You walk in triumph through the golden halls of Olympus
Your helm like the sun, resplendent
Your shield bloodied
Your spear dipped in gore
Glorious Goddess of Warfare
You look upon the heavens seeking to know them
Your eyes grey like a Winter sky
Your mind quick like a cheetah
Your will set to inspire
Glorious Goddess of Wisdom
You weave a most beautiful pattern with the finest thread
Your spindle moving swiftly
Your needles worked with masterful skill
Your shuttle making quick work of it
Glorious Goddess of Needful Crafts
You speak to us in whispers and ideas
Your words sweet like honey
Your truth sometimes bitter to taste
Your knowledge divine and unerring
Glorious Goddess of Heroes
You march in triumph at the head of your army
You and the warriors
You and the philosophers
You and the adventurers who opened up the world
Glorious Athena, Goddess of my heart
Art: By Constantin Hansen, Public Domain
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