I personally do not like using any of the terms I listed in the title "Illegal immigrants", etc as I've noticed the common attack being to drop the word ILLEGAL and talk about how someone is anti-immigration when there is a big difference between immigration and illegal immigration. The difference is basically the same as someone knocking on your door and coming through the door, or climbing through your open window into your house without permission.
Thus, I've for awhile been referring to those who do not migrate here legally through a port of entry as INVADERS. Though the word INTRUDER works as well.
That is what they are. It is also a word much more difficult to hijack and say "he is anti-invader". Which, yes. I am anti-invader. I am not anti-immigration.
Something extremely dangerous is happening. I want to get to that as I consider it some of the most dangerous new things to be revealed in the U.S. within the last week, perhaps even month. I will get to that in a moment.
Before I go too far though I want to address this entire "Open Borders" narrative.
Try this mental exercise.
Picture your house.
Now imagine if around your house were neighborhoods that people wanted to flee for various reasons. These reasons often involved crime and oppression.
Try leaving your windows and your door always open and unlocked. See what happens. That would be opening your border.
To make it more accurate for our current predicament. Also make sure you have zero problems with people that enter your home consuming the food they find there, the medicines, using clothing, and whatever else they find.
In fact make it your DUTY to keep up with the pace of that need and keep stocking the shelves, refrigerators, and closets with more and more items so you can help more of these people that climb through your windows and doors.
If anyone in your house says something along the lines of "this is insane, we can't afford this, and it is committing suicide so we can virtue signal" be sure to castigate them. Talk about the children your are helping. Tell them you are helping dreamers. When anyone that lives there says "what about our dreams, we can no longer afford them because we have to pay for these people" be sure to tell them they are being racist, even if no race was mentioned. As to the money you can talk about how you don't have to pay back your debt, and that you'll just go further and further into debt to be able to support these people.
Now take it further when many of the people are raped or attacked on the way to your house, and your own family members are raped and attacked as well in their own home. Whenever it is some of your own people simply brush that off and don't report it. Make sure not to report anything that makes what you are doing appear insane.
If they talk about how violent many of these people are and suggest closing the doors and windows and only inviting those in who will be positive. Call them out on it. Use the term Racist, or perhaps Nazi, even though neither of those terms apply.
When you have dozens of military garbed and armed people entering your home...
What will you do then?
That is where our nation is now
The corporate media, social media and search corporations that dominate as well as many corrupt politicians have been pushing for mass censorship of anything they disagree with. They can no longer win an argument based upon words and reason. They therefore are using the tactic of simply not allowing those they cannot defeat with reason to speak. They miss the point that if they have to resort to this it should be a strong indication there is something wrong with their ideas. This is important though as I suspect many of you may not have heard about a major thing happening on the southern border of the U.S.
Do you know about the videos showing THOUSANDS of military aged MEN (no women) crossing into Arizona from Mexico, Armed, carrying bags, boxes, etc and decked out in complete camo?
If not. I am NOT making this up. It is happening.
25 Straight Minutes Of Illegal Aliens Crossing Into US Through Arizona Ranch
SERIOUSLY think about that.
Have you seen anything like Red Dawn, or any other movie about invaders? How about ones where some weak willed fool opens the gates to the force outside? I think you can find examples of that last one even in recent titles such as The Walking Dead.
In Red Dawn they show the surprise invasion with all of these troops deploying from parachutes. Which means they had to make it into our airspace first.
This incident that is happening in Arizona is REAL. It is happening now. Thousands of military armed and dressed people walking across the border into Arizona. Where they are going from there I have not heard.
This literally IS an INVASION. My term INVADERS is a more perfect fit for what I have been saying than ever.
What are these thousands of invaders spilling into our country here for?
Will they join the ranks of Antifa so that suddenly they have a better chance?
Who is funding them? My guess would be George Soros or others like him?
What are we going to do about it?
What can we do about it?
And if you are an open borders nut. Will you wake up yet? I like the idea of no governments, and no borders too. Yet a lot needs to be done before that is safe or even has a chance to work. To do it now is complete idiocy.
If you think open borders are a good idea today. Do me a favor... slap yourself in the face really hard and say "WAKE THE F#CK UP!" loudly and if it makes you feel better you can say the slap was from me.

but...but...the INDIANS.
