in ormus •  6 years ago  (edited)



I guess some would consider my almond butter as snake oil too…? Maybe if you are allergic to nuts…?

Sorry... I couldn’t resist my tongue in cheek comment... here is my response below to my Ormus Post…

I respect that I'm in your house, I made a mistake as there are no clear rules stated, and I’m not going to push any more bid bot product advertisements into trending.
I did more research and you can clearly see that my Ormus post got 80% upvotes and only 20% downvotes.

I firmly believe in Ormus and use it frequently. I know thousands of people that have experienced the healing properties of Ormus. For those who are so quick to judge it as snake oil, I wonder if you have ever tried it or maybe you were duped with an inferior version.

It’s sad to see something that has a good uplifting effect on people get trashed like this. There are literally thousands of stories on the internet and countless of people I have known personally who were healed by Ormus and experienced great benefit from it. I studied hours to get the content of this post, meanwhile, a post titled “One Day in the Life of a Bartender’, which has content that was not really well thought out, is also in trending. I did source a new white monoatomic gold just recently, it’s not like I had this before…

This is the problem that I’ve had with raw food haters over the last 20+ years…. I have been 100% raw for that entire time, and in that time I have been bashed, and my products have been bashed, meanwhile my information and products have helped thousands of people. At the same time, a lot of the people who bash me and these products, can’t even discipline their mind to try eating this way for one week to experience the benefits of all these things... let alone eating this way for 2 months, 2 years, or 20 years.

I am sorry if I sound adversarial, I am really passionate about this and it gets really frustrating when you have so much experience and people with none of it are just calling it garbage. So I am simply asking you, from just a logical standpoint- if you haven’t even tried it for a week, how can you roll your eyes at these experiences, these testimonials? And if you’re somebody who is running into obstacles that are in the way of the goals you want... why not be even open to considering it..?

Look I am not telling you what to believe, I am not telling you anything is all good or all bad, always right or always wrong, You have to decide for yourself, I am sharing what I have seen and what I have experienced from decades living this way, being a part of a community where I have witnessed thousands of stories and countless hours of studying research data etc etc …. So I say to each their own, I am a thousand percent a believer in this and I live it, I don’t just down vote you or flag you because I don’t agree with your opinion.

Yes I get the skepticism because I am touting something I am also selling, you’re entitled to your opinion but this is something I am passionate about and that’s why I started this company. I am new to Steamit, so I am sorry if I ruffled any feathers but I believe that what I had to share has value. You can decide for yourself …

Ask yourself - Why is at that people are so quick to scream “snake oil” at these natural remedies that have been around for thousands of years, while blindly accepting pharmaceuticals that haven’t even been around for a 100 years or so, and have countless side effects? People are afraid of what they don’t understand.

Ann Wigmore helped heal thousands of people from all sorts of degenerative diseases in the 80’s... They bashed her and they called her crazy. They said she was a quack... and now…. Those people that were helped and healed by her, have grandchildren that are living today because of her. But people don't stop and think about this and they just form their opinion. To this day, her health institute is still standing and helping people.

When we have people come to our retreats for two weeks, they lose weight, have much more energy, and overcome conditions and illnesses. Many people have come off of their pharmaceutical drugs (which weirdly enough don't seem to be classified as "snake oil"). Diabetes has been completely healed multiple times at our retreats within a 2 week time frame and even high blood pressure. Furthermore, you don’t even need to be 100% Raw to reap these benefits. Cooked Whole Foods diets where you eliminate processed foods also works. A cooked whole foods diet is easy- you can eat eggs, chicken, fish, turkey, baked potatoes, brown rice, brown rice pastas, quinoa, goats milk and so many other delicious foods and have the same results.
If you want to learn how to eat a cooked Whole Foods diet and healing, watch my video at the link below:
For example, check out Tim Maides, who healed from his diabetes in two weeks on a cooked Whole Foods diet. People are complaining about lacking science here.. His actual ‘scientific’ blood markers prove this as you will see in the video at the link below:


Only 20% of the 280 people down voted me. It seems to me that there is a small tyrannical aspect going on here on Steemit, and this platform isn’t really looking like it really is an open platform. It looks really closed down to where the smallest percentage of users dictate what works and what doesn’t work.
The 80% of the people who upvoted my post are the majority and they simply upvote and move on…. I would assume that posts like mine aren’t the main thing that is harming Steemit. There have been some pretty hardcore attacks against me as a person and not about the content of my post. I’ve invested 3 - 4k into steamit in my first month, was planning to do much more over time, and to possibly share the platform with my large email list after I learned all of the ropes.
Anyway, I’m learning the ropes as I go here, I do respect being inside of your house, and I will abide by the things I learn of what is “acceptable’ and not.
Mr. Almond Butter is back here, and from the way things are going, it seems that this shit storm is about to become a hurricane…
Matt Monarch

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Look everybody…. I’m a good guy, I follow directions and I would not do something like this again. Making or losing money on this post is of my least concern. My drive isn’t money… This was my first attempt to become more known and a part of the community through this action. Obviously, this post was a mistake and I should have used something else. For some reason I thought people would like this type of thing on here, but I was clearly wrong. I’ve invested in Steem Power and was going to continue to do so. I’m learning the ropes of this place and am considering promoting steemit to my large email list after I learned all the ropes. It just seems that my attempts of communication to apologize and rectify the situation are being ignored.


All views, ideas and forms for expressions are welcomed on the Steem blockchain. Nobody here can stop you from sharing your mind or promote your ideas and/or products.

However, it is a platform where all stakeholders have a say, positive and negative, in determining the value of content and contributions as they see it. When a post is boosted to the top of the trending page using bid-bots, it falls on the community to voice its opinion about the quality and value of the content. Sure, it may help you gain exposure and perhaps more people will end up upvoting you if they see value in what you bring. However, you may also see that people dislike it, as has been the case here.

People want a front page that to the best extent possible reflects the best of the platform, not the worst. I'm happy to see how many people believe that this post was the latter.

Apologizing doesn't return money to scammed people.

At least one desperate person bet her life on these claims.....and lost

And it's not only the money that people lost because of this bullshit.

Have you ever tried this product? and by the countless people who have been helped by this product, was also scammed?


Have you ever tried this product?

No, I'm not mental. Are you? I'm clearly stating that it's a scam and you are asking me if I tried it. It's the most ridiculously stupid thing I've ever saw here.

and by the countless people who have been helped by this product, was also scammed?

