Weekly Art Jam Plans

in painting •  7 years ago  (edited)

YOOO, ALL OF THIS INFO IS KINDA NULL NOW (well except the people I plugged, they're cool :3) BUT CHECK THE UPDATE BEFORE CONSIDERING THE ART JAM: [link]

[@scarlet-rain's Art Jam Entry] [@urielromeo's Art Jam Entry]
Thinkin' about using the @randowhale to upvote their posts, tho tbh I think they'd get more money if I just right-out gave them the 2 SBD?? But I'm not sure? Economics are weird.

So, this is usually the part where I try to make a nice, tidy post explaining the Weekly Art Jam and how it works. Tho tbh I haven't really liked how I've written them. They feel... idk, stiff? And like they could have a better organizational flow?

Regardless, I'd just like to take a moment to explain my current thoughts on the Art Jam.

When I was scheduling last week's Art Jam, I originally had it for this week. But when I checked the calendar and realized it would be posted on Fathers Day, that somehow seemed inappropriate, so I figured I'd make the theme for this week "Fathers", and push the post I had ready to be a bit early.

Unfortunately, that completely threw off my planning :/ And so I ran out of scheduled posts too quickly because I didn't have, yknow, a week's worth of planning done in advance, so I could plan for another week in advance, and so on.

Still, I think Fathers is a good theme for this week, and I'll be trying to finish my piece in the following days. I just have the sketch so far, because things have been kinda lfjlslajflsj the past few days.

Happy Father's Day for Dr. Cossack & Bass : )
A happy Father's Day pic with Dr. Cossack, his creation Bass, and Bass's kid Bossa Nova, LOL : )
Bossa Nova is a fancharacter of mine XD
*Click the image to view it on Twitter

I actually have a handful of things for next week's Art Jam - on account of I had it planned before I realized the whole thing with Father's Day.

I realize it's a bit difficult to get entries in when there's a new theme every week. So, I made a list of potential Art Jam themes, and figured I'd just post a handful of them, that way people could get their entries done in advance, and then just post them when that week rolled around.

The themes through the next month will be:

June 25th - July 1st: Forest
July 2nd - July 8th: Balloons
July 9th - July 15th: Friendship
July 16th - July 22nd: Cheeky Devil
July 23rd - July 29th: Dainty
July 30th - August 5th: Rest

I trust that having a full month's notice will be a sufficient amount of time.

Also, I'd like opinions on the themes: Are they good? Can you think of something to make for these? Or maybe you'd like to suggest a theme? Please let me know.

Fun fact: the format behind the themes was inspired by the 100 Theme Challenge on deviantART, and by the fact that I am just COMPLETELY UNINTERESTED in all of the Art Trail contests.
*DISCLAIMER: That's my opinion, go check it out for yourself to see if you'd like to join their contests, ye dipstick :P
They actually give out prizes too, so? That's cool.
You can find them on @art-trail's profile.

AND WHILE I'M PLUGGING OTHER ART CONTEST TYPE THINGS, I may as well mention that @tonyr has a [Learn to Draw With Friends] contest with a 35 SBD prize pool (tbh, thinkin' about donating a little to the prize pool, tho I might use the money to commission somebody instead).

There's also the [ColorChallenge] that's being run by @kalemandra and @colorchallenge. I only just found out about it, but it seems like a pretty fun project - just draw any picture that focuses on one particular color depending on what day of the week it is. Really neat! I'm probably gonna make entries for it in the future.
(I mean seriously, it's so simple, why not enter?? It'd be fun c: )

Anyway, back on the topic of selecting themes for the Weekly Art Jam, I think I'm going to be avoiding doing holiday-based themes in the future... There's just so many holidays, and that would require a lot of research, and then there's holidays that aren't even celebrated in different countries, like

I feel like it'd just be kind of a headache, and it would wind up taking up about 60% of the themes. Which isn't so fun :P

Doing a popular holiday theme every so often wouldn't be so bad though, like doing one for the Winter Solstice (ie, for all the winter holidays, Christmas, Hanuka, Kwanzaa, whatever), but otherwise? Nah, I think I'll pass.

**But please tell me what kind of themes you'd like to see! Or if these themes seem good, or bad, or whatever! : )

Also, post a comment with a link to any creative Father's Day stuff you did/are doing this week! I'll upvote and resteem them, even if they weren't really made with the Art Jam in mind ^^)
+Just as a freebee for this week LOL
+They do gotta be creative tho LOL, like art or poetry or something :P

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platonicsironic Ashley Roberson tweeted @ 18 Jun 2017 - 21:30 UTC

Quick sketch bc not at home. Probably finish later today?
#HappyFathersDay Dr. Cossack & Bass!! X3

((I have an OC… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Nice one @platonicisironic I started out with the good ole visual art, now I am into playing music and I still love to draw but it's so hard for me to get into. Any inspirational tips to get the juices flowing?