PAINTING step by step 5. 그림 따라해보기 과정

in painting •  7 years ago  (edited)

If you have never learned how to paint before but wanting to know how to do so, then follow me~ :D


I paint whenever I am free.
I have never learned how to paint professionaly so far but like to paint as a hobby.

When I was young I wanted to be an artist but my parents asked me not to do any artwork because they worried about money.

어려서 그림 그리기를 참 좋아했지만 가정형편이 넉넉지 않았던 그 시절 대부분의 한국 부모님들처럼 저희 부모님께선 화가가 되기 보다는 공부를 하기를 바라셨어요.

착한?^^ 저는 부모님 뜻에 따라서 그림은 어른이되면 취미로 하기로 했고 결국 지금은 그림등 공예작업을 주로 하며 시간을 보냅니다.

더 늦기 전에 하고 싶은 일을 하고 살기로 하고 행복한 그림쟁이가 되어갑니다~^^

행복한 시간 되세요~^^


I started to buy and collect all kinds of artwork materials once I became an adult because I still yearn to paint after all those years.


I hoped that I didn't lose my creativity over the years like many adults do.


Thanks for reading.


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A self-taught artist! Brilliant. I like to sketch and paint too. But then, the internet came along, and I put all my sketching and painting aside. I still have the urge to pick it up again, but I don't know where the time goes, plus painting needs space and equipment... Just excuses - i Know.
Keep on painting, keep drawing... Maybe you can become a famous artist one day.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for dropping by~ @quotes-haven. If you feel you are too busy to do painting then just try to draw some for one minute. Set alarm bell goes off at usual your tea tim. How about it? :D

If I become a famous artist then it would be great!!! I would like to be an artist who keeps painting or drawing a little bit every day .

Thank you~ 20180226_115617.png

That's a thought. Thank you! :-)

Dear Artist @love100 ! This post has been upvoted from FineArtNow account ! See you soon !

Welcome~ thank you~

Nice painting

Thank you @salmanalishah

Have a nice day~ :D20180225_231452.jpg