Yes. It can't help anyone because it's bullshit. Not even real bull's shit which can be useful. It's just scammy pile of dirt.

Even flat-earthers are better than you, because they are not selling their bullshit to people in need.

So, You don't think adults should be able to purchase and ingest whatever they choose?

I'm not going to purchase his product, but I support adults making adult decisions.

As people can sell stuff they want, people are equally free to talk against people, companies and products.

If I'm saying someone is a scammer, their products are bullshit and only mentally handicapped people buy it - I'm not saying people don't have a freedom to make their own decision.

I have my freedom to comment on the product.

Giving people freedom to choose doesn't mean we shouldn't express negative opinions on something.

That's a good point! And in turn, I guess I also reacted.

But I hear you. Well said.

Are you in favor of having the black market up-and-running on Steemit, @whatsup?

So, You don't think adults should be able to purchase and ingest whatever they choose?

Would you have this same mindset if people started auctioning off child-porn and human kidneys, sitting on Steemit at the number one spot on trending?

I won't answer for you, but, IMO, the line has to be drawn somewhere, or else you create the potential for some of the ugliest sides of humanity to start growing and, potentially, over-running the community.

To be clear, I think scamming people using bogus health products/ claims is near the lowest of low that a human can reach and I don't particularly like the idea of having Steemit's trending page being dominated by this trash.

For me the freedom to buy and sell is about adults.

The problem with Child Porn and Kidney's is that someone is directly injured.

I don't care if people smoke pot, do hard drugs or experiment with unproven products based on personal experience. I am for adults being adults.

I get the concern about the trending page, and I was really excited to see people use their voting power to express how they feel about this!

So, I completely approve of the flagging as well as the upvotes! That is how the site works and when people start flagging the site will function much better in my opinion. I am happy the conversation broke out.

So, You don't think adults should be able to purchase and ingest whatever they choose?

That doesn't follow from Decentral's comment.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

U can make some yourself

You mean pile of dirt? Seems like you don't even know what this scammer was trying to sell before he edited it out.

U mean this pile of dirt...?

(First just know I went and upvoted all your comments here that were flagged so they would be not hidden anymore, just so you know)

But Yes Matt, yes they were scammed, if they bought "ormus" then yes man, they were scammed.. Sorry...I know this product seems to have a lot of people swearing by it but its 100% placebo. Real Honestr to God Stardust Blue, or the Secretion from glands of maji grail line indigo children, who were chased down and put into captivity during Ancient Egypt when theyd go CRAZY for this stuff, is no longer found on Earth, due to many reasons that you can think of like DNA being expired and no longer being able to produce this compound, you can find out about Stardust Blue or "Celesteline" on keylontic Science Dictionary. And how the "Ormus" or "Monoatomic Gold" is just a counterfeit version, syntehtically produced, and it would make the ancient egyptain presists trying to replicate the ascension experience go Crazy and iut was described like the Spice from Dune, lke hyperdimensional DMT, but our DNA and brains in current state can't handle it and youy will go insane if you use that stuff, but what you are selling is NOT that eoitehr its a counterfeit of the counterfeit of the real 12 Dimensional stardust blue aka Celestaline

But hey why not just forget the obvious monoatomic gold scam and replace it with COPLLOIDAL SILVER now THAt stuff works and VERY few people are going to argue its effectiveness! It would be S cool to see you just replace the monoatomic gold with some much less controversial Colloidal Silver product and there sos many cool things to try, you could probably get a very good deal on making your own bulk colloidal silver product to sell and sav people good money, etc

This was my first attempt to become more known and a part of the community through this action.

I think it was a success. You're definitely well-known ^_^ LOL

Sorry. It's an adjustment for everyone. I hope you manage to navigate the treacherous waters you now find yourself in.

Making or losing money on this post is of my least concern.

Why don't you decline rewards then?

I'm editing this post. I just looked at the voting statistics, and it shows that 80% of all the votes were upvotes...

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Just so you know, 80% of the upvotes are probably from people who just wanted curation rewards. The 20% downvotes should be a very strong indication about how disliked your original post was. Most posts on Steemit receive 0% downvotes.

And if you check that bartenders shit post on trending you'll see virtually the same thing happened to him.

while this is true. the reason for the downvotes is petty as hell.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Not really, the community determines what type of content is considered high quality. This wasn't high quality content and was pushing a scam product. The flags were more than deserved.

I'm actually listening to Matt justify his product and post on Discord right now. He's not doing well.

yeah i'm there too, and you're totally right, I forgot it was a known scam

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

You can decline rewards at Settings -> Preferences -> Blog post rewards -> Decline Payout.

Your post will still be on trending, but without payout and people won't downvote it.

I think you can still set @null as benefactor and burn all rewards.

I set @null as benefactor for 50% of rewards for this comment.

You can use to burn payout to @null


Hello there @mattmonarch
What are they accusing you about? I find your post really informative that's why I read it from start to finish. I didn't know that science can already explain spiritual things and your article, though you are promoting your product, has really given me an idea that this is possible. Do not use statements such as like the one you posted insinuating asking for upvotes. I clearly know that's not what you meant though. Good luck with your journey and it is amazing that you invested on steem. I hope I could be able to do it just like you in the future.

Seeking for upvotes is considered a spam.

Cheer up and let's just enjoy steemit :)

That was why my doqnvote was given in the first place. science does not explain spiritual stuff. Using big scientific words the make it sound like something is scientific does not sit with me

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

WOW this is good thx @ackza for taking the time to post this. I was getting really discouraged from this guy @fbslo for attacking my post as well. I'm investing $15,000 in the next few weeks and I really hope to get connected to a good group as well. Is open to anybody?

You were trying to sell baloney through bollocks, no amount of editing or making about-turns or playing the flagged-for-no-good-reason victim will change that and guess what, the original version is still on the blockchain.

You failed to be taken seriously by anyone with half a brain, and now you turn out to be a post-retracting three-inch whiner as well.

Hint: 20% flags is huge here. Please go away.

Don't listen to @fbslo he's a bully

hmm! good for you cause somethings never change

Cumulative Steem power of flags so far:

Just another 9 million or so Steem Power worth of down votes to go.

Or maybe a Bot owner / chief delegator would like to default the curation reward?

Use the Bernie signal, Asher!


Hey, there's me!

Top of the shop! :)

The post has changed though, ooo, decisions...

I am still learning about Steem. How much voting power has been used to vote this up versus voting this down?

It was a smart move from him not to use @promobot.