My ancestors were invaders....successful invaders
There's a lesson there.
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I’m an Indian... Chippewa from Michigan and I want the Borders closed
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Hell I have quite a bit of Cherokee and Chickasaw ancestry in my genes. My step father had a fair amount of Choctaw as well. Yet my skin is almost as pale as it can get. My father had pale skin, but his sister my aunt with the same parents he had has a complexion that seems more native American.
Everyone has been invaded, or been invaders, or has ancestors who experienced or were complicit with such things. It is a weak argument, but it is one commonly used.
It is good to see you USE your mind, unlike so many these days.
I am not going to blame ANYONE for what their ancestors did, or did not do. That is not in their control.
I will blame and challenge events that are happening NOW.
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So by making baseless assertions that have no reasoning or sensibility behind them you consider that "using your mind", yet how would you retort that immigration and invasion are not the same thing since one is done for the purpose of starting a life, adding value to a community and the other is for starting a conflict and or war and to displace or outright exterminate the same community that an immigrant wishes to be a part of, and how can you consider them to be the same?
The colonists weren't invaders, and to think that you can compare the borders to a city, or a state or in this case to a Federation of States as the same as the borders of a house is careening on the abyss of insanity, absurdity and utter nonsense, because it takes no great mental faculties to differentiate between invader and immigrant and one need but a dim dim lit mind to spot the laughable and audacious abortion of logic which reasons that immigrants are leeches or criminals, when this country was literally built on the sweat of their brow, and no matter how much "legality" you want to throw at immigration I have no doubt that you couldn't muster any specific guidelines for immigration that find even minor acceptance from the people because you've demonstrated only disdain for immigrants and broadly painted them as criminals whence there's no victim as if the fruits and vegetables at the store and the numerous jobs that "illegals" offer had ANY consideration from you, you who positioned himself as "provider" and "protector" of the proverbial household that likely was partially put together by "illegal" people, and for those reasons I can safely expect for your quiet acquiesce that you're a lazy, pseudo intellectual that has no interest in discussing immigration or the issues underlying it.
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I have a longer comment below and to the guy that replied to you. I actually did a lot of comments in this post. It's gotten some good reply activity.
The INDIANS (aka Native Americans) were known to invade each other, and even have slavery themselves. Different tribes were like different nations. In fact they referred to each other as nations.
The fact is every spec of land has changed hands over time.
The only thing you should be responsible for is YOUR actions. Not those of your ancestors. If your ancestors owned slaves that does not make you a slave owner. You were not alive.
If your ancestor was a serial killer. That doesn't make you a serial killer.
You owe the descendants of actions taken by others and NOT you nothing. Likewise, they owe you nothing.
The only thing you are responsible for is your choices and their consequences.
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But but, o wait there was a quip about words and reason, invaders refer to an organized army, not families, and it's about war, not migration. The other epic fail is that illegal means criminals means thieves, murderers and rapists, so who picks your fruits and veggies by hand, by and large? So much for adding value to the economy, because why not relegate them to the label of criminal based on laws that are neither law nor public and have neither victim, the "thought " exercise that begins by "they're invaders" when referring to migration, because so much for reasoning like "invaders have a different intent and objectives than immigrants". All hail the "legality" of the ones who don't virtue signal as "I'm such a witty intellectual, unlike those barbarians that don't even use words and logic to devalue both words and logic"
#thelololol #applesareoranges #imigrationIsOnlyOkIfItsLegalBecauseLogicAndImAnAnarchistAtHeart
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It depends upon the dictionary you look at. The older they are it is likely a lot different than what you'll get most places. I actually did look at a lot of dictionaries before using the terms.
Though in modern times the definitions of a lot of words are being changed. Often changed from what they have been for 1000s of years.
Yet let's take it a step further. A dictionary is made by humans. That is why each dictionary differs. They are meant as a tool to help people learn words they don't know. They however, are not the AUTHORITY on what a word must be. Otherwise, they'd have the same definitions. They don't. So falling upon dictionary definitions is nothing more than an Argument from Authority fallacy. ;)
I buy into definitions a lot more if they are accompanied by the etymology of the word.
