RE: The Pinnacle of Radio Chatter - Over the Garden Fence

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The Pinnacle of Radio Chatter - Over the Garden Fence

in overthegardenfence •  7 years ago 

Haha! That's funny - I grew up in down south in Worthing - where something like 80% of residents are retired. Actually that might be an exaggeration. Either way, the world championship bowls are held there haha!

And it seems like every other bloomin' caller on that show is from Worthing!

Damn, I know far too much about that show for my own good. Must get out more!

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Worthing ehh? .. Isn't that also the home of the tiddlywinks and conkers World Champions? ;)

btw - My aforementioned Gran spent her retirement in

Ahaha! I don't know... that sounds like it could be true! And Chichester!! Small world! That explains it :D