Sure thing!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

hey @fredrikaa Matt Monarch will adapt and listen.... Ive met him in person in VilcaBamba Ecuador where he had quite the reputation as a Global businessman

Also Did you know its technically illegal for matt monarch to cash out from steem/SBD to Bitcoin LOL because in Ecuador Bitcoin is actually illegal ? Hah maybe it will hellp Matt to keep his winnings in Steem powered up forever pr until they change that law! LOL its true and its from a sort of insane ignorance about cryptocurrency on the part of the Ecuadorian president Correa who I used to respect and I got to meet him when he came to Vilcabamba but you know, I heard that was a sort of socialist and I mean, Ecuador was just run So much better than for example, Peru with its massive depressing slums that would drive any human to suicide, I just couldn't really deny the ability of Ecuador to be a functioning nation, I really respect Ecuador, but to make Bitcoin illegal, its juwst... Its just the worst sort of deal breaker and I mean suyre its an un enforced law but at any moment they could enforce it and they do actually enforce it to a degree in the business world, like you can't oipen up a coinbase type company down there openly but we do see p2p small time Bitcoin Dealers and all sorts of smal time biutcoin businesses but HOPEFIULLY they'll change that, and OF COURSE people still use Bitcoin in Ecuador but its just a SHAME that they actually have a ban on it legally, SUCH a shame when moving to VilcaBamba like Matt monarch and using the US dollar and regular ATM debit cards at their ATMs is just such a tempting proposition since you can live comfortably down there on just a few hundred dollars a month so steem would be PERFECT for living as an ex patriot in Vilcabamba.

Anyway its a shme that Matt Monarch is using Steem to promote the most controversial of his products when he could have just stuck to promoting the CBD oils and other raw vegan suppliments like Zeolite clay, now that is a product oif his that I loved! I brought that stuff down to ecuador actually when I visited and actually got tro Meet @mattmonarch and his healthforce Zeolite clay was Literallly life changing and cleaned my insides out so well and changedthe color of my you knwow hat, and it just made me FEEL better and I could FEEL it cleaning my body, it was clay so of course it would, edible fine pwder clay, THAt stuff works... But this "ormus" white powder gold... Now that stuff I just must object to, it is clearly a scam, I mean what IS it? Is it actually tested gold? Tell us what it is MADE of like what are we actually BUYING??? If its GOLD then tell us about edible gold but if its just sand in a capsule I mean... Tel us what it is made of and show some nutritional facts, give uis a list of compounds... I can't accept that eating Gold, no matter how many atoms it has, would be of any benefit to our health... Now we DO have prven effects from COLLOIDAL silver maybe even colloidal Gold in water like they HAVE in vilcabamba ecuador where the nmatural water fropm the rivers has colloidal silver whichis antoi bacterial anti fungal anti viral but Gold? Not so much.,... Its why the old royalty of the world would use SILVER wear when they had Gold to eat on too, but they chose SILVER... Its SILVER that has the health benefits... Not gold.... Gold may also be hard for bacteria and viruii and fungus to grow on just like silver abd Brass (hence brass doorknobs being self sanitizing every 12 hours or so) but we should focus on the health effects of SILVER not gold... .


This bullshit is around for decades!

David Hudson, an enigmatic farmer-cum-New Age guru who claims to have discovered a DNA-repairing miracle cure in his soil--and who has now embarked on a campaign to mass-produce it.


At least one desperate person bet her life on these claims.....and lost

Different product, but same story involving @mattmonarch scam:

If you have time to watch this video, it explains my entire story and it has a response to this Adya Scam in here:

The only difference between those scams is that in case of Adya you were caught and you couldn't get money back as a scam-reseller.

Almost all supplements are unnecessary. You can get the nutrition benefits by eating real foods instead.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I'm new to steemit and have been perusing around. I saw the ridiculous looking almond butter post and thought wtf is this. Now I've been reading down the posts and comments. I can't believe anyone fell for this. Straight out the gate I call BS. I couldnt get 3 minutes into that video without being fed up and thinking this guy is an absolute tool and is abusing a faction of people that look towards whole foods. Im all about eating well etc but this dude is wolf in sheeps clothing predying on the ignorant. I would expect to see his garbage hanging next to the Hornet sex pill mumbo jumbo at the gas station.

This is a response to your reply:

This platform is an open platform and that's why we are allowed to flag or Upvoted as it is each and everyone's opinion.

Most people who downvote mainly thinks that what you wrote did not deserve to be on the trending page, especially because it wasn't organic: you bought the votes. The bartender post also shouldn't be on trending, and that's why he got downvoted. For me, I downvoted you because as someone who do research in quantum physics, your article is nonsense, and using scientific terms to make something non scientific sounds scientific for people who don't know better just upsets me a lot. I have read a few article on OMUS after I read your post, and I can tell you the science is bull crap. If these material can be easily made with all these properties, they will not be used for healing but instead a huge industrial revolution would have taken place.
I will still frown if it was purely about spiritual healing or your raw diet, but I will probably not downvote it.

Hey @mattmonarch if you really wanna win people over here you need to upvote all the comments that are positive about you :) I have met you in Vilcabamba and have bought your products before. I do disagree with this product and I don't agree its legitimate but that's my opinion and I'm just happy your using steem

True.One needs to show that he appreciates peoples comments whether negative or positive especially where marketing is involved.some companies pay people just for their opinions since it acts as a market researching technique.

This right here....this is why people hate bots.
(he is however showing the power of advertising on steemit)

I wish I could promote more science based, anti woo material.

He also carries many science based products on his website from CBD oil to colloidal silver products but since hes on the fringe of the vegan whole raw food industry, maybe he just got caught up in the idea that this very popular but controversial product was worth trying and then selling and maybe he had a great placebo effect from it and was just too busy to really take the time to REALLY think about it and most likely he had a close friend really convince and pressure him to believe in it.

So either this wa an honest mis step on his part OR a well calculated 4d chess move to generate a huge debate about the legitimacy of monoatomic gold all convinietnytly on his trending steem post with links to his site.... lol

I tend to reserve judgment on any field I know nothing about.

M-state materials (ormus) is very far from woo-woo material. There IS a lot of woo-woo garbage spouted by ignorant people though. ;)

i agree with you

But still you have upvoted his post instead ;-)

I removed my vote. I was attempting to find a way of flagging it. I see that it's been dealt with.

Thanks. There was (is) a controversy whether a flag should be that much differentiated from upvote, because in fact it's also a vote. The rationale behind it was that downvotes (thus called flagging) should be used only for some serious reasons, where simple "I don't like it" should be rather neutral, not negative.