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If you have a disagreement with a dictionary definition it's a semantic argument. Tell me, if I were to ask you to differentiate between immigrant and invader, what would be the difference? If we cannot agree on what words mean then there's no point in talking, and I think you've stretched authority to mean anything now, especially considering there's no one authority in charge there and you might as well say it's a fallacy of popularity as that would be much more veracious, don't you think?
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I aspire to no country or government ..I look upon borders as prison walls now that they no longer protect me from invaders and only limit my ability to travel freely on the planet ... Also for the most part it is the governments wars and corporate ownership of all wealth on the planet that causes people to become desperate displaced and unwanted.
Albert Einstein
“He who joyfully marches to music rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.”
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So? You think because of your ideals that reality will bend to you when you decide to pretend these things don't exist and do not matter?
There is nothing wrong with you having such a vision. It is simply VERY naive and suicidal even to think because you view that as how the world should be you are going to pretend it is that way.
I do think we could get to such a place. Yet just flipping the switch and treating it as though it is that way today is lunacy, naive, ignorant, whatever you want to call it. It is ignoring reality and embracing a fantasy.
You could make that fantasy real, but it will take a lot more than just protesting and flipping a switch. For one thing I personally think for any such idea to come to fruition you need a well educated (and by that I mean able to think for themselves, not simply blindly follow) population, that is well versed and continually seeking to improve their skills with critical thinking, and reason. With that I believe we likely could achieve what you are envisioning as well as solve most problems.
The problem is the education system has been pushing in the opposite direction. They don't really teach critical thinking anymore even if you take a class with the words "critical thinking" in the title. Even the professors that teach such classes clearly don't understand it in some cases. Furthermore, instead of thinking for yourself they are trying to silence anyone that disagrees. This is called conformity. Conform or be silenced, eradicated, etc. These same proponents push diversity as though what determines diversity is skin color, and sexual preference. While simultaneously they seek to force conformity (opposite of diversity) in the area that diversity is most important. Diversity of thought.
This is not a world that opening borders is a wise thing to do. It is an incredibly stupid thing to do.
Pick a goal. Work towards getting there. Pay attention to reality. Make it happen. Don't pretend it is already here. All you will be promoting in such a case is misery and death.
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Your world will be what you make it .... Mine is as a free person of planet Earth I aspire to no governments or countries. I live on my sailing ship and can travel the world freely and pay no one for a place to sleep or stay ... You would have to be mentally ill to agree to a system that will not allow you a place to be without paying and paying endlessly for the right to exist there. So my reality is far different from yours. I do not feel the need to protect a piece of land from others as I have and want no claim to it .. Enjoy your life I know I am enjoying mine ...beaches sun fun and beautiful people where ever I go...well for the most part ..always a few nuts in the bunch lol And poor displaced people fleeing poverty oppression and war are far less of a threat than you might think ...Those who displaced and oppressed them are the ones to fear ....
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But the catch 22 is that those few make the laws that make the arbitrary motives for allowing people through their legal ports of entry, and I absolutely think we need the lunatics to keep the arbitrary exclusions at their legal ports of entry because all these immigrants are trying to take over the UN vehicles and ordinance, who were ushered into the house through the god dam window.
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Me too. Yet those things do not magically cease to impact me because I decide they do.
I am realistic. I work towards those goals but I don't advocate STUPID choices that can't work in the current environment. Until we fix the education issue, deliberate dumbing down, and encourage people to be the only minority that truly matters THE INDIVIDUAL then what you aspire to won't happen.
They won't let you do it. Thus, it is unrealistic.
Sure you can try to do it, but it is suicidal. You can virtue signal and recommend other people do it and all you are doing is sending them to their suicide or to misery.
I aspire most towards Anarcho-Capitalism myself, but I spent a lot of time thinking "how could that work?" and most of that would require people being GOOD at thinking for themselves, responsible for their own actions and choices, and respectful of the rights of others to think differently. As long as they don't apply force against others or their property.
I think as a species we could get there. Yet the mass amount of the populations of the world don't know how to do those things. They also advocate for government/states taking more and more responsibilities away from themselves without realizing they are being enslaved.
Until people can be responsible for their own choices, and respect others the idea of Open Borders is much like supporting suicide bombers because not only are the advocates of such suicidal themselves they are trying to take everyone else right along with them.
Also if you believe in property at all then that already has the connotations of BORDERS. If you don't then you're likely an advocate for Communism which on a large scale I see as very evil.
