"Liquidity Network": Potential exchange of crypto-digital liquidity

in originalworks •  6 years ago  (edited)
     The technology and Internet (the network) are two utilitarian tools of great projection, as of world-wide reach, that allow people to communicate and interact, sharing information of interest in different sectors or areas of society. In consideration, citizens in general should take advantage of these tools to learn... share, thus consolidating themselves as successful people or professionals.

Source: Image created in photoshop with the logo of Liquidity Network

Now, considering what was expressed earlier in the first paragraph of this post, it is logical to think the following: The Internet is used for the purpose of generating tangible and intangible wealth, if assumed, of course, from a socio-economic perspective. This is possible, from the broad and productive context of technology, indisputably at the service of society; therefore, of all active executors of labor activities, for a promising present or future.

At the same time, digital coins and blockchain technology have reached the Internet (digital network), creating a extraordinary revolution that changed the way of seeing immediate or mediate reality.

Nowadays, it is easier to carry out commercial operations through online electronic platforms and interfaces. It is about electronic commerce, in other words, the marketing of services or products worldwide, using the Internet and high-tech devices, to the reach of large numbers of people in developed or underdeveloped countries.

However, due to the dizzying pace of time, multiple activities and personal or professional commitments responsibly acquired by citizens on a daily basis, Internet users need websites that ensure the shortest possible time for online operations, especially when it comes to digital assets.

Source: Image modificated in photoshop with the logo Liquidity Network

Certainly, access to and manipulation of digital assets on the Internet must be achieved safely, reliably, publicly or privately, without interruption, with full transparency. Without a doubt, it is essential to have platforms and interfaces that comply with these technological-computational characteristics. In this case, reference is made to Liquidity Network.

In the modern era, with the emergence of digital coins and blockchain technology, liquid networks are widely usable. ¡Many people know this, but others do not!

Therefore, it is convenient to comment that they allow and facilitate the respective exchange of digital assets, taking advantage of the benefits of centralized computational technology and, at the same time, the benefits of blockchain technology, characterized mainly by being decentralized.

So far, everything seems to indicate the nature and beneficial character of computer technology, Internet, digital coins, blockchain technology. This undoubtedly represents a economic advance for modern society. On the contrary, there are also numerous cases of dissatisfied users with the services offered on various digital platforms, with one common denominator: the exchange of liquidity. This represents a problem that affects millions of users of blockchain technology, beneficiaries of digital coins, along with existing, in different countries of the world.

.- What is the solution to ensure reliable liquidity exchanges?

Without a doubt, the solution is to use Liquidity Network, to validate satisfactorily all the exchanges of digital coins assumed by the millions of users who make use of the implicit platforms and interfaces.

.- What is the right platform-interface for executing liquidity exchanges?

After a thorough review and analysis of various platforms and interfaces designed for the exchange of liquidity (digital switch-over), it came to be considered that the best is:


Source: Image created in photoshop with the logo of Liquidity Network

In view of the foregoing, it is appropriate to provide information on the Liquidity Network, with the aim of educating and raising awareness on the proper use of technology, digital coins and blockchain. Welcome!

.- What is a Liquidity Network?

In the reference sources of the documents consulted, they point out that a Liquidity Network is defined by one or more platforms with electronic interfaces. In this way, it is possible to exchange (transfer) digital assets through devices considered medium and high technology.

Source: Image created in photoshop with the logo of Liquidity Network

According to experts, they are characterized by decentralization and, at the same time, can work perfectly with a single chain of blocks or crosses. When operating from a single chain of blocks, it uses a specific digital currency, e.g. Bitcoin; when operating with chains of crossed blocks, it supports transactions with two or more electronic currencies, as in the case of Ethereum and EOS (among other cryptoactives).

It should also be borne in mind that Liquidity Network have a virtual wallet, and this allows the execution of the exchange of digital assets. Is another sine qua non feature. (It can also be an exchange, as the case may be).

