The pain that didn't go away

in pain •  5 years ago 

Had a bit of a health scare a week ago, well actually the scary part is not comletely over yet but at least I know what kind of monster I'm dealing with now. As usual it's my own fault really for not taking care of it earlier, I keep procrastinating important things often when I am focused at something and I usually like keeping my focus close to 100% at one thing when I'm dealing with it until I'm done with it which more often then not it ends in me losing complete interested in it later. It's kind of finding that one new song you love but not being able to control yourself from listening to it all day so a week goes by and you've literally killed it and can't stand listening to it again, even if you happen to hear it again many months later you remind yourself of the time you started hating it more than what it was that made you love it in the first place. Oh well, that sidetracked a little bit, but anyway.

So I've been having some chest pains few hours after eating for some time now, not regularly and often with longer breaks in between but it has happened more times than I can count in the past 6 to 9 months. One time before it resulted in me going to the hospital because the pain was just too strong but there they weren't sure what exactly it was and we were just about to move crosscountry so I didn't stay to figure out what more they could come up with and once in our new place I kinda tried to forget about it and when the pain reappeared it was usually not in the same contrast, it was bearable with some pain killers and a lot of throwing up.

This time was different, it lasted for a few days, in between those days it almost stopped for a little while but as soon as I put something in my mouth again the feeling and pain came back almost instantly and I was starting to get hungry but even worse, sleepy which is something I hate being and not being able to do something about since I entered my thirties. Since it was persisting for this long this time around I figured it be best I do something about it and go check up on it. At the doctors they xrayed my stomach, did some blood tests and turns out it was pretty easy to tell what it was after the xray (which they didn't do in my first hospital visit in that other country for some reason), apparently I had pancreatitis. The gallbladder had infected my pancreas and the mixture of pain meds I happened to find laying around in the house this time around were apparently not a good mix and did more damage to my stomach than the infection would've done on it's own which caused it to spread and last that long and become even worse.

Now 5 days or so later I'm finally regaining some energy from the few days without sleep or food, although I've just been laying in bed receiving nutrients through my veins and only had my phone on me until today when I got my laptop as well, it's been pretty boring I have to admit. Especially sharing a room with two really deep snorers who've probably smoked for twice as many decades as I've been alive for (thanks for the sleeping pills last night btw, nurse) but been trying to get some Steem things done today and also getting a couple posts out for those who missed my shitposts. Might be posting more for the time being, until the day I stop. :p ... whenever that day comes, anyway. Apparently after the infection is gone I might get my gallbladder removed completely cause apparently you don't even fucking need it in the first place, who knew?!

I read the other day that it works like a bile pump depending on the food intake but sometimes the bile gets stuck there and becomes crystallized into stones or whatever which then goes out as gallstones and damages all other shit randomly. In that same post I was reading (can't remember which, was from 2015 I think) the author said that the gallbladder was actually pretty oldschool for our evolution and mainly needed back in the days when we just hunted animals to eat and the next meal could take anywhere between hours to many days. Hence we don't even really need it now anymore that our next food source is so much more secure (sorry parts of the world where this is not true) and on top of that a lot of our stomach could also be removed nowadays considering we don't really need to preserve food for that long or hold it in for other reasons. Get faster up to date, evolution!

Anyway, if I'll be doing this operation it'll be my first one so that's gonna be interesting, hoping the scars aren't too bad although I heard it really is not that bad for this kind of procedure, haven't googled anything yet as I'll just let it surprise me. :P

Have you had your gallbladder removed? or something similarly useless (apparently) like your appendix?

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Get well soon.
Why the operation?
If you have gallstones or problems with your bile, this is just a sign that you could handle your food and water balance differently. Bile is not a vital organ, but your body is kind enough to start sending you a signal when you have gallstones. If the gall bladder is not working properly and you can afford the luxury of spending a few weeks on it, changing your diet and always drinking enough fluids (water, two lukewarm glasses in the morning if you like), as well as other food that is beneficial to your digestion, you can see after this period whether the gall bladder is still causing problems or not. With the attitude "out with it" you could easily damage your liver next, which then has to take over the missing - even if small - part of the bile function completely. If you don't change the components that go into your mouth, you may start suffering from another organic complication. And as always: the whole is a whole system, so good sleep and little stress are part of a good life.

Be nice to yourself.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

A little shocking, but I'm glad you're getting better! I haven't had any operations myself but I've had weird chest pains that pulsate and also spread to my throat. My family doctor told me they might be anxiety attacks but she's not sure and I haven't had them for a while now. Good luck on the op!

