"Orbiting", as the "ghosting" but more cruel: the new trend in times of lack of love in social networks

in orbiting •  6 years ago 

Both "ghosting" and "orbiting" can affect a person emotionally.
When you thought that you had finally overcome the trauma of "ghosting", now you will have to worry about a new tendency in the swing of personal relationships.

It is called "orbiting", and is basically the new incarnation of the already bustling "ghosting".

For those people who have had the luck of never having been subjected to this social practice, "ghosting" is when someone you have seen with some regularity suddenly cuts off all communication, creating the illusion of having vanished from the face of the earth without any explanation

"Ghosting" comes from the English word "ghost" which means spectrum or ghost; "Orbiting", which means orbiting, takes the phenomenon one step further.

From time to time, the same person who disappeared from your life will keep seeing all your stories on Instagram and Snapchat, retweeting your tweets and even leaving one or another comment like "ha, ha" on your photos.

Both "ghosting" and "orbiting" can affect a person emotionally.

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