Yeah I agree with that. I think that Steemit needs to pull away from the YouTube way of doing things. A downvote or flagging, should not be classed as a "vote". There could be a way of holding each downvote or flag for review by the community for say 3 days so that they can be checked against the "I don't like it" motive. Some of this crap is dangerous.

As a general rule, if I don't like something then I don't 'like' / upvote it.

I would rather go the opposite way. I mean current situation makes flags sounds really bad, whereas sometimes is just a disagreement on rewards (which is totally valid concern, and an act of care for the platform and its users). Each vote is kind of community review itself. Everytime community has their ways and enough time to adjust amount of rshares up to theirs best judgement.
We have to learn a lot on how to use decentralized platform, because that's what is different here from youtube. There's no central authority and if we screw up at maintaining high quality of content, then nobody will fix that for us.

Yeah, normally I share with people how to heal from disease, such as diabetes, etc through eating a cooked whole foods diet and eliminating processed foods. For some reason, I thought that this platform would have liked Ormus. Live and learn... In the next week or so, I'll do a video how to heal disease naturally with really good content and send it to the top...

We like science based stuff. Please go shill your pseudoscience WooWoo somewhere else.

I snorted three lines of this stuff.

It burns!

My face is on fire!

Holy crap you fooled me. I tried to be as vague as possible in my comment while being polite. You are charismatic, I will give you that :) Well played!

$1600 seems like a winning post to me!

It might be in the long run. This account transfered 1290 SBD to voting bots. Using CoinGecko, that is currently $2257USD.

So currently, the poster has spent $2257 to get (75% of $1630USD) $1222USD. That's currently an approx $1000USD loss.

But like all marketing, if the poster makes a cople of sales, they might cover their advertising costs.

That staggering loss sufficiently cheers me up :D

He transferred much less than $1200 because several of his bids were returned to him and he currently stands to collect $1231 as a payout.

I've spent more time on this than I should have ... but these appear to be the accepted posts and the exchange rate

What happened to that transparency bot, or whatever? It used to calculate the STUs for big posts like this.

sorry, I think it is interesting as I would like to also maximize my use of bots.

Payout Author

so he has already made about 40 SBD. Unless of course the down votes continue.

In his face! ;)

Indeed! That's what I wanted to say!

I agree also..

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@mattmonarch I don’t believe in the products you sell but I do believe they are not as toxic as big pharmaceutical products sold to us. We all have a right to use our stake in Steemit as we wish. There are a bunch of crypto scammers that profit here Steemit too, some are punished with flags but others seem legit because the are part of the “in crowd”....I will try and make sure you can comment and learn how to navigate the social, political, economic structure on Steemit so you can become a postive influence on Steemit. You have a lot of energy that can be used for the benifit of Steemit and it’s communities.

I agree with you in the sense that this type of topic would normally not make it to trending.

Without even getting into there being a legitimacy to the monoatomic gold, or whatever ormus. I've seen some of the videos on how this stuff is produced, and well, I would be VERY hesitant to consume the stuff...

Above anything else; I would love to see some studies on the effects. Not just these fantastical claims that is much more likely to lead to people being hurt.

I agree also...

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Yeah, normally I share with people how to heal from disease, such as diabetes, etc through eating a cooked whole foods diet and eliminating processed foods. For some reason, I thought that this platform would have liked Ormus. Live and learn... It's definitely not snake oil though as I can only take a little bit and still feel it. In the next week or so, I'll do a video how to heal disease naturally with really good content and send it to the top...

Feeling not yourself? Try our newly discovered quantum entangled space-time warping snake oil. The supersymmetric properties of this hyperdimensional superfluid will neutralise free radicals in your body and purge your system clean.

bahahaha, this is the perfect response.


@stabilowl already covered some of what I intended to say upon seeing your edit. I've upvoted his comment and I'll respond in my own words anyway.

Even though I downvoted this post I'd like to extend a belated welcome to you here. It's regretful that you didn't have the reception you expected with this post but there are some things I want to clear up.

Only 20% of the 280 people down voted me. It seems to me that there is a small tyrannical aspect going on here on Steemit, and this platform isn’t really looking like it really is an open platform. It looks really closed down to where the smallest percentage of users dictate what works and what doesn’t work.

Steem allows positively weighted votes and negatively weighted votes on posts and comments. These are upvotes and downvotes. The "flag" concept on Steemit, a front end for Steem, is misleading and a poor choice of design. And a stubborn one at that since it has not been changed after much valid criticism.

It is every stakeholders right according to the culture and the rules of the blockchain to vote as they please. So to call it not open is the opposite of what it really is.

Generally voters vote with their own interests in mind as well as the network's. Upvotes return voters some curation rewards, while downvotes return nothing. Therefore it's not common for people to downvote with their own stake because it's usually not in their interests. So for someone to downvote a post like this it sometimes means that they might be doing it for the benefit of the network as a whole. Whether it's a disagreement on a post's rewards or disagreement with questionable post content, or some other reason.

These downvotes aren't tyrannical, they're part of Steem. Your post still has plenty of rewards and is still topping the list of trending from the votes you purchased.

Anyway, I’m learning the ropes as I go here, I do respect being inside of your house, and I will abide by the things I learn of what is “acceptable’ and not.

You're a stakeholder, this is your house too! But like anywhere, people are going to have different opinions and beliefs.

This post has caused a shit storm today in public and private communities.

I have spent a lot of time thinking about my reaction to this post all day.

For those who don't know, I run @buildawhale and our blacklist. I tend to be quite open about how I feel about things and my opinion.

I have very specific guidelines I have set for myself when choosing to blacklist a user and even more for removing votes (something that I do very rarely and almost exclusively for plagiarism/fraud). These guidelines are not published as it is a secret sauce, shared with the public would just move the line a little further for bad actors to skirt.

Taking action on this post beyond the flag I personally gave it involves stepping closer to censorship and choosing what is considered good and bad content. Although all choices of what is spam and what is not spam involve some degree of subjective decision making, most of the time it is very clear what the right choice is. I try to avoid making decisions on what is considered good and bad content.

In this case, I firmly believe what the choice is, but it involves moving my guidelines a bit. While I am a big advocate that witnesses are not Steem police and every spam issue should not be brought to witnesses I think this is the best course of action here as I know if I take action on this post, others will follow.

