Unión del Orinoco y el Caroní

in orinocoycaroni •  6 years ago 

Hello, how are you friends today I present my beautiful Venezuela that is going through a very critical moment but we are going to get up, I know that we will achieve that.

Union of the Orinoco and the Caroni
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The Caroní River with its dark waters product of the content of organic acids, and the Orinoco River with its great amount of sediments of rather earthy color. This is due to the way the basin is managed, which mainly generates sediments due to erosion that results from the loss of vegetation cover.


I hope you like it I would appreciate it if you would vote for me because that would help me a lot. You know how the situation is here. Good luck friend God bless you

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Algunas personas podrían diferir y pensar que está bien que publiques sobre Venezuela porque eso cambiaría un poco lo que otros piensan, pero debes hacer un poco más que esto.