These are transparency, secure, reliable, fast digital platforms and interfaces, whose main purpose is the automatic conversion of digital currencies, thus consolidating the exchange of valuable assets in the Internet network, and specifically in blockchain. (Source: Bancor Case).

.- Note: The source consulted allowed the adoption of the conceptualization and conception of what a Liquidity Network is and represents. On the Internet, it was not possible to obtain more information on the subject.

Liquidity Network: Presentation

Source: Liquidity Network

Liquidity Network is simple, scalable, private and transparent. It operates in the context of the Ethereum. Is a block chain designed to support millions of active users (in the network: Internet), leading to general adoption.

Another particularity of Liquidity Network is that its digital ecosystem is based on the synergy of its main components, the first being the NO-CUST Liquidity Center, and the second, the Revive.

All the above-mentioned peculiarities catapult the Liquidity Network as one of the means or channels par excellence, precisely to exchange liquidity, i.e. to make transactions with digital assets.

Attributes of the Liquidity Network (basic characteristics):

Immediately, the main attributes or basic characteristics of the previously mentioned platform are stated:

.- Simplicity: This is a platform with a user-friendly digital interface. Users can manipulate this web tool easily and without technical-computational complications.

It is only essential to have a minimum of knowledge in the manipulation of the Internet, digital coins, electronic wallets, and blockchain technology. But it's not limiting.

.- Scalability: The platform interface has the ability to adapt to changes brought about by its functionality and growth, reacting and adapting without losing operational quality.

.- Traction: It is the functional capacity that determines the progress of the platform's interface, based on determining factors, such as the validation in the virtual and real world of the operability and exponential growth.

.- Privacy: It is the condition that determines the access and control of digital information, giving way to web security.

.- Transparency: It is a characteristic that conditions the operativity of the interfaces in the digital platforms, granting it a credibility character. It also allows the visibility of transactions or liquidity exchange.

It can be said that it is a friendly Liquidity Network adaptable to operational changes and progressive growth, with validity in the virtual and real world. At the same time, it adapts perfectly to privacy and transparency standards, to satisfy users' interests and needs.

Source: Image created in photoshop with the logo of Liquidity Network

In addition to the above attributes or characteristics, Liquidity Network also operates under the precepts of Block Chain Congestion Resilience, Non-additional Charge Transactions, and Non-Chain Operability.

The resistance to the chain of blocks allows the execution of 10 transactions per second, without setbacks or technical-operational limitations, representing a point in favor for the users of the platform/interface from Liquidity Network.

The possibility of executing transactions at no additional charge or at a low cost (depending on the number of transactions executed), is an added value that benefits those who use the platform's interface, especially because in similar cases, the commissions are very high. This is another plus point for users of Liquidity Network.

On the other hand, the operation outside the block chain, leads to the execution of transactions not directly registered in it, without depending on the validation of the respective network in use.

It is worth mentioning that transactions are carried out continuously and after a certain period of time, they are officially registered, without representing any type of problem for the users of the tacit platform. This avoids threats to the scalability of the Liquidity Network.

As can be seen, the massive use of Liquidity Network does not induce setbacks or operational limitations. The execution of transactions or exchange of liquidity does not represent overwhelming costs in commissions, and the registration of these, is not formalized directly in the chain of blocks, but after a prudential period (time).

Thus, everything indicates that Liquidity Network is the platform with the perfect interface for the execution of liquidity exchanges, in the shortest period of time and with satisfactory results for users.

Liquidity Network functionability:

How does Liquidity Network work?

It has already been said that Liquidity Network is a platform with a friendly, scalable, secure, private and transparent interface.

Now, it is appropriate to provide information about its computational functioning, for users to have a clear and accurate idea of how to properly manipulate the fully identified platform interface.

Liquidity Network bases its digital operation on the benefits of centralized computational power and the decentralized nature of the blockchain. From there, there is an exchange with the speed of the centralized protocol, and with regard to security, under decentralized parameters, thus producing a positive duality.

