Mega Cities, Mega Gene Shredders

in overpopulation •  4 years ago 

Alex Mcnabb mentioned on the podcast TDS, episode 716, how cities destroy fertility rates. This is true and has been true ever since the early 1900s.

The industrial & agricultural revolution reduced the need for as many people living in rural areas. Moving from the countryside into the city drastically increased your material well-being and made finance capitalism possible today.

However, as megacities became more densely populated their fertility dropped to where they needed new residents from the rural countryside. This created the largest migration of humans in recent history. Sadly, the rural areas are being rapidly depopulated as a result of corporate & governmental policy!

Countries like China & Venezuela have used urbanization as a means to reduce poverty & increase GDP/Economic power. Corporations benefit from people living in cities as they massively increase their profits from surveillance capitalism among other schemes. As what is happening in India, America & as well as other countries. Corporations are buying up and consolidating all of the rural farmland and rural real estate forcing people into the cities. This process of people leaving their rural life in order to strike it big in the city is a global phenomenon.

In fact, by 2030 two-thirds of the world population will live in megacities. All of the powerful institutions and organizations in the world want this to not only continue but accelerate. Decisions and power brokering are made in these megacities and the rural residents have to follow their dictates. By 2100, 90% of the world population will be living in megacities. Sub-Saharan Africa is experiencing massive population growth because the vast majority of its population lives in jungles and primitive rural areas.  However, African leaders turning to China to urbanize them and pull them into the modern age. Even they will see their fertility drop as well.
As the sending countries industrialize and urbanize their cities will need internal migration to them and won't have people to spare for moving abroad. You will see a lowering supply of migrants coming into the US at the same time that fertility is collapsing for all races. The US might finally stop growing and have a shrinking population for the first time in its history.

Even the State of Israel is seeing collapsing fertility outside of the ultra-orthodox Jews and the fertility cult of the Gazans. Israel could see itself falling to replacement fertility soon if nothing is done to change things. However, Israel already offers the most extensive pro-natal program on the planet and it is failing to stem the fall. Israel will need to expand its borders in order to reduce its population density if it wants to increase its fertility.

With the global fertility collapse accelerating in recent years and according to some people the world population growth could peak somewhere between 2025-2030 at 8.5 billion. This is 40 years earlier than what the UN predicts and far below the 12 billion it currently predicts. We would experience a drop in world population by more than 50% to 4 billion in 2100. This will kill all of this talk about overpopulation. With 90% of the world living in megacities by 2100 and the need to endlessly pull from rural areas for growth. We could eventually see the extinction of mankind except for fertility cults that manage to survive.

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