... so ... unless you have a solution maybe we shouldnt talk :)It will go by day-of-week, hoping to prevent attracting more trolls (but there's no guarantee here ofcourse) but the order has not been decided on yet ...
all for seven cents, ... client is king :)
yes : edit :
do not insult my intelligence as if i was one of your regurgitating Homer Simpsons. The Indian is costing me money on something i will try to monetize later, it's 8 cents deeps from being zeroed out. The solution is NOT "buy more" as the next one might 25k sp i.o. 17 which brings the solution back to zero as in "buy MORE more" ... which might work for you tv-addicted couch potatoes and your "crypto-anarchists" who were play-mobil while satoshi was doing it and are nothing but marketeering rats in disguise. You MAKE me despise you.
If you can't solve this, then there's no use powering up, no incentive to buy more and besides, im pretty sure so far still over all accounts, including the wrecked and zeroed out ones, 90%-ish of the steem in it, is steem i bought with Euros, which got sold off a few weeks later everytime, and we are at 12 cents now, basically your masterplan is failing. I'm really sick of explaining myself. You owe me money, and your not doing a dam' thing to make this place attractive to anyone but crumbsuckers and millionnaires (low millionnaires who like to get a feeling of power, and floormanagement types who have either had seven divorces or have been stuck on the same floor for ten years ... can all feel mighty here)
do NOT insult me like that
can you fix this ?
then why are some of you drooling in my direction, i have no interest in your team, and never in teams like yours anyway ... you're transparent
i can see the filth from a lightmile away
last edit cuzz
i try very hard not to comment as i literally have nothing good to say about it , mostly because i cant stand myself yanking like that and also because im literally talking against my own money like this but i cant bring myself to project smoke and mirrors and fake sustainability. So i try to keep it to updates but sometimes feels like its pushing me to , which leads to these. But what mostly leads to these, is the hipocrisy and the zero defense against trolls with anything but 'having more money' . I probably know the world is not a fair place as i wasnt born with a nose up my ass, but in the boonies here and spent about 2 to 3 years of my life 'on the street' as they say ... yea what a waste of talent. So i'll always be a loner. Doesnt make me useless to a system or a project. Just makes me useless as a team member.
And so ... i'll try again , stick to updates :
i have spoken