I ask every top 50 witness to upvote this comment if you feel I should remove my @buildawhale vote and start the chain reaction or flag this comment if you feel I should leave it be. The vote can be as little as 0.1%, just something symbolic to give your decision. Feel free to leave a comment if you want to say something more.

If I receive 11 top 20 witness upvotes or flags on this comment, or 30 top 50 witness upvotes/flags on this comment I will consider the decision made and act accordingly.

If I don't see either by payout, or not enough votes I will leave things as they stand.

I will vote for this comment with my decision.

As much as I don't like seeing this type of shit on top of trending.....
I personally believe your action as of now is completely sufficient Mark.
This post is not plagiarism.
As for fraud, that's totally in the eye of the beholder....clearly some people believe in this mumbojumbo and there is a huge market for these types of products because of that.
In some ways, there are some benefits to this post trending, it very clearly shows the power and ability in advertising and self investment in our ecosystem.
It is a shame that said product is shady at best, but that is where the community has it's opportunity to step in with their own stake and decide if something like this should be where it is.
I commend you for your personal decision to disagree with it's value and using your own flag.....
As for your, I don't want to see the bots using their delegation to censor content (if it's not obvious plagiarism/fraud of course)
Let this be an example to all content creators and product salesman on steemit.
If you truly believe in your "product", you too have the opportunity to invest in it and push it in front of many eyes.
The community in general can and should decide it's value from there.
Here's to capitalism AND the power of the people!

Clear and easy choice: post flagged!

I am selling an even more awesome product. If we harmonise your monoatomic gold with the astral frequencies of Dixie Carter, we can take the world by storm with Dixie’n’Ormus!

Seriously though, have you considered entering the #comedyopenmic contest? We don’t allow bitbot use on entries, so you wouldn’t hit the top of trending, but you could win a modest amount of SBD, and the adoration of your peers. You might need to wind the satire back a little though. I mean, I’m open-minded (you have to be with those weirdos), but I think this piece takes sarcasm and psychopathic contempt for humanity to place that is a little too dark for the sunny feel of steemit.

If I wasn't already using the Utopian voting power to reward valuable stuff, I would have already made you lost over 600 here.

Please drop this pile of shit post off the trending page. It desperately needs removal.

Yeah, normally I share with people how to heal from disease, such as diabetes, etc through eating a cooked whole foods diet and eliminating processed foods. For some reason, I thought that this platform would have liked Ormus. Live and learn... In the next week or so, I'll do a video how to heal disease naturally with really good content and send it to the top...

So what you actually do is to live off false promises and scams to people who are in need of proper medical assistance?

I have literally seen people heal from many diseases through eating a cooked wholefoods diets. Diabetes healed, high blood pressure healed, etc etc. Numbers and blood tests don't lie. Check out Tim Maides on my youtube and his Facebook who did this over the last month. I'm not saying it's a 100% cure all but I have seen thousands miraculous healings over the last 20 years in this industry

[Citation needed]

Tim Maides actually got a blood test and doctors told him his blood was good after a blood test... Check out his FB page. it's all in his videos.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

You clearly don't know anything about how this thing works. You are copying and pasting the same comment over and over again, upvoting bots comments and such. But I don't blame you, I blame those who make this possible.

Yep... Learning as I go...

Looks like the first thing you learned was how to use bidbots :D

I fully agree with you! And I understand your feeling about not being able to do anything here :(

The SMTs Oracle post from the Steemit blog is up. How about taking that to top trending instead? That would do a lot more good then downvoting this.

I think the Utopian community would vote in majority favor of you slapping a fat vote of no confidence on this one.

[Citation Needed]

I will flag this and i will tell you my reasons:

First of all its in "steemit" tag, which is wrong, have nothing about it with steemit and this community.

Second of all: selling a product with effects on brain by giving "spiritual experiences" its a shit, you know that. Any drug dealer on the corner say the same thing.

Also all the "junkies" say the same thing, after a injection,dosage, they have revelations, discover alter ego experiences, finding the true purpose of this life and the list can continue.

Any "helper" who gives you a state of mind when you are not conscious, you dont realize what its going on around you, you are lost in some dreams, visions, thoughts, imaginary movies, every normal pshychiatrist will say you are a "junkie" or insane with your brain damage and you need fast asistance or you will be lost in vain.

Throwing here some numbers and some fancy informations based on assumptions with no real legal experiments on humans guided by men of science its pure shit and illegal or scam, you can choose which one.

I fully recommend not to trust or buy this kind of psyhotropic stimulants with no real preview and tests.

Do you know it is possibility to destroy a person with this high dosage as start? Are you crazy? 50 mg can be a thin line between normal life and insanity, watching a scratch on wall for hours.

You must be totaly crazy when your main proof of this "powder" its what its reported by "SOME".

How to trust someone who recommends you going high and experiment "spiritual experiences" with collected informations based on what "some" told you how they feel and what they experienced.

Most of the drugs can be powder in some points.

True fact: few months ago, a well known business man with perfect life in my country murder his wife and 2 kids after having "spiritual experiences" with some "powders". Those informations are from his files of acuzation, not invented.

To much talking about this "magic powder" with no scientific evidence in the wrong tag.

I believe that Gold has a positive effect in human bodies. Before, gold and silver spoon are use by wealthy people to be healthy. Nowadays, there are colloidal silver and colloidal gold that we can take. Check this video

Gold and silver may have positive effect on the body, but selling something that is just gold or silver but calling it a miraculous new state of matter using scientific term all the while dissing how modern science is Useless really just not right.

Sorry I do scientific research and I just personally find that fake science going on trending page in the name of science is unacceptable.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

For fucks sake. This shit needs to be removed from trending.

I am with you. Terrible article :)

The only way to do remove it from trending is to downvote it.

I did what I could.

Not enough stake amongst us to take this one out :(

I didn't let that stop me....neither did it you.
We have a stake and we used it.
The smallest voice is only the one that does not speak.

That is correct. It will be interesting to watch as the week progresses.

We can at least make him suffer a heavy loss.

or for people who upvoted this to remove their votes.

Dear friend can you support me with a vote I will be grateful please

No, it won't be. Many discussions about made this trendy. Sorry...

Why do you have a dead alpaca on your head? Any particular reason?

How do you know it's dead and not just high on Ormus?

He's pro-llama.

We should all be pro-llama.

Still doesn't justify the dead alpaca on his head.

Absolutely not.

Here's my take on things. Just for your reading pleasure; I don't want to drop links to get votes, so please don't vote if you followed the link.