For operational purposes, Liquidity Network focuses its operation on the exchange of liquid assets on the Internet (digital coins accepted by the platform interface, obviously), through the chain of blocks based on Ethereum and a virtual wallet. This last web resource is easily accessible from the online platform interface.

Source: https://wallet.liquidity.network/

To make use of the virtual wallet, you only need to add it in the corresponding section (see red box in the previous image). Next, the system will ask you to enter with the tools MetaMask or Cypher. (See the following image):

Source: https://wallet.liquidity.network/

Note: The operation of the web wallet was not reflected, considering the privacy of the author of this post. However, you can proceed to use this virtual wallet safely and reliably. In the image that is projected immediately, you can see a panoramic view of the digital wallet:

Whitepaper Liquidity Network

Source: Image created in photoshop with the logo of Liquidity Network

In the @originalwork blog in Steemit, you can read, clearly, concretely and assertively, the following:

The liquidity of the exchange network has no funds while atomic swaps are made outside the chain, so it is scalable and secure. (Source: @originalworks Blog).

The reference citation extracted from @originalwork is deductible from documents related to Liquidity Network. Clarified the point, the content extracted from the consulted source, is reflection of the expressed in advance on the benefits at operative level, of the interface/platform approached.

Note: The transactions executable in the interface of the platform, will depend only on the speed (bandwidth), and the latency of the Internet network.

Liquidity Network: Nocust Hub

Information of Interest

It should be noted that a Custody Service is an innovation in the field of digital coins. In essence, it is a third party solution (action), whose purpose is the secure storage of digital actives.

In the digital market, and specifically in the virtual scenario of electronic coins, custody services based on "hot" and "cold" protocols are common. It is understood that when it comes to "hot" storage, digital coins have access to the Internet network.

On the contrary, i.e. with "cold" storage, some or all of the electronic coins do not have access to this network. It should be noted that "hot" and "cold" storage systems can alternatively be combined without any functional difficulties. An example is when a user stores their digital assets offline, and then uses a private key to access the system.

In the specific case of Liquidity Network it is a service of transactions or exchange of liquidity, without custody. But, does this represent a problem or danger in the storage of digital currencies? No, not really! The only thing that is achieved is the execution of transactions (without custody) outside the chain of blocks, and in this way, the operating costs (per transaction) are waived.

¿And the procedure in general, is positive? ¡Yes, indeed! since it represents a favorable point for users of the Liquidity Network.

Previous experience indicates that all digital ecosystems based on non-custodial system protocols are adapted to computational criteria and interests, plus the basic needs of blockchain users, including, of course, electronic money. (Source of support).

Revive: An alternative to Liquidity Network:

Information of public interest

Within the platform interface corresponding to Liquidity Network, the rebalancing of payment channels outside the block chain is a priority requirement. This process, defined as Revive, is executed by the hubs. In short, it is an algorithm in charge of the physical process that conditions the operation and stability of the implicit network, where the hub fulfills a highly determining function.

Once the process is executed outside the block chain, it does not cause congestion in the Liquidity Network, and apart, it increases scalability and decreases operating costs. In the image projected below, the process indicated in advance is graphically visible: (see image)

Source: Whipapper Liquidity Network

.- Theoretical contribution: The term "Hub" refers to an electronic device. It is specifically a hub, used to connect various digital devices, such as a desktop computer, laptop or tablet, even a smart phone.

Settlement of transactions outside the chain: ¿How does the process occur in the network?:

The settlement of transactions outside the chain is a process that is unfailingly carried out in the network in the following way:

Category 1: Bipartite transactions: that occur between two users; and Category 2: N-Party transactions, where more than two users participate.

Within the first category, when it comes to bipartite channels, they are subdivided in the manner indicated here: (a) unidirectional transaction; (b) bidirectional transaction; (c) linked payments; and (d) two-party payment hubs.

