
in oymyokon •  8 months ago 

Oymyakon is a rural locality in Russia and one of the coldest inhabited places on Earth. Here are some facts:
Oymyakon experiences extremely low temperatures, with the lowest recorded temperature being around -67.7°C (-89.9°F) in 1933.
It is sparsely populated, w
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ith a small community enduring the harsh climate.
isolation: Due to its remote location and harsh weather, Oymyakon is somewhat isolated, making transportation challenging during the winter.
There is a winter-only road, the "Road of Bones," connecting Oymyakon to the rest of the region.
The area is known for the Yakutian horse breed, adapted to the severe climate and able to withstand extremely low temperatures.
Oymyakon is situated in a region with extensive permafrost, which affects the local environment and infrastructure.

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