Do you feel like you're catching your breath? Those that spread to your throat, do you feel like you're choking or about to vomit? Those two symptoms you mentioned sound like anxiety attacks though. Take care

Well, yes, the symptoms always give me a big scare so I try breathing deep and slow to calm myself down. And it's more like putting pressure on my throat than causing me to vomit. The symptoms usually went away in 5 to 10 minutes. Felt like forever, though!

And at some period the symptoms were all different - like a wave of butterflies (not the cutesy ''in-love'' kind of butterflies) started coming from my stomach and spread upwards, and I had this weird feeling like I didn't sense reality / was losing my mind.

Sounds like anxiety attack! Sorry, that sounds terrible... I have them sometimes tho usually just comes out of nowhere. Hope you don't experience them again

They do strike you randomly! At work, at home when you're relaxing, I even had them wake me up in the middle of the night a couple of times! That felt like Hell!
I hope they stop for you too. I wouldn't wish anxiety attacks for anyone!

Thanks, hmm doesn't sound familiar to what I had, pain radiated to the back which is what made me think pancreas when googling symptoms. I'm still kind of hoping I can postpone the operation and just eat healthy until it seems like a better time to do it but let's see how things develop.

Try some CBD oil, might help with anxiety and various other things if you've never tried it.

Thanks, I've thought of it but haven't tried CBD oil yet. But I will!

Fucking gallbladder. I didn't know it wasn't that useful. It can GTFO now.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

At what point will women decide just not to create the unnecessary things when pregnant, huh? I blame all of you.

Okay let's remove gallbladder and add boobs so you can feed us as well and become useful for once ait



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I do the same exact thing in regard to my health. Thanks for the reminder to be more proactive !

I hope you get better soon :(

xx monique

Damn, @acidyo! Sorry to hear about this turn of events but you seem to be taking it in stride. I have a few nagging aches and pains that I'm feeling I should finally make an appointment for after reading this. Hoping for a quick and easy surgery if that's what it ends up being. I'll leave you with some random, obscure hospital bed viewing.

HÄXAN 1922 Swedish silent film about the influence of Satan

H.P. Lovecraft documentary with Guillermo Del Toro and Neil Gaiman

I discovered Will Self recently. He's kind of an old British punk, intellectual. This is a walk through Prague while researching a book about Franz Kafka. I really enjoyed this!

Each of these are at least an hour long, so they can pass the time! Rest up!

Sorry, to hear about your setback, @acidyo & hope op goes smoothly 🙏🏼

I think diet is a big part of it — in my wife’s case, at least — try and avoid greasy, rich foods. For the nausea, I highly recommend ginger.

Get well, young man!

Trying to resist the temptation of pretending to have googled it for you and share some disturbing images.

Take care man! And if you need some support to stop procrastinating actions needed to take care of your help then just DM


My wife had extreme Gall Bladder pain right after delivering our 2nd baby. Really was the worst pain she said she ever had.

Good luck with the operation

All the best for your operation!!! Don't think I've ever gotten anything removed but my friend did get her appendix removed back in secondary school(took a while to find out though since she thought it was period pain)

When I was stuck at the hospital a while ago, I re-listened to a podcast I love called "Welcome to Night Vale" so if you're bored on that hospital bed, maybe give that a listen! Sometimes the voice behind the podcast can be soothing to make you fall asleep too(at least for me haha)

This is crazy to hear, you're too young for this nonsense... I'm sure everyone here will understand if you need some recovery time, whether it's a complete break or reduced activity.

I don't imagine a surgical scar would be as noticeable as a laceration from a piranha bite, for example. With medicine always advancing, I doubt that it will leave a serious mark.

Take it easy, guy!

@dobartim why do you flag this, are you some kind of psychopath?

spoiler: yes

I hope you overcome...

In the meantime (approprite or not)

I found a cheap carton of sake that reminds me of your avatar


Neko Junmai ~ Ozeki ♡♡♡

Have you had your gallbladder removed? or something similarly useless (apparently) like your appendix?

As said, my wife had hers taken out in her late teens and it was an emergency operation. They said that if they had waited much longer, she would have died. She has had to watch her diet since, but isn't dead yet.

Hopefully you can get the operation soon and get it sorted. Let me know if I can do anything for you too.

Geez, I just opened Geogle to find out about pancreatitis. the symptoms are very uncomfortable. I hope you recover quickly from this disease.

I am a nurse but for this disease I do not know. but if I'm not mistaken, the organ of the pancreas releases the hormone insulin to convert sugar into energy.

whereas pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. Is there a possibility that if the pancreas is damaged the insulin hormone cannot be released again by the pancreas.

if there is a possibility that the hormone insulin cannot be released anymore, if I suggest, you need to reduce excessive sugar consumption.

