Landscape Practice - Mountains

in painting •  8 years ago 


I love landscape pictures, and as such, I've taken a huge interest in learning how to make digital paintings out of them. This picture was a result of a good 3 hours of practice, I think. Not too sure on the amount of time it took me, but it certainly was less than 5 hours. I love how mountains look in general. Especially on a foggy day. I should take on something a bit more complicated next.

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Hills yeah!

The beeest! <3

Nice one! Who wouldn't like to look this heroic when starting a climb!

I know, right? Thanks! I have another one I did for a friend, is more somber, I might post it later. (=

I really like the ethereal look to it. Great job!

Thank you! I used plenty of references for this one. Glad how it turned out (=