I wonder why mine isn't trending yet, though.

Welcome to STEEEM, Amazing promotion you have going on. Kudos!
We hope you get a lot of attention and potential sales.

Team @fyrst-witness
We stamp your words on the blockchain
Vote for our witness:

Yes finally a Steem Stake holder and witness who is sane and a capitalist!

Too many Stakeholders are becoming the steem police...

Matt has many OTHER great products on his website! Stuff that MOST Steemians would love to have like Colloidal Silver and CBD Oils! Let us not forget that Steemians are a WIDE range of people, some of which are into the new age mysteries and the unknown and paranormal and its a massive market!

I'm surprised someone hasn't begun selling Psychic Readings and UFO Skywatch Tours with Nightvision Goggles or Online Exorcisms over discord! Imagine all the fun we could have :)

Is this stuff FDA approved?

lolololololoollolololoololololol...good stuff.

I really hope people aren't ignorant enough to fall for this nonsense.

Probably are not approved as every product like this. Who needs an approval from FDA if they never gave a fuck if the people were injured by a product which resulted as scam...


It's not good for new members to see pure scam crap like this on the top of our trending page. Hopefully, someone here with lots of Steempower is willing to right this wrong...

What will happen if new users see this? My opinion is they will make a decision on whether or not they want to purchase it using their own judgment.

I don't want to purchase it, but if this man would like to purchase SBDs to promote his product, everyone can decide what action to take next.

@whatsup I fear that new users that don't know anything about bidbots or how steem(it) in general works might think crap like this is what actually gets valued by our community and choose to either leave or create similar scam content. Not to mention that there are people actually dumb enough to fall for this kinda crap (believe it or not).

Haha. We seriously need a seperate trending page. First the guy with selfies then this.

This is exactly why it took me 2 months to start posting on here.
When i tell my friends i earn money here and they check what steemit is, first thing they see, the trending page, i get that weird look.. are you doing ok? Do you have problems at home? 😂

Hahahaha you made me laugh with this comment

I'm okay with adults choosing to buy and sell what they want to other adults. I support those who are opposed and used their flags. :)

I love that idea. Adults making adult decisions!

Reluctantly....I agree

I will do the unpopular thing here and start off by saying thank you!

Thank you for investing on Steem

I realize that the platform has many shortcomings and I also realize that many of the "rules" are not very clear. The fact that you bought Steem and powered up does not go unnoticed to me, and as a small investor of the platform I appreciate you did so.

I would also like to extend a helping hand

To you and offer to explain in great detail how this whole thing works. To me is not relevant if I believe in your product or if I don't. You are hustling, you are working, you are doing your thing and that I can respect.

However, I think I can help you find a better approach to your investment on Steem and maybe, just maybe that can produce better long term results.

If you perceive the community as angry, that is because they care, and some are better than others at explaining their concern.

If you would like to talk about this, I'm available on discord: meno#5416

I guess people are discovering Steemit is an amazing advertising platform...

This is not quality content and should not be on trending! I'm worried we're going to be seeing a lot more of this in the future due to the rising prominence of bidbots. Imagine back when Bitconnect was a thing bidbots were popular, then 90% of trending probably would've been that shit.

I'm not 100% against bidbots as I use them a lot, but I believe MASSIVE upvotes for garbage posts deserves flags.

There is indeed a time and a place for bid bots. And this post demonstrates the perfect example of when not to use them.

It's true, I reckon bid bots are an important part of our ecosystem right now, but to preserve it we need to enforce the usage somehow. Remember, when people first click on Steemit they see trending. This is NOT what I want new users to be seeing!!

Yeah, normally I share with people how to heal from disease, such as diabetes, etc through eating a cooked whole foods diet and eliminating processed foods. For some reason, I thought that this platform would have liked Ormus. Live and learn... In the next week or so, I'll do a video how to heal disease naturally with really good content and send it to the top...

@mattmonarch I agree that having a correct and balanced diet that provides all the nutrients your body needs definitely helps it stay healthier, although what you are doing here is affirming that eating healthy can cure disesases! I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation here. This affirmation makes you like those "holy men" who claim they can cure cancer by imposing their hands on the patients.

We are in the 21st century and it's time to stop this medieval spiritual nonsense. We need to believe more in the power of science, as we are here primarily thanks to that. Let's stop spreading false promises about miraculous cures.

I have unfortunately had relatives who died of cancer and i find this post quite disturbing.

Yeah sorry to hear that. Cancer is a tough one... I have literally seen people heal from many other diseases through eating a cooked wholefoods diets such as Diabetes high blood pressure, etc etc. Numbers and blood tests don't lie. Check out Tim Maides on my youtube and his Facebook who did this over the last month and took his blood test and his markers improved and the doctors said congratulations.. I'm not saying it's a 100% cure all but I have seen thousands miraculous healings over the last 20 years in this industry

Are you claiming you've witnessed miracles?

Please don’t send your content to trending. I’ve checked your blog. You don’t belong on the trending page.

A separate, organic trending without bidbots or upvote services would fix a lot of things.
They could still sell how ever much upvotes they want and the rest can enjoy content upvoted by the community.
Win Win for all.

Or the bots could require rewards be declined and their impact on the rest of stops.
The vote sellers could then make a profit without their customers having to lose to get one.

No logro comprender como hablando de estupideces puedes ganar tantos votos y tantos dólares,

I found the patent application interesting.

Pages 19-21 describe the process using aqua regia (nitric hydrochloric acid solution) to precipitate out various forms of gold salts then the process to further refine it to a Monatomic compound (Their words not mine)

Interesting Chemistry however I don't have an opinion to any of the spiritual properties as that goes into the religious aspect and who am I to say that anyone's faith is wrong just because I don't think/believe like they do.

Man am I really going philosophical over an advert?....

Perhaps I should try drinking some of my Holy Water... (and no I am not being facetious)

"Oh hey, I wonder what posts are going on Trendi-"

Now this is the sort of meme that belongs up at as close to the top of thje comments as I can put it!
LOL Matt Monarch is going to be having some incredible debates when he comes into discord :D

I find it great that the article lists all the benefits of this but does not have any supporting scientific evidence that this works. Also, it seems to me it contains all the cliches seen in tons of similar "healing" products... The spiritual world, mention of "machines" doing incredible things without explaining how they work and so on... To me this is purely advertising for a product that, based on my research and the lack of scientific evidence looks like a bit of scam...