I hope you get better soon

Hello, @acidyo, I am Venezuelan, reading your story I can only tell you that there are many of us who neglect the essential perhaps because we do not stop our lives. I am a bioanalyst and I know the terminology of health, but I must tell you that I am a very bad patient when it comes to getting sick because I hate being sick because I deal every day with people who suffer from health problems.

Don't neglect it, if you have to have an operation, do it soon, the gall bladder pains are horrible as I have been told and now is when you have a way and things to do in your life and in Steemit. Thank God maybe you are in a country where there are good health services and with God's favour, everything will be fine. I understand that this type of surgery is very simple, laparoscopic type, that is, you only open an incision in the abdomen and there goes the device that will perform the operation, the recovery, I understand, is very fast and easier than traditional surgery.
Thank you for sharing your experience, I wish you the best in the recovery of your health, do not neglect it, that, is the basis of everything else. A hug for you.

Sorry to hear about this, but glad that you are now finally getting it sorted out. It sucks when the health care system does not take the time to get to the root of the problem...
I had a friend that got the gallbladder removed. In the end she had to change her diet a bit. Stay away from stuff that was too oily, but in the end she said it forced her to be more healthy.

Oh damn, sorry you are dealing with this but glad you got it checked out. I had my useless appendix removed many years ago ... was in the hospital for 5 days.

Gosh take care acid! Having an operation isn’t great and the food after is the worst so no naughty food for at least a week.

Take care of yourself homie. My wife has been in and out of the ER over the past couple weeks for the same type of thing. I put off going to the doctor last year and it almost cost me my life. Make sure to stay on top of it. I hope it all gets sorted out and you start feeling better.

Yeah, I should've taken the advice of many other Steemians I've talked to about the pain when it was occurring and every one told me to go check up on it. Guess it serves me right and I should just be glad it didn't get worse although I may not be completely out of the woods yet.

Look in the bright side, if you do get a scar, it makes you more manly 😀

Wish you speedy recovery!!

Yeah, can't wait to brag about it :P

"You see this scar, babe?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"It proves how I didn't care about what food I intake until I had to do surgery"
"I want your children, right now."

  ·  5 years ago (edited)



wish you all the best! I personally haven't had an operation on my "insides". Interesting that one doesn't "need" the gallbladder... didn't know too!

Thanks, yeah, wonder what other things there are one doesn't really need. Guess we could do without a couple bones here and there. xD

Luckily you won't get your ball-gladder removed.

But a bit more seriously, it's good that it wasn't anything more serious than that. Getting something removed from your body is a bit different than the typical day, but at least it's nothing which will kill you.

The typical method of Finns going to the doctor is when it's already too late. Great that you seem to be in a better position. Good luck!

Hope you feel better soon. Really sucks to get these random problems and no one wants to spend time in the hospital. All the best!

Thanks, yeah, hopefully it'll at least make me appreciate being healthy enough that next time I go make sure to check up on it asap instead of dragging it out into something worse like this time around.

what they told its correct. only advice i can give: dont google and dont listen to other people's stories. each person's body reacts differently to surgery. and do WALK A LOT, before and after the intervention.

Sounds bad. Take care of yourself & get well soon. There's nothing more important that your own health, even though sometimes we just focus on other things.

Hope you get well soon. It can’t be as bad as giving birth😂 Sorry, I have a terrible bedside manner I am told 🤔

Get well soon!

Chicks dig scars.

Oh man don’t google it! You will end up going down a rat hole, freaking yourself out unnecessarily, and self diagnosing yourself with the Corona virus. ;)

Compared to the pain you have put up with in recent years, you will likely be able to handle any discomfort like a champ. They will underadvertise the recovery so that you are not dreading it.

It is great to get answers for these issues and know the solution. Down with gall bladders!

Posted using Partiko iOS

They will underadvertise the recovery so that you are not dreading it.

I'm starting to realize it's not gonna go away fast, 5 days in and all I can drink is tea still. T_T


I saw a video of the procedure the other day and can't help but say eeekk on the belly button part.

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  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Imagine being this stupid and desperate that you have to downvote a bunch of well-wishers for simply commenting. You are fake and pathetic. Nobody is buying your bullshit any more.
Screen Shot 20200126 at 8.20.43 PM.png

Nice new downvoting tactics, abuser. Imagine when your kids grow up and see what a fucking shitbag their father has been on the immutable blockchain. Keep making them and your country proud!

Aww, cut the guy some slack! After all, he's an apparent authority on garbled, shallow poems about puppy dogs and rainbows... Surely that makes him a likeable guy who's totally not a greedy, embittered POS

PS! Let's get that reputation down to an abuser rep shall we! :)

Below 68.68 would be great!