In the distant past the word "war" shook those who marched into combat, because they knew they would see the face of death face to face.
The warriors killed or died from the front, seeing the face of the enemy, witnessing their cry and their pain, their anger and their fear.
But they say that afterwards the cowards appeared, the fearful ones, and that those fearful and cowardly invented weapons of "massive destruction". Then the humans learned to kill from a distance, without seeing the face of their victim.
The task was so easy with such powerful weapons, that the deaths were not only of armed enemies, but also of the civilian population, which had nothing to do with the conflict.
In the First World War for example, 5% of the victims were civilians. In the last international conflicts in the Middle East, 99% of the victims have been civilians, who in theory do not participate in the war, but end up losing their lives.
It is so absurd and unbalanced that it is safer to take up arms and go to war than to be part of the civilian population in a conflict zone.
Perhaps to give some rationality to the most irrational thing that is the war, 130 countries signed a treaty to protect the civilian population in case of war confrontation. This agreement remains unfulfilled, but at least it remained on paper and in protocol, the most expensive dream of the human being: peace and justice.