Original Poem (+Process Page) by enternamehere

in original-poetry •  6 years ago  (edited)

This poem came from the recent “doodle writing” session

in my last post, Comparing Notes: Poetry Process. That post is an open invitation for anyone interested in comparing notes about the different ways in which we all write/create art.

Here is the colorful tessellation and word cloud that became the poem.

Archetypal Tessellation Poetry Fodder
SCB 24May2018 NTX

Don our best festive dress,
On our way to whatever may
Come today.

Along our tessellated quest
For the rest of the honest

Ride up the crest, tell us YES!
Yell NO! to the rest of the

Impress us with your precious skill set.
Pressed to find better yet.

Thank You

enternamehere with Proof of Original Poetry

What happens during your creative process?

How has your process evolved to its present state?

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Who is enternamehere?
ENH is a steemian exploring artistic expression one day at a time through visual art, poetry and other fun activities. Also known as Seana. Here I am.


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That poem had some nice beat, I was kind of tapping it out as I read. I really think you should put some of this to music XD

Your questions are too hard XD Erm, I just basically do what I can see going on in my head, though sometimes it takes a little bit of sorting out as I try to figure out what should be actually happening and having to see which characters aren't telling the whole truth (either because they're unreliable narrators or outright liars).

The expressions on the tesselated critters are so cute!


Your process sounds similar to what @sandrina.life said about hers, basically it all goes on upstairs for the most part. I work much more effectively when my hand is free to spew whatever the mind tells it When it's all upstairs I feel overwhelmed sometimes, like a water pipe under too many psi - about to burst! You must have finely tuned powers of imagination to keep the ideas all corralled and orderly in your mindspace.

While I've yet to put my poems to music, I have been getting my practice in front of the camera by reading them aloud for personal enjoyment. I am molding something together with all this stuff. Your encouraging words are so kindly appreciated.

It's so fascinating to see how many paths lead to the same (or a similar) destination. We're all using the same creative forces through our individual channels. Thank you for your comments, take care ☺

Enjoyed the poetry, and I really like the addition of the drawings/poetry together. This one and your last post (I think it was the last...have to go there next). That idea is very cool and probably really gets the creative juices flowing, the combination of word, visual art and drawing/penning process. Must really get the creative juices flowing.

As for creativity in my world, it is highly variable. Sometimes a photo triggers and entire idea, and sometimes an idea triggers the need for a series of photos. Or drawings if no photo exists. There can be notes or sketches (very crude), but they are minimal. Most of what I call creativity occurs on the keyboard. Type as you go, go as you type. I had a friend tell me I was probably left-brained, and the use of a keyboard with all that tactility, probably triggers something in the brain. Because I write as I go. Stuff just comes out as I type, usually. And goes where it goes, un-impeded. Been known to sit WAY too long in one place, with only brain and fingers going at it full speed. It is an interesting process to think about, and put into words. Though as I do, I think we've discussed this before. But the human brain and all it's 'stuff' is such an interesting entity to ponder and think about. Which I suppose IS ponder ( :

It's interesting to see how many ways there are to do a thing, all these roads leading to the same destination.

How long have you been writing?? When I found you here I was convinced you were a renowned and acclaimed writer with whom I was unfamiliar. I am still convinced, only now I am more familiar.

Primarily you seem to use words, then visuals in your work. By the way, your ("very crude") sketches and doodles are perfect, they fit snugly with their matching words.

Thank you for the support, as always. Take care!

Yowza, am I behind on comments or what?
I agree, there are as many roads to the final destination, as there are differing people. Sure makes it interesting. Everyone has their own 'system', that works, and the variation in creative approach and end result is mind boggling. As is the difference in the final art. There is SO much creativity in the human mind. And so much is un-tapped. It sure is inspiring, and gives new ideas on a daily basis. Fascinating indeed. I've always been amazed that for every famous singer/painter/artist etc, there are umpteen more out there, many much more talented, that will never be known, due to life circumstances too varied to even list. What if we could see it all? Maybe our heads would blow up...

Thanks for the very kind thoughts about writing. Amazing you would think I'm a renowned writer. But a very nice thought. I've been sitting at the computer, messing about writing things for a number of years. Never took any classes, etc beyond college English once (NO idea what I did in there). So not familiar with any of the do's and don'ts of the craft, that's for sure. Steemit is the first time I've ever 'done' anything with a writing, or actually really FINISHED anything, beyond long, odd Christmas letters. Oh, and one letter to the editor about our city needing a blimp....never published ) :
There are probably hundreds of 'stories' sitting in my computer, like sad little lumps of clay, that I should get in and finish up some day. Though some are rather 'dated'. Pretty sure the piles of notebooks of brain-stuff will stay in piles for my life. But they're fun to read when...bored? Nah.

Anyway, long story getting longer, this has been a good forum to learn within. How to finally wrap up a thought to full conclusion, then let someone actually read it. (UN-like my comments de verbositee o : A huge, but fun step for me. And WAY more than you asked for here, but then, that is the dd way, I suppose.

As for my process, that probably is true, mainly word, with visuals to add at the 'end' of the process as support. Though one visual can sometimes trigger a whole story. Like the glass of blood in the recent story. "Oooh, leeches". And off it goes. WOW, I can talk on here or what. Well, hope your day is a bonny good one. Keep on doodlin and writin and such.

What if we could see it all? Maybe our heads would blow up...

Yeah, I feel like my head might blow up when I'm on here sometimes. There's a never ending stream of more to see. Sometimes it's best (for me) to just step away from the screen, 'specially when the ol' VP is sittin' low to the earth.

Hold on to your sad little pieces of clay, they make great patching material when you need an extra something to fill in a low spot. Or maybe they will bring unexpected inspiration to a young person later down the road.

Doodlin' on!

What happens during your creative process?

People fall in love

People fall in hate too.

People get sad

People get inspired

I cry, I laugh

I get lit on fire

I die

I come back from the ashes

Rinse and repeat. Yep.

Well written.
Even I write some poems, you can check up on my page. :D