Goddess of wise discourse
The promoter of intellectual life
Lover of education and those who teach
I ask that you enlighten us
That we may prioritize the gifts you give over the distractions of greed
Athena of the thunder cloud grey eyes
Stir the heavens with your spear
That your wisdom may rain down upon us
Inspire us with your light
That we may drink from the waters of your blessings
Goddess of well-planned combat
And of the warrior’s noble heart
Grant us the will to fight for what is truly important
The education and enlightening of our children
To give this world a better chance
And if fight we must, we will
By your side, as you sweep our enemies aside
For the love of our children
For the love of civilization
For the love of the Gods that on Olympus dwell
Art: By Noël Hallé - Public Domain
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