I am sorry I cannot agree with this, Moses did not have "help" from spirits. Moses has help from God and the Lord. The waters did not "magically" part. That is not what the scripture says at all... it says he raised his staff and a strong wind blew all night and the waters receded. The WIND pushed the waters back. Spirits did not help him, this is not accurate at all.
Here is the teaching about witchcraft and magic from the Imperial Regent
In today's world, "cultural relativism" (the view that all beliefs and practices must be accepted as equal) has placed witchcraft and voodoo on the same level as Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and in the western world, once the bastion of Christianity, witchcraft is quickly replacing it.
For both Christians and Jews, the Bible makes it very clear that witchcraft and its associated practices (necromancy, mediumship, divination, etc.) are strictly forbidden, and that both the practitioners and followers are liable to be condemned, killed, or cut off (Leviticus 20:6/Leviticus 20:27/Deuteronomy 18:10/Leviticus 19:31/Exodus 22:18), so there is no gray area or ambiguity when it comes to this subject.
This should not be confused with simple paganism, which over the ages has been the religion of the uneducated, who errantly worship the creation instead of The Creator... Ignorance is not the same as evil, though the former usually leads to the latter.
Witchcraft, by comparison, is the attempt to circumvent the will of God, with one's own personal will and desire, by tapping into divine power, to control and manipulate God's creation... It can best be exemplified by the difference between "prayer" and "incantation"...
PRAYER: One's humble supplication to God, asking him for a favor, if it is his will.
INCANTATION: The use of "magic" through spells or the manipulation of spirits, to force an event to happen, regardless of God's will, using one's own power for one's own purposes.
As you can see, the difference is not subtle... Prayer places one in willing subjugation to God, while incantation is used to magically supplement and circumvent God, which can never be "good", which is why THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "WHITE MAGIC" (good magic)!!!
Witchcraft has always been a tool of Satan, to expose ego driven people who would not willingly subjugate themselves to God, and through the ages, Satan has continuously re-packaged and re-branded witchcraft, to always keep it attractive to the self-serving of each generation, with its most recent incarnation being "Wicca", the modern trendy's socially acceptable version of witchcraft.
To fully understand why witchcraft has remained popular through the ages, you must first understand who it draws in, and why it draws them it...
Witchcraft has always been a religious form of "penis envy", practiced most by covetous women (practically the official religion of feminism) and effeminate men, who feel subjugated by powerful men in their society, and seek to overthrow their power through the use of magic... Not through education, invention or industrious hard work... Just sociopathic, self-serving, spiritual manipulation... And because these powerless people have always chosen to "blame the patriarchy" instead of their own lack of principled fortitude, they ultimately include God on their list of patriarchal suppressors, and thus willingly disobey his very clear biblical condemnation of their practices.
Now you would think that after all of this time, these people would notice that the wealthy and powerful countries (and individuals) of the world, are primarily Christian and Jewish (God takes care of His own), while the ones that are powerless and penniless, are the pagans and polytheists, who worship statues, dance around bonfires yelling incantations into the air, praying that somebody will pick them up out of the dirt and declare them a deity... And more times than not, they die in their ignorance and opposition to God.
So as anyone can see, "magic is masturbation"... It's self-indulgence and self-abuse, but it is not a real relationship with anything but one's own ego.
Nobody gains anything through witchcraft, and nobody is cursed by the spells of a witch... It only has power over people who are more simple-minded than the practitioner, and are gullible enough to believe the spell is real... But the practitioner too is incredibly gullible; gullible enough to believe that he/she can bribe spirits into doing his/her bidding, by burning candles and putting out gifts a ghost can't even use (facepalm)... And Satan plays them like a fiddle.
And as the Bible warned, this is a wicked generation, arguably the most wicked, egocentric and self-serving generation ever... So of course, they are fully embracing witchcraft, and fully rejecting God. 😔