.- Unidirectional transaction: occurs between two interacting parts. In this type of process, one of the parties carries out the transaction. The deposit moves through the channel, out of the chain; and the funds are sent through a single address.

.- Bidirectional transaction: it materializes between two parts that interact at a certain moment. It allows the sending of funds in two directions. This type of transaction presents a risk, when one of the nodes can invalidate the transaction.

.- Linked payments: occur when pairs (users) are not connected to the network. It is estimated that each party involved must deposit some guarantee. Colaterally, this type of transaction predisposes to route search, channel maintenance, transaction security and congestion balancing.

.- Two-party payment hubs: represents an alternative that groups together the above types of transactions, including more than two persons as direct participants in the transfer of funds.

Image created in photoshop with logo of Liquidity Network

In the order of ideas presented, it is extremely important to highlight the N-Party Payment Hubs, because they allow the elimination of much of the computational work required by two-part centers, in relation to the rebalancing of guarantees. This allows:

  • Less costly transfers.
  • Faster transfers.
  • Greater user participation.

Along the same lines, Liquidity Network Hub offers certain benefits that contribute to the good operational development of the platform/interface; for example:

  • Free registration of offline channels.
  • Simple routing (As opposed to two-part payment channels, which require complex routing).
  • Guarantee of funds between users, without retention on a server.
  • Use of a server to calculate transactions (induces the speed and low cost of transactions in the ecosystem hub).
  • The server calculates the transactions, while the users retain the funds.
  • Funds are not compromised.

From the perspective of bipartisan transactions and N-Party Payments Hub, it is evident that Liquidity Network, is a platform with an interface representative of a great technological advance, to support millions of transactions (exchange of liquidity) in the reconoced chain of blocks of Ethereum.

Thus, a utilitarian service is offered to satisfy the interests and needs of the users, adjusted to the interests and basic or structured needs of the conformants of the recognized virtual network.

Decentralization in Liquidity Network:

Interesting data

Let us remember that on the Internet, there are centralized, decentralized and distributed ecosystems

In simple words, a centralized ecosystem is where all actions depend on a single person, a single node, a single part.

The decentralized ecosystem put simply, works under the parameters of different people, several nodes and different parts.

For its part, the ecosystem known as distributed allows the duality of users, to interact as senders or receivers on the Internet network, chain of blocks or Liquidity Network.

Consequently, it is logical to think this: each of the ecosystems mentioned above has its own level of ease and complexity, attributing digital personality to the interfaces of the platforms that proliferate on the Internet.

Liquidity Network, is governed by an ecosystem entrenched in decentralization, allowing this:

1.- Interconnection as in Lightning Network and Raiden.

2.- Users with funds accessible through a private key.

3.- Elimination of funds, by the users, without any type of impediments.

4.- Allows all users to join different hubs, without any technical-operational limitations.

5.- Sending funds from different hubs, using the Revive protocol correctly.

6.- Efficient management of payment centers.

7.- Among other benefits, it is emphasized that Liquidity Network allows having a server outside the block chain, making use of an intelligent contract. Any user can run his own central server, with full control of the funds, by having a private key.

In attention to the previous paragraphs, the reality indicates that decentralized ecosystems are appropriate in the pretense of digital clarity and transparency, and that is why Liquidity Network assumes decentralization as part of an integral ecosystem.

Web positioning of the Liquidity Network:

Every online platform seeks to profile itself as one of the most viewed and used on the Internet. The good content, functioning and usefulness of web pages are indicators that help the implicit purpose.

The web architecture, protocols used, and the ability to provide a large number of liquidity (exchange) transactions make Liquidity Network a platform with an avant-garde interface, which has been adequately positioned on the Internet network.

