What are Play to Earn games and how do they work? These are incentive games that allow gamers to earn rewards in crypto. The medium of frequent exchange of rewards is usually cryptocurrency using blockchain systems and smart contracts.
My top of the best crypto projects takes project: Zone Game on Algorand Blockchain
Link >> https://zone.game/
Zone is the first cross-chain social gamefi platform on Algorand with on-chain gaming challenges, yield farming & NFTs, creating a free-to-play & play-and-earn ecosystem with real money prizes.
Next game >> Axie Infinity
Axies are fierce creatures that love to battle, build, and hunt for treasure! Build up a collection and use them across an ever expanding universe of games!
What is The Sandbox Game
Sandbox is a whole game meta-universe in which players can buy and sell "Earths", create and sell their "Assets" - NFT-tokens, as well as participate in project management, determining the vector of its further development.
From August 24 to November 2, 2022, Sandbox hosts Alpha Season 3, an event with play-to-earn elements, within which players can receive rewards in SAND tokens for completing various tasks and quests, as well as win an Alpha Pass, which is a pass into the main game and costs about $500.
Also The sandbox сonstantly makes contests with valuable prizes in the form of project tokens and valuable NFT