. Make a checklist of the things you should look for in a university or educational institute for smart planning, and then see how much you can check off. Different people have different priorities, so you need to be mindful of what works best for you.

Preparing for Open Days of UK Universities

It is strongly advised that all students plan ahead of time before attending their first open day at a UK university. Here are a few best practise tips to remember to make the most of your open day:

1. Do Your Research

Compile a list of all the UK universities you are interested in and look up their open days' dates and schedules. Examine and read the university prospectus to get a sense of what to expect and what you need to confirm or experience in person.

2. Save the Date

Check the websites of your shortlisted universities for the dates and schedule of their open days—mark your calendar to stay on top of your game and avoid conflicts.

3. Pre-plan Your Schedule

Each has a different activity planned for its university days. Check out their websites to get a sense of the open day schedule and how your day will unfold. Plan your own schedule ahead of time to better manage your time. For instance, if you need to attend the lectures first and then visit the accommodation, you should have everything organised in your head or in writing. This will help you avoid any last-minute confusion or chaos.

4. Prepare a list of your own FAQs

Don't be afraid to ask questions that concern you. It is best to prepare a list of questions a day ahead of time to avoid missing any important details. Remember that the more clarity you have, the easier it will be to make a decision.

5. Book your slot in advance

Most UK universities require you to book your slots in advance for a confirmed place to attend the open day to avoid any last-minute hiccups.

6. Take company with you

Getting a third person's perspective, particularly that of your parents, can be extremely beneficial in making sound decisions. Many UK universities allow students to bring their parents or friends to open days in order to create an interactive experience for the entire family. If you are given this option, please take advantage of it.

Closing Thoughts

Picking the right university for pursuing your higher studies is one of life's most important decisions and should be made very wisely while keeping all factors in mind. This decision determines the course of the most crucial years of your life, which will have a significant impact on your career development. In this process, an open day functions as a ladder, providing you with an extra push to the top. We hope that you are more likely to think about why you should attend UK university open days now.

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