READ: Wisdom 18:14-16; 19:6-9
Key Scripture: When peaceful silence lay over all, and night had run the half of her swift course, down from the heavens, from the royal throne, leapt your all-powerful word like a pitiless warrior into the heart of a land doomed to destruction(Wisdom 18:14-15).
Often times, we want to go our way, we want to make our rules and live our lives the way we want. We know that as humans, we are fallible and we are prone to mistakes but often times, we still insist on our own ways, even though we may fail. God is the ultimate driver. With Him, you can never go wrong, and the manual for direction is His word, The Bible. The word of God will surely deliver you from errors and ignorance. The word of God will open your eyes so you can see your blessings. When you begin to read the word of God and begin to apply it to your life, your life will begin to change for better. Holiness is impossible without the word of God. The word of God will deliver you from sin and build your conscience. You cannot do away with the word of God. No matter how blessed you are, how intelligent you are and whatever you are, you always need the word of God.