RE: Life, Liberty and the Fruits of Labor (Property)

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Life, Liberty and the Fruits of Labor (Property)

in opencoop •  7 years ago  (edited)

UPDATE: We are expanding and the Open Cooperative through a multiple strategy. Past endeavors failed to capture the current sentiment of social or political movements. Example is the Knights of Labor from 1869. They had almost 1 million members in their heyday though were unable to keep pressure on employers or maintain the hundreds of worker cooperatives when the economy started to wane. Back then they did not know about Natural Cooperation ( and how Human Sociality and Natural Selection control cooperative behaviors. When an entire economy collapses and there are more reasons to defect from cooperating with others, the system decays. Today, thank God the Knights are alive and well through an Open Cooperative (Open Value Network). Knights of the 21st Century understand that the only way to keep people cooperating is to Defend the system at all costs. The system needs to have a simple and sweet message. The mechanism needed to keep the natural benefits of cooperation running indefinitely has to have an Intelligent Design that focuses this one message. The mechanism must reward members and blacklist defectors so that no one can take advantage of or steal Fruit of Labor without cooperating. The single message is to defend our "Rights"
which include Life, Liberty and Property (100% Fruit of Labor). The mechanism is GIFT Currency. Members follow the by-laws of the Open Cooperative to grow the ever increasing value of GIFT. That is easy enough so no one gets distracted. The benefits of using, promoting and protecting GIFT will eventually fix all of the concerns and calm sentiments of today and tomorrow. We all want and need change in our lives and governments. We can achieve this through GIFT without losing the message and the movement. We do not need to each carry a different sign in the crowd at a rally or protest. We need to champion GIFT and all it stands for. The rest will be resolved through GIFT. All of our concerns met through an open cooperative that follows the rules of Natural Cooperation.

We have been working on the by-laws and rules of how GIFT will function. We like to call this the Intelligent Design. Thanks to Martin Nowak we know that Natural Cooperation exists and can be shown in natural, biological, and Human Sociality. The rules are pretty straight forward. If not followed, cooperation will fall apart as defectors drain the surplus of benefits to the group.

So here are some of the amazing benefits that will keep the ranks of membership full and forever engaged. 1.) You get to keep 100% Fruit of Labor as a cooperator. 2.) You can invest in the open cooperative and still promote 100% Fruit of Labor of other co-operators. 3.) You will no longer pay any type of tax on Fruit of Labor. This includes employment taxes, sales taxes, VAT, and income taxes. This is all legal. GIFT is engineered to have an indirect collateral granting mechanism. You never actually pay an individual or enterprise directly for service or products. You grant collateral to the commons that increases the value of GIFT for everyone. 4.) You will be Spiritually, and Patriotically motivated to pay Capital Gains tax in respect and observance of government in doing what we established them to do; protect our rights to Life, Liberty, and Property (100% Fruit of Labor). We are working on a way to pay the equivalent of all the other taxes that non-cooperators legally must pay out of their Fruit of Labor. Since capital gains tax does not violate Life, Liberty and Property granted rights we could pay for example sales taxes and even VAT and State taxes when the value increases on GIFT. We would still be way ahead of the curve and if you subtract fiat deflation from the equation, wow what a benefit to cooperate by the rules. Even if total taxes added up to 94% like the top marginal tax bracket of 1944 cooperators would be willing to pay from their capital gains earnings all while not violation 100% Fruit of Labor. Really Fiat inflation by all estimates is over 7%, if you granted 94% of your capital gains earnings on GIFT and figured in at least 7% savings from your money not being deflated your at a surplus of at least 13% of that of non-cooperators. Remember this is all in addition to the fact you originally kept 100% Fruit of Labor! This is just too amazing! So, say the average non-cooperator (Defector) receives only 63% of their Fruit of Labor from their employer this is in effect half of the earnings retained by a cooperator. We can easily make more then double of what Defectors earn after their employers take a cut and government takes the rest of their God given Fruit. How is this even possible that you could earn at least 100% more than a defector while still paying all the same taxes?

