You must pay sufficient attention to your dental hygiene and diet if you want to have a healthy oral cavity. Despite the importance of frequent dental exams, you should be aware that how you care for your teeth and gums is equally vital. As a result, you should eat and drink items that do not contribute to the development of dental problems. We've compiled a list of the top seven foods and beverages that can help maintain your teeth and gums in good shape in this post.
Dairy goods
Calcium is found in dairy products such as milk, cheese, kefir, and yogurt, which helps keep your teeth and bones strong and healthy.Fatty fish
Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, anchovies, tuna, sardines, etc.) are extremely beneficial to your overall health including the condition of your oral cavity.Leafy greens
Eating leafy greens has numerous benefits for your oral health. Firstly, leafy greens are full of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium.Fruits and vegetables that are crunchy
Many fruits and vegetables are good for teeth because they require a lot of chewing, which helps clean the teeth's surfaces.Green tea
Green tea is also important for your oral health since it contains polyphenols.Water
Our bodies are 60% water, therefore staying hydrated aids in the distribution of healthy nutrients, the elimination of debris, the maintenance of a healthy shine on your skin, and the movement of your muscle'sNuts
Nuts have numerous dental health benefits. They're filled with vital minerals like calcium and phosphorus. Almonds, Brazil nuts, and cashews are especially good for fighting bacteria that cause dental cavities.