Don't get fooled people, do your research before believing in anything :)

Have a good one and cheers from Prague ;)

Thats hilarious, Crazy eh. I had the same problem when I went bot crazy. It doesn't make any sense why they flag so fast. I wondered if they make money from that. We have the given right to use bots. I even had bots steal my money and I got loud it and shared it on steemit and I soon received my money back. Be careful if a bot don't like your post they will keep it and not refund it. If they do take your funds get loud about it and people won't use their bots. I don't fully understand all this yet but I'm going to be in it for the long haul because this will be awesome once all there very small issues get dealt with. Cheers buddy and welcome to steemit. LOL I enjoy it and believe one day I'll figure this out. We do need the steemit witnesses because there is a lot of spammers and scammers and they take care of them pretty fast.
Cheers and don't give up

Woo woo. Stop selling nonsense to people who might need actual help fighting dangerous illnesses.

Why the fuk is this on my TRENDING page

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

You can say fuck here. It's OK. And this is on the trending page because the author spent a shit tonne of SBD to send it there.

Flagging the post will send the right message.

Do you realize that for Steem Users who have large stakes, flagging posts are expensive and you don't get any sort of flag curation (yet)

So to flag this post down to $0 from $1000 or so would cost exactly that much in lost potential upvote money. Who wants to pay that much just to negate his paid advertisement?

And why is it fair for these bid bots to just take someones money and then take the vote away and even sometimes take the money just because they don't like the post? I must agree with those in here who are bringing up the idea of asking Who are We to decide what is and isn't worthy of being a Paid trenbding post. The more I see trending the happier I am it is going to be Trashed soon when Communities comes out :D It will be great when bid bot owners have so much less influence, They hardly contribute to Manuel curation and if they did then steem would be so much better, instead its trash and soon communities will change that! Ned is right, steemits trending page has failed and its going to be SO much better with communities!

Flagging isn't expensive in the same way that upvoting content costs nothing. Flagging is a missed opportunity to use your voting power to earn something rather than to penalise something.

You're right that there are no rules about what is on the trending page and what can be upvoted by paid voting services. But if a product is being sold by a charlatan, has no scientific basis for the claims about its benefits and hasn't even been proven to be safe for consumption, then I greatly doubt anyone is going to be worried if the votes were pulled and flags were dished out at will.

I also hope that communities will help address the current problems we have with paid votes and the trending page. This type of shit doesn't need the type of exposure it's receiving here.

Ok just to get one thing out of the way.


and the second, this guy is a douche for doing that...

Wow, super cool! I'll order some tomorrow!!

Putting Scientific words together does not make your article anymore scientific or correct.

Well said !!!

Raw food is the best, I'm a raw food chef that needs to get back on track and for that.............
Upvote gif meme.gif

Yeah, been doing 100% Raw for 20 years now! Awesome that you're a chef!

thats excellent, its another realm. I always feel my best when I eat 100% raw. Welcome to steemit. As you can see some people don't like when people use bots. However it's acceptable on steemit and a choice to use them or not. I've got alot to learn here as well.
Have a great day

I am going to disagree with you here.

I work at several clinics and I see many sick people on raw diet that are unhealthy. There are some food where raw is good and there are times eating raw fruits and vegetables are good but not all the time.

Yeah, I dont' think people should go 100% Raw. That's why I said cooked whole foods. I'm 100% raw though for 20 years...

Check These People's Blood Types

and their food choices. You'll find strong correlation to some blood types requiring more animal proteins than others. Definitely include jerked meats with any raw food diet, with turkey being a great one for the A blood type. ;)

I thought this was a good video and good post. Amazon has some good reviews for ormus.

If it sounds too good to be true - it's probably not true.

In natural life, practices of the villagers always work :)

Wow..!! This great content..

Check out my profile and upvote me i will upvote you too.

I have never heard of this before. Very interesting. I have heard of using silver to treat ailments and such... So you personally take small doses of this? This sounds like it could have some tie-ins to Earthing or grounding. I know that is kind of getting big again right now. I try to walk around in my back yard without shoes as much as I can.

Flagged for bid bot abuse.

Steem Flag Rewards mention comment has been approved! Thank you for reporting this abuse,@flugschwein categorized as bid bot abuse. This post was submitted via our Discord Community channel. Check us out on the following link!
SFR Discord

The Powdered Gold is a very interesting topic lately. I watched many videos about it and was really amazed. It is the future of humanity :)

Very good article. Blockchain rulez the world!

very nice thanks for bloging

i realy didn't understand the whole idea but may i ask if ther's a video of a real experience someone in a video or something?

Very interesting and useful! Thank you for information!

This so great. My God you are a genius. Your write up is so brilliant and self understanding.. Before i have no idea about Ormus but now i know quite too well..

Thanks @mattmonarch ..

Too well indeed. There are some things we’re better off not reading. This is the perfect example

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Element and Atomic Number

Cobalt 27
Nickel 28
Copper 29
Ruthenium 44
Rhodium 45
Palladium 46
Silver 47
Osmium 76
Iridium 77
Platinum 78
Gold 79
Mercury 80

Athese m-state elements are much in seawater. They also seem to be found in most rock, fresh water and in the air. According to David Hudson’s research, these elements in their m-state may be as much as 10,000 times more abundant than their metallic counterparts.

@mattmonarch you got a resteemed from me.. You are more than a friend and an Educator.

Some heavy elements, with big density can damage your brain or your body irreversible. Taking mercury in miligrams or less, not grams, can damage for real your personality and your rational behavior, because brain its damaged very hard and other important organs.

People likes playing with fire, thats why we discover it.

psuedoscience nonesense

just stick to keylontic science , they actually explain how all this shit is a scam and real monoatomic gold is something you won't see here on this planet anymore and its all gone and if you found it youd know, the fucking government would come and take it lol sorry matt monarch doesn't have real monoatomic gold

Celestalline - Stardust Blue - White Powder Gold) A natural transient (very short life) element. The ancient Egyptians try to find them in the substance called white gold powder, and also tried to manufacture it. The substance only appears during the process of natural biological Star Gate passage Ascension when the body transmutes temporarily into light and … Continue reading

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Looks like Marko Rodin Copper Wire Toroid lol

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Moldy Donut?

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Excellent and very precise article sir, and after reading this article I could find very deep relation between spiritual conscience and monatomic gold.

Thank you.

LOL Thanks for Posting This!

Having worked with m-state materials (called Ormus) for the last 3 years, I can tell you it works without people having to believe in it. ;) I have to say I haven't worked with the pure gold versions at all.