The images that is exposed, reflects in a punctual way, the way as Liquidity Network is positioned in the market of the digital coins, the chain of blocks, for satisfaction of the interactive parts (see images):

Source: @originalworks Blog

Source: Whitepaper Liquidity Network

Source: Whitepaper Liquidity Network

The images show and attest to the exponential positioning of Liquidity Network during its manipulation by users on the Internet. The higher the positioning, the more transactions (exchange) of liquidity.

Usability of Liquidite Network:

The projection and usability of Liquidity Network will depend on its web positioning, and in the same way, on the quality of service offered to users with the exchange (transaction) of liquidity, under the conception and contextualization of the chain of blocks of Ethereum.

It has already been expressed that the greater the number of users on the platform, the greater the number of liquidity transactions (exchanges) consummated at the interface.

From there, it is understandable and vital that Liquidity Network the greatest number of social organizations and people, as in the following cases:

.- Governmental organizations: incorporated into the actions in the Internet, use of digital coins and the chain of blocks.

.- Banking entities: public and private that adopt financial systems that have emerged in a timely manner with the progress of blockchain technology (based in Ethereum.

.- Offline exchange houses: which are responsible not only for the materialization of fiat money transactions, but also for digital money.

.- Online exchange houses: with a high presence on the Internet, allowing transactions (exchange) of fiat money and digital coins.

.- Business organizations: with small, medium or large operational capacity and financial resources to invest in digital ecosystems based on digital currencies and the Ethereum chain of blocks.

.- Traders: because they are people specialized in the market of crypto currencies and their ability to reach a large number of users, to teach, help and guide in the consolidation of activities in online trading.

.- Common users: using digital coins and the Ethereum block chain to trade with digital coins.

The Internet, likewise, is positioned here as the appropriate global network for web hosting, usability and positioning of platforms/interfaces created for the exchange (transfer or conversion) of electronic currencies.

Uses cases of Liquidite Network:

First case:

A group of entrepreneurs decided to create a bank in the city where they live, in order to offer a good service to potential customers.

Due to the boom of electronic currencies and blockchain technology, they decided that in addition to trading fiat money, they will also do so with resource economic-digital.

However, in order to do so, it was necessary to have a platform with a suitable digital interface for the execution of transactions (exchanges), specifically with digital currencies.

One of them, through the @originalworks team's contest, learned about the existence and functioning of Liquidity Network, reviewed the platform's interface and, considering it ideal, proposed its inclusion in the bank's activities. They have considerable time using the platform interface from Liquidity Network.

They have achieved extraordinary job performance. The users of the bank are satisfied and so are the owners of the bank. ¡The success is indisputable!

Second case:

Sthefany created an online exchange house, to facilitate the exchange (transaction) of digital coins for Venezuelan users who use the interfaces of platforms, specialized in the marketing of digital coins.

She knows that Venezuela, due to the social reality and country situation, in the middle of the crisis is becoming a market of opportunities in the digital field. Because of that, she decided to undertake in this very productive sector.

Sthefany needed a platform with a user-friendly interface for the execution of transactions (exchanges) of digital currencies, considering that those used until now did not satisfy its interests and needs.

His personal friend @jessfrendcor told him about Liquidity Network She started using it as a platform and interface for her company's online transactions, and was very satisfied. He now recommends it to all users.

Ethereum: Protagonist in Liquidity Network:

In Liquidity Network its creators and users are exceptional protagonists. Similarly, the digital currency known as "Ethereum" (with the initials: ETH), is another protagonist of this electronic platform/interface.

Concerning the Ethereum is manipulable, this information: it is a digital currency (intangible, cannot be seen or palpated), which arises in the cryptographic market, time after the appearance of "Bitcoin". In fact, people with knowledge of the subject say that Ethereum is an improved version of Bitcoin, and it certainly is, according to what they estimate in different sources of information.

In relation to Ethereum, it should be added that apart from being an electronic currency, it also represents a digital ecosystem, that is, a chain of blocks, concretely named as: "Blockchain or Distributed Accounting Technology" (with its acronym: DTL).

