Either you will face the pain of discipline, or you will face the pain of regret. --captaintj
The pain of discipline is usually paid in advance (and its alot cheaper), however many people do not want to pay this price in advance so they don't and they get by with it for awhile...but the piper must be payed
-When God told Adam, “In the sweat of your face you shall eat your bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; you are dust, and to dust you shall return,” He was not congratulating him. Maybe it’s because I was a Biblical Studies major during my first tour through college, years before I returned to do it all over again as an Economics major, that I’m often drawn back to the ancient text to find economic lessons. If there ever was an economics lesson in Scripture, this early text (Bible students don’t need to be told where it’s located) is it. Life, it teaches, is not going to come easy. But that’s OK because economists know that one of the good things about the hard life is that it teaches lessons to those who are willing to learn. The first lesson is this: make the right choices and there can be more bread with less sweat; make the wrong choices and there will be less bread but more sweat. Lesson two automatically follows from the first: deny the need to learn the first lesson and, sooner or later there will be no bread for anyone regardless of how much we all have to sweat. (https://fee.org/articles/the-piper-will-be-paid/)-