If your idea cannot be implemented 100% voluntarily while respecting the property of others then to me that defines evil.
I aspire to the same thing you do. I just don't advocate doing things that won't work due to many different variables we need to fix FIRST.
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I think it's important to acknowledge that there are people that are mistaken in their beliefs, there are people that are right, and there are people that lie. Not all that speak as if they were mistaken are, and deliberately promote malignant policies in order to profit from them, or through solving the problems they caused afterwards.
Who will profit from armed invaders? Militarized police state forces, first and foremost.
Open borders are the enemy of freedom and felicity of peaceful nations, and this is obvious in those nations in the EU that have suffered the most immigration of late. It is undeniable that it isn't Islam itself that causes the epidemic of sexual assault in Sweden, England, and the rest of those countries most impacted by immigration, because nations like Bulgaria with large muslim populations that are native don't exhibit that scourge - because they haven't endured mass immigration through porous borders lately.
Your terminology is correct; these are invaders, and we're going to reap the harvest of sowing invasion that has proved to result from it throughout recorded history. Whether advocates of invasion are deluded or malignant is immaterial. Let the advocates serve on the front lines of the conflict to come and reap the crop of destruction they have sown.
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You ought to go and stop the invading army, I'll be right next to you waving the flag welcoming them in, after all, you have your opinion, I have mine, and your invaders are my people, this is my land, this is your land. . This is my house..
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You neglect my assignation of responsibility for the influx of invaders to folks like you, that advocate for their entry.
So, have fun when the enemedia trumpet lying politicians claiming we need ever more militarized police, yet more invasive panoptic surveillance, and seek to justify draconian censorship because it's the only way to prevent the coordinated attacks of insurgent invaders.
Something I didn't mention, that @everittdmickey did, is that every American is descended from an invader, including Native Americans. This is a key argument of open border advocates, as it is true and points out that immigration and invasion are the only reason we are here to begin with, and that it is unjust that we now oppose the same ability of others to enter this land.
We're all boat people, after all.
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People have migrated since, well people, even the colonists didn't come because of any natives ushering them in, did they, so why are my opinions responsible for what is the nature of people after all?
You think that makes for any kind of sensible argument or direction? You cannot argue with reason and my intellect has shit all over you, it's not as if you didn't position yourself there though.
Private property is not Public Property. Check mate, no need for any "have fun with yadayadayada".
Invaders and immigrants are two different people. You think the intention is not important that's why you use the terms interchangeably, yet to point your fallacy of false analogy, a self defense killing is not the same as premeditated murder..
I'm not an open border advocate and I've addressed the issue with sensibility and the veracity that is completely absent in this article and almost vacant in the commentary to it, take the torch, you're better than equating an invader to an immigrant, one is a murderer and the other is defending against them..
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I totally agree with your point of view, it is necessary to pay attention to the illegal immigration, not only for the possible criminals that may affect the border territories but also because the innocent people and without criminal problems which must resort to mafias and groups and armed muddy to cross the border, the illegal illegal is not only a problem for the nation but a risk for people who migrate in this way and do not forget that in addition to all this migration is in itself a economic charge for the government, if we add that there is not a certain number of people who migrate illegally, it gets worse.
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Wow. That was the best "parable" or mental imagery I've heard on the subject. I guess I'll close that window... LOL
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Thanks. I have been trying to come up with something that might get by all the crazy narratives and maybe bring some common sense into discussion of the topic. Too much politics and propaganda are rotting people's minds. :)
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People who want to abolish borders are often very naive, many have good intentions, but to believe that this society is ready for that does not make sense.
Look at what happens with the immigration of Venezuelans in South America, the crisis of socialism makes millions flee the country, there have been violent confrontations on the border with Brazil, and similar problems exist in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. And there is not much racial and ethnic difference there.
Those who want to make a reductionism and bring the issue to the ethnic or racial are eurocentric, don't see how massive immigration is also a problem in countries in other regions, and worse yet, don't see that the mass departure of people from a single country it causes that country to have a brain and manpower drain, preventing them from recovering.
The difference between legal immigrants (beneficial) and illegal immigrants (problem) is big, and even anarchists should recognize that there is a problem there, because even if there were no borders you should not expect to reach a country breaking and stepping on its rules, moral values, and rituals, breaking laws when arriving in a country is exactly this.