The Biggest Drawbacks I See

are ignorant people spouting incorrect information about it, alongside ignorant people condemning the whole field of work. lol Humans never change. ;)

Wow. Such great technology, if I must say. But then, some aspects of it sound magical to me.

Some have reported taking higher dosages (200 - 300mg) every day for 2 - 3 months and they started to hear a sound that got louder and louder as the days went on, as if they were hearing the cosmic energy flow around them.

How does this happen?

It's not for everyone. It's pretty powerful stuff...

Okay.. does it possess some mystical properties?

No, but charlatan's such as the author of this post will tell you that it does. It's a load of shit. Don't believe anything written in this post.

That loud sound they heard was probably the noticeable effects of brain damage from ingesting high doses of heavy metals. What absolute garbage.

nice reading

interesting, those are some amazing physical properties, do you have any video of those experiments?

The content of this article seems fascinating to me and impresses me. It also creates a bit of fear in me for not knowing much about this. What if it is something very bad?

You are no doubt right Mattmonarch... OPEN being the operative word.


At least this post is getting read and commented on. Its up to all who read it to judge for themselves. I enjoyed it and all the engaged or enraged replies. Lol

I love it and I'll try to save money for it

I've been reading about ormus recently and I would say that this article summarizes the most important info very well, and also gives some really valuable new insights. Thank you for putting your time into this research @mattmonarch

Very cute post

I gave you upvote and redeemed your post


It is new for me. Very unique and interesting. You deserve to be on trending. Finally thanks God something good on trending

Hahahahahaha. Cmon Matt. Just Cmon... Honestly would you not have boted up to $10 000 if you could.
And they tell me to downvote. They tell me users will come here when they see things like this.
Ugh... Just ugh.. Its honestly tiring even saying anything.

Your really getting a butt kicking, WOW
stay cool


I prefer hummus.

wifi this post is being flagged? for me it's great. and this post is inspired more people to go to the platform.

you done will @mattmonarch

I heard it improves brain function. did you use it for that? What is your suggested aliment?
good post great information

love your product, so permit me to resteem.

This is a creative idea.Hope you may obtain a better success.

Your hair looks like you could make a caveman vest out of it! Keep up the good work McGillicutty!

It is absolutely proven that 8 out of 10 people out there prefer Pure White Monatomic Powdered Gold Ormus to getting kicked directly in the nutsack. Numbers don't lie people. TRY IT!

Proven by who? Everybody here can throw number for acting smart.

Your mom told me and I consider her a respectable, reliable source.

splatterhaus (53) · 33 minutes ago

Your mom told me and I consider her a respectable, reliable source.

2 votes

Great answer, hope its the last time when i see you here.

sorry but I couldn't resist helping @splatterhaus here lol

This is not good, why is on trending?

I'm not an adept seamstress... but when your daughter wants a Hello Kitty patch on her backpack you just pull yourself up by the bootstraps and say, "I can do this.." Long story short I got my hand caught in the sewing machine and painfully sewed a Hello Kitty patch onto my fucking hand. I now no longer help people who need something.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hmm, so let's see. Since joining on the 2018-05-09 you have hardly made any positive comments on OTHER peoples posts, and then proceeded to use bid bots to flog your frankly dubious looking product.

That's the beauty of steemit, we can actually see what other users are doing.

Maybe you've not had much time, but as far as first impressions go-not great. There is a place for that self interested and non community building behaviour already, it's called Shartbook™.

If you want to contribute to this community may I suggest you put more effort into supporting others with your vote and your comments. As for the hawking of wizards elixirs, well I'd say the median intelligence of steemians is too high to fall for grandiose claims and cult of personality, without having citations to peer review studies at least. I say that as someone who was a raw vegan for years as well.

So in closing, good luck, and if you are going to reply to my comment, make it original. Don't just copy and past the same answer over and over again.

I say all of the above because I love this community, I trust in future you will treat it with respect also.

This right here,this is why people hate bots.

hello there!!!
i don't know the monatomic gold, what it is that for, and how can it help me with my health issues. what ate their origins??
too many question about this stuff.
have a good day and good luck!!!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Flagged 100%! EDIT: Upvoted 10%
Reason: Disagreement on rewards Do not use unstable voting bots!
I can't even remove my vote:

thanks for sharing so interesting information friend, I'm with you I support you 100%

i dont know if he is using a bot or not but he deserves these upvotes really because he is making efforts very hard to make good and new content.
he really is awesome bro.

That's was a nice write up.. Probably wouldn't have heard of it if I haven't come on here to your page.. But it's sounds just too good to be real. But I dont mind having a go at it @mattmonarch


100% voted you make my day :D

Interesante publicación...

You got a 95.13% upvote from @emperorofnaps courtesy of @mattmonarch!

Want to promote your posts too? Send 0.05+ SBD or STEEM to @emperorofnaps to receive a share of a full upvote every 2.4 hours...Then go relax and take a nap!

This is excellent content, with great varieties of points.

hm, really i dont know what think and eyther what say

Saludos, lei el post y me parece superinteresante su contenido y explicación, y vaya que motiva a conocer el producto, felcitaciones por tan excelente trabajo y aporte a la salud mental, fisica y espiritual, no hagas caso de detractores, creo que eso es envidia. Éxitos.

WoW , you made so much money on that post . Trully amazing

He used bidbots bro...

Good idea, but it needs more scientific research.


hello friend regards, I'm from venezuela, I'm starting in steemit .. can you give me your vote in this comment? I thank you so.

Lol, if this post doesn't speak in favor of bid bots, who ever does?

Nice hand, sir!

Pretty much the perfect counter example or exact opposite of a Steemit truffle :-D

This post is more like the product of what comes out after i've eaten a truffle.

Great one there..please you all should always invite my post also...thanks🤗🤗🤗

amazing.i am thinking of ordering

So amazing. Thank you <3

These type of subjects are totally new for me but still it was nice reading

Now steemit is really going downhill.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Wow so interesting! Wouldn’t hurt to try and open your mind


Why not buy regular?You and I have spoken all these words, but for the way we have to go,words are no preparation. I have one small drop of knowing in my soul. Let it dissolve in your ocean.

You got a 70.59% upvote from @upme thanks to @mattmonarch! Send at least 3 SBD or 3 STEEM to get upvote for next round. Delegate STEEM POWER and start earning 100% daily payouts ( no commission ).

wooou no lo sabia.. gracias por compartir

italicnice one

any cure for diabatese