This is how Natural Cooperation works. There is a multiplying effect that is created through a properly (Intelligently Designed) mechanism that encourages cooperating and punishes the defector with lose of benefit when they stop cooperating.

Natural Selection already rewards cooperative defectors. Competition is actually the normal mechanism in the world. Cooperation is actually not normal or erratic. Though when completion gets fierce evolution of cooperation steps in to take us to the next level of complexity or organization. That's how the universe has always worked. Cooperating is fueled by competition and creates the framework for it be more efficient than competition. Cooperation is the leaner, smarter, cousin of competition (Natural Selection).

So why does Capitalism reward something that already is destined to receive a benefit? Good question. I think we will eventually know the answer to this by cooperating and enjoying life through the pursuit of happiness. We would not pay people in addition to the theft of someone else's personal property, would we? The thief made off with someone's flat screen or laptop. We shouldn't pay them in addition to the benefit they received by not cooperating and being a good citizen. They are enjoying the TV watching the news about the break-in that they were involved in, or using the laptop to find their next victim. Why would be pay that person to have committed a crime all while allowing them to keep the property they stole?

This is how capitalism works. Natural Selection already rewards defection from cooperation. Competition is natural if you will. If happens without any support or mechanism. Cooperation on the other hand is higher technology or more complex and needs support of a framework or mechanism to flourish.

Capitalism does not need to pay defectors. Nature does that on its own. That is where your 50% lose of value is most likely hidden. We pay for bad behavior that would have occurred anyway. This is the worst waste of money and value destruction that could ever have been imagined. The reason it is so horrible is that it creates undue strife and economic wars that are not needed. No one can seem to put the pieces together of why their is so much inequity in the world. Until 09/24/2017 we did not understand these market forces that are stealing our livelihoods.

Take 50% or more of someone's Fruit of Labor and I can imagine there will be systemic problems. This is the world be all live in. Though we can change this without lifting a pen to rewrite laws or even voting for new representatives. We can achieve everything we desire by keeping 100% Fruit of Labor and becoming apart of the SOCIALMARKET movement. This is the most Spiritually Patriotic thing we can do as citizens.

Let's stop paying people to receive a benefit they already stole from someone else.
Join the movement and purchase GIFT Currency for yourself or a loved one today.

Anyone that wants to Join the cause can go to
Set up a user name in this format:

First, Middle, Last name as it appears on your Photo I.D. plus your birthdate as it appears on your photo I.D. 000000
Ex: John A Smith Born 01/02/1993

If we all use this naming format we can send GIFT Currency through the DEX to anyone and set up accounts for family members and friends. Locally when we establish Social Enterprises your photo I.D. can be used as a debit card for purchases at socialmarket enterprises.

To be whitelisted for GIFT Currency you send 1.0 BITUSD to the account: knighthood

That is it. Your are in the Knighthood and a member of all of our Social Enterprises we operate.

Did you cooperate with a stranger today?
Happy pursuits,

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We do not have to go down the road of collectivism or socialism. We do not have to have a "Basic Income" or have a government cryptocurrency that extracts a management fee so we don't have to pay taxes. We already have the laws to make our government work for us. We are the ones that give power to the government to protect 100% Life, Liberty and Property (Fruit of Labor). If we all received 100% Fruit of Labor through a "GIFT Currency" we would eagerly pay capital gains taxes to support the efforts of government and its elected officials. Capital Gains tax is the only tax that does not effect our property rights. We could finally live a Spiritually Patriotic life as intended with our naturally granted rights. 100% Fruit of Labor allows us to keep our Individualism and property rights directly while still receiving the benefit of Social Altruism (reciprocal cooperation) converted into capital gains for members.

We hope to get 100% Fruit of Labor economy and the Alternate Kingdom on to most likely through the toolkit.

Can you imagine if our Alternate Reality World that has real social and economic mechanisms goes Decentralized. This new concept could go worldwide and everyone could get 100% for the first time in history. Governments would receive billions in additional capital gains taxes without touching our Property rights!