Source: Pixabay

It allows this chain of blocks, the celebration of intelligent contracts, as well as the creation of diverse decentralized applications, just by generating cryptographic codes, in a logical and coherent way, using resources and technological devices of advanced electronics.

It allows this chain of blocks, the celebration of intelligent contracts, as well as the creation of diverse decentralized applications, just by generating cryptographic codes, in a logical and coherent way, using resources and technological devices of advanced electronics.

The projection and location of Ethereum is currently highly positive, with scalability below Bitcoin, but above other digital currencies. The main exchange houses worldwide project Ethereum> as the second coin with the best projection -it is insisted- after Bitcoin.

On the website of "Coinmarketcap", they offer the following technical-financial data on Ethereum: Market capitalization, with a quote of 70,752,766,810 Dollars, a value of 151.52 Dollars, and a volume of 2,564,048,320 Dollars (Date of Tuesday, January 8, 2019); (see next image):

Source: Coinmarketcap

It is a well-known fact that the digital coin "Ethereum", together with its chain of blocks, are and represent the cryptographic basis of Liquidity Network, in a satisfactory manner.

Liquidite Network Team:

Behind every online platform/interface that stands out for its quality and excellence, there is always a work team, made up of people trained in different professional areas.

Liquidity Network is no exception, and has a high-performance team. With constancy, dedication, willingness, disposition and passion, it fulfills its daily functions and is synonymous with success.

Next, each one of the members of the working team of the platform/interface of Liquidity Network is visualized:

Source: https://liquidity.network/#team

They are owed all the work and achievements at the platform interface from Liquidity Network.

"Honor, whom honor he deserves."

Varieties of Liquidite Network:

The platform interface can be accessed from the desktop of a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or from a smart phone. It is also accessible from conventional operating systems such as Android, IOS, among others.

Undoubtedly, having access to Liquidity Network by means of all the electronic devices mentioned, is an advantage that orients towards the usability and positioning of the platform/interface. They are technological resources that can be exploited from the proposed perspective. They must be used in a conscious and intelligent way, with responsibility and respect towards other users. ¡Say no to electronic delinquency!

Another variety is an Airdrop driven by the Liquidity Network, being a popular tool that leads to the construction of the community Airdropping Token, for millions of users, which has other beneficial features.

Brief integrative synthesis:

Liquidity Network for its friendly, fast, secure, transparent architecture-ecosystem, positions itself on the Internet as a platform with a very useful interface, surpassing the expectations of its creators and users, at the same time as imploding paradigms over similar online structures.

Liquidity Network is eligible as a platform/interface that validates transactions outside the chain, thus providing the conditions to solve the problems of high operating costs.

Liquidity Network is the guarantor of the control of private keys, within its ecosystem and protocols, taking advantage of the versatility of decentralized processes, although in many cases, the Internet network operates centrally.

Liquidity Network allows one-way, two-way, linked payments, 2-part payment centers and N-Party payment centers, along with the hubs, to contribute to the decentralization of the platform/interface. It is a priority for the protection and security of funds.

In short, Liquidity Network represents a digital ecosystem with an avant-garde and innovative architecture, which facilitates the exchange of liquidity (transactions -conversion- effective in digital currencies) in a friendly, fast, secure, private and transparent way.

In Liquidity Network, the blockchain technology of "Ethereum" confers adaptability, progressivity, seriousness, efficiency and high operational performance. Thus, it can be interpreted that the massive adoption of the platform/interface, is not a myth, but a latent reality, and currently materializes with total success.

Links to Liquidity Network:

Liquidity Network Wallet

Liquidity Network Whitepaper

Liquidity Network Nocust Paper

Liquidity Network Revive Paper

Liquidity Network Apple App Store (IOS)

Liquidity Network Apple App Store (Android)

Liquidity Network Telegram Group

Liquidity Network Telegram Announcement

Liquidity Network Twitter

Liquidity Network Github

Liquidity Network Blog


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