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Islam (The Quran) teaches Muslims to kill the infidels... America is a Nation if infidels since we do not believe in Allah and we worship Jesus (God) or the Gitchee Manitou or nothing at all.
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The Bible teaches the same things, need I post the numerous things that talk about killing the non believers?
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Correct. Which is why I am no fan of Islam. Fortunately it is an idea. It is a culture. It is a religion. Yet it is also a religion with a state. So it intrinsically cannot be separation of Church and State as it is both.
Does that mean I hate Muslims? No.
I don't hate anyone but people who know they are wrong and choose to do it anyway. I call those the willfully ignorant. I don't hate people for stupid ideas if they are unaware. Instead I try to help them see some different things and if I can get them to think for themselves and make their own minds. I also give them the chance to convince me.
So I am not islamophobic as I do not fear Islam. I am not racist because Islam is not a race.
I do not hate muslims. They can change their minds. Though they will be attacked and called an Apostate. Yet another reason I despise the concept of Islam itself.
Yet I don't hate the people, the muslims. I do hate the ideology of Islam. Sure it has good parts. All successful religions do. Yet poison can often taste good. Condoning of killing of others simply because they do not believe as you do is reason enough for me to be anti-Islam. Just to be straight. I technically don't like any organized religion. I am a Deist. I am against any religion that feels it has the right and even imperative to FORCE others to comply with it or die. "Killing for religion is something I don't understand"
This type of thinking is of course a good reason to close our borders. Also I am very familiar with the term Hijrah from within Islam. Conversion via Migration, Invasion via Migration.
Though in my post above I did not mention any faith, any nationality. I am anti-illegal immigration. If you want to come and knock on my door (aka Port of Entry to country) and have a conversation with me I may invite you in. I may also turn you away. If you instead choose to climb through my window then I feel completely justified in shooting your ass. ;)
EDIT: And just to be clear... I know you are a Chippewa and want the borders closed. :)
I'd love a world where we didn't need borders. We have a lot of things to fix before that can become a reality. Trying it now is pure suicidal tendencies, actually it is worse than suicide. It is wanting to take everyone else with you... so it is more like a suicide bomber mentality.
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Everyone who doesn't believe in what is essentially protecting ourselves should show how much they care and take this new challenge I found out about!

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Because private property is the same as public property. Logic win.
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Agree completely. Furthermore be sure to feed, clothe, provide education, and medical care for anyone that chooses to stay in your home.
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Yeah, because those illegal people that literally staff millions of jobs don't know how to clothe, feed or otherwise take care of themselves, they do have a crazy work ethic, ever seen a white guy weedwacking in 95 degree weather on the side of the road?
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Uhhh ... no. Too many people want to destroy democracy in America and have evil intentions.
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I don't know if anyone told you, but the founding fathers wrote the bill of rights directly to defend against democracy or political factions, FYI, America is: A federation of nations, a Confederation of Republics, and there's no mention of Democracy from the founding fathers except to speak at length of the tyranny of such thinking, Ie the federalist papers no. 10.
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I think you are right about parts but I would like to respectfully disagree with several arguements here. Maybe when I get home I will get a chance to state my case, but I'm currently working.
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If you have the right to stop anyone you wish for whatever reason you wish from entering your house, it goes to reason that you can do the same at the border, so what stops me from declaring that everyone can come into the country, don't I have the same rights, after all this is my country too.
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If you were the sole owner then you could. ;) Yet if you live in your house with other people and you keep letting people in that the other people in your house disagree with then I suspect you'll have difficulties.
Also... In my house and I suspect yours there is a big difference between VISITORS and people who live there. I'll let a lot of people VISIT. That doesn't mean I'll let them move in.
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So then nobody has the Right to refuse OR allow anyone in. And yes, there's many holes in the false analogy of "private property is the same as public property". Maybe to attach any value to such a asinine and absurd analogy is not understandable, but I don't think many will agree since to them if it's "legal" it makes a lick of sense or difference, and as where one absurdity is at home, how many others are there to keep it company?
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Am just here to read comments...lol
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Yeah, it took off a little bit more than I expected.
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Leaders all over the West are following the same agenda.
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Yes. They are. IT isn't working out too well for their citizens either.
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