The Community asks. @the-oracool answers. Find your answers here.

in oracool •  8 years ago  (edited)

If you were unfortunate enough to miss my introductory post, it can be found here.

Having received enough questions to make a post, it is now time again for me to share my wisdom and wit with the community. If you asked a question, find your answer below.

@stevescoins asks;

"How many more boobs will be bounced off my head before I pass on to the The Great Void?"

Worry not, my friend. Many a breast will cradle your cranium in the years to come. However, I must advise you that it is ungentlemanly to refer to the next stop on the female body as "the great void."

@dreemit asks;

  • "Does a blade of grass have sentience?"

  • "How big can a boob get before it bursts?"

  • The first is the most human of questions. Sentience is a man-made concept born of arrogance and a lack of understanding. You(humans) define intelligence by sentience. If a species is without awareness or understanding, then it is also without intelligence. This is a simple-minded approach to the science of life.
    What do we know of sentient beings? They are forever alluded by peace, crippled by an inability to make sense of things. Drowned in sorrows of circumstance and desires for insignificant and often meaningless achievements. A sentient existence is an existence of torment, of wanting more and having less, and of fear. Fear of life and its inadequacies. Fear of death and its inevitability.
    Now turn to the plant, the tree, or the blade of grass. Their song is the song of nature. An immutable, harmonic bond unites them with a world they needn't fear nor revere. They simply are. Life for a blade of glass is one of absolute serenity, free from worry or strife. doubt or disdain, insecurity or indignation. Where human after human squanders their life in search of a purpose, the blade of grass has transcended far beyond the need to understand its purpose, arriving at a point of acceptance that is not hindered by a desire to comprehend its place on the Earth. Life for a blade of glass, is peace.
    Now I ask you-- Which is the more intelligent life form?
    Think on this the next time you use the word sentience as though it is a supreme gift. I think you humans might benefit from a lesson in humility. I am probably the best person to give this lesson too. As I am the most humble person in the world, and the best teacher that has ever lived.

  • In regards to how large a breast can get before it bursts, the answer is exactly 47.246833 inches in circumference.

Anonymous asks;

"The price of STEEM has gone up lots. Is now a good time to sell?"

Yes, my friend. Now is an excellent time to sell. That is, if you are selling to me. Because now is an excellent time to invest.

Give me more questions.

You can ask me questions anonymously at

If you care not for anonymity, you may ask me a question in the comments section below, which I will answer in the next post with your name shown.

Once I have enough questions from the community, you will hear from me again.

Follow @the-oracool for more wit and wisdom, and share the experience with your followers by resteeming this post. Until next time, my friends.

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Such splendid yet wise answers. I must ponder these truths. For within I am sure I can find my way

This is why I am here, @meesterboom. And I'm glad you enjoyed my next post.

My question is will poetry ever pay, or would it be more rewarding copywriting for memes? And also, what is it with memes? Meme used to be a useful word describing the behaviour of certain ideas. Try googling that now! 😵

yes :)

(grabs popcorn)

nom, nom, nom...

You do not share? Rude.

(spills popcorn, ROFL)

That's more like it. Lol.

Now my stomach is hurting from laughing so DAMN HARD :p

This exchange has my stomach hurting LOL!!

You're welcome.

We are blessed to have your illuminating wisdom available to us in these chaotic times.

Yes. Yes you are.

Oh wise ora-cool, my son thanks you for your detailed and profound answers...

This is a lie. He did not say these words. But, I thank you for the sentiment.

LOL, you got me...I will have him read it and give his thoughts though, as they were his questions ;)

nice post, upvoted and followed

The support is appreciated. Have a wonderful day.

What lies beyond the wall of ice to the south of us?

My question:
Are there an infinity of infinities, or is there just one? (or none?)

Check out the @ora-cool take off! (pats herself on back again, taking partial credit for the resteem LOL) kidding, I know it is all you oh mighty ora-cool ;)

Oh and, resteemed....which you should have known I would do...

I already carved a thank you for this resteem into an underground sanctuary in Tibet, two hundred years ago. You may go and see it if you wish, but obviously my telling you about is all the proof you need.

I try my best to participate as much as I can. (3cents worth)
Glad you can share the same FUNny sense of humor.

I am REALLY enjoying it here on Steemit

That's awesome, I love it here! So many fantastic people ;)

So oracool..

You sound as though you're about to ask me a question for the next post..