in palnet •  6 years ago 

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And there were quite a few great ideas. Everything from powering up @Doer-Minnows to buying Steemmonsters cards....

I was convinced I would power up one of our accounts or hand out SBI shares as a means of helping us all grow quicker. But then this happened....


And this isn't the first time. But to keep things simple, a person decided to flag our main account (this one) for the reason described below...


Now, this comment wasn't sent to or directed at me, just the reason I found in his comments as an explanation for all his random flagging. And I believe that's fine as it is his stake to do with as he wishes and Steemit's rules allow for it.

Be that as it may, sometimes things change. And in this case I believe may be bringing about a much needed change. In the near future I will bring much more information forward on all this. For now all I will say is this...

Freedom of anything does not mean freedom from consequences.


So, as you may have picked up on, I have some good feelings about PALnet and it's potential in the future. Likewise, there is where I have put our investment. I bought PAL coin and staked it to this account. With the claimdrop, we are at almost 700 PALpower.(same thing as Steempower on the PAL network.)

This also means that unfortunately no one guessed the correct investment. And since I dislike not having a winner, all those who guessed will win a portion of the 1 Steem prize! And as I promised @maxwellmarcusart, you showed up so you will get a bonus prize.

This is all for now and in the next few days I will put together a new revised roadmap along with a more comprehensive outline of PALnet and what I believe they will accomplish with their vision.

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So sad to hear about the flagging issue @johndoer123....
Palnet shows a lot of promise and a great choice...

It is fine brother. We will always continue on. And yes, PALnet seems to be an amazing platform with an amazing community and even more amazing devs and creators!

that guy that flagged you sounds like a dick tbh you dont go around swinging wildly at everyone just because you've been hit yourself :-/
i heard palnet was made to stop things like that, whales being stupid with their downvotes etc

im still not all over how it works but i did like the interface, reminds me of steemit when it first started lol

@mfxae86 check out the reason for flagging ^
so stupid

Yeah, he definitely has some issues...that's for sure. I just hope he figures everything out. And yes, PALnet is and will actively police it's community. They still allow for complete freedom of speech and such. But no trolling and being a "dick" as you put it. This guy(along with Bernie and a couple others) have already been banned from the platform. I'm glad you stopped by and i hope you are doing great!

i am mate and i hope you and the family are too! :)

Hey @johndoer123 thanks a lot for the share and thats for the bonus price.
I think palnet is a good invest which many have looked into. I hope it would help us all grow.

And for the dude who took up the missoin of flagging down other for no concret reason, I think he should go and settle his case with Steem Inc.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks bro @johndoer123 for the steem. Now I can use it for dustsweeper! Haha

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is the nice thing about PALnet, they have already banned him. They are actively policing the community to ensure that no one is being abusive. If Steemit Inc would ever take a stand against the bad guys here it would be a lot better.

really you've been flag my friend? just ignore that for once, he will get what deserve after that. But anyway thanks for the give away brother.
have a great d

Posted using Partiko Android

I was actually able to talk to him a bit and he agreed to leave us alone. I think he is an alright guy, but that he is trying to prove a point...I just think he is going about it in the wrong way.

Great and will done my dear friend @johndoer123 ...