The New Decade Rises - Remembering 2019 on Steemit

in palnet •  5 years ago 

Moving on now to 2019...

It seems that 2018 was quite the year...
Let's see a rundown of the number of posts.

Post Type# Posts 2019# Posts 2018# Posts 2017
Poetry & Haikus33447
Fiction: "Awaken"4521
Art & GIFs510~21

A decent amount of poems were written, not so much story-wise though.
Comparing that to 2017 it's not quite as much...
but 2017 rocked the amount of 'Fiction' posts.

We'll not cover 2017 like these recent years...
it was so long ago it's basically an
internet-generation old at this point.

Moving on now to highlight 2019!

Let's get on with it!

First up we have an excerpt from Part 27 of "Awaken".


This was followed by art to accompany Part 5 of "Awaken"
and was later turned into a GIF. Here it is...


Animating fire in such a small number of frames isn't easy
but it is fun, and I really enjoy making my art into GIFs
to give them that extra bit of life and personality.

Another excerpt, this time from Part 28 titled "Sea's Horizon Quartet".


I'll link here to Part 29 - Solidarity in Silence.

Part 30's excerpt is short... I'm trying to keep this without much
of a spoiler or 'give-away' of what's going on.

Have a read for yourself. Start at the beginning!
:) <3


We're already into September 2019.
This one is another GIF art for "Awaken" Part 6.


On a different chord, I posted some pictures of
clovers I grew over the summer of 2019
(actually the clovers grow themselves - I just provide motivational support)
because I was lucky enough to grow 5 four-leaf clovers
and 2 five-leaf clovers. The 5's were growing less than a
foot from one another at the exact same time.



Up next is a poem that took me quite a long time to create.
It's perhaps my favourite poem of the year... also... the first
poem of the year that I had posted. It had been a total
of 267 days since I had posted the last one...

Here it is... I hope you like it.


Two more short poems followed after followed by another
art post, however this time the art was not for "Awaken".

It was inspired by the notion that Betelgeuse, a red giant star
in the constellation of Orion, could explode itself into a
supernova changing the night sky for months in a spectacle
not seen for ~500 years.


... and that's all!


I'm hoping for 2020 to be a rather productive year of creation.

The focus will be mainly on "Awaken" so I can move the story foward
and develop the world and characters much more as I feel the story
is nearing the half-way mark. So stay tuned...

Art that accompanies the parts will be done as the inspiration strikes.

Poems are a bit unpredictable... however, 3 poems are already a part
of the "Awaken" story and I know for sure there's going to be 2 more
in the coming events.

Here's to a great 2020!

Thanks for stopping by this post.



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