The Cover-up Continues: Bill Barr- The Deep State's Best Friend

in palnet •  5 years ago  (edited)

Courtesy: Conservative Treehouse

When is an investigation not an investigation? When it involves Deep State actors and it involves Bill Barr- cover-up artiste extraordinaire. Many of us are still hoping that President Trump and Qanon will come riding in on white horses to save the day- myself included- but one thing is painfully clear, Bill Barr will not be leading the charge. Who was Attorney General during the investigations into the murders at Ruby Ridge? You remember, when an FBI sniper shot and killed Vicki Weaver and got an award instead of being prosecuted. When you can obfuscate and exonerate the murderer of an unarmed women holding an infant, then you're pretty damned good. Yes Virginia, there really is a Deep State and President Trump is doing his best to drain the swamp- but he's doing so without the assistance of the corrupt DOJ.

Keep in mind that investigating and prosecuting are two very different animals. It doesn't matter what, or how much evidence is uncovered if Barr declines to prosecute... that's his job. It's what I call the Deep State Two Step... investigators dig up evidence, often mountains against Deep State players and Barr creates excuses not to prosecute- it's what he does best. Here's how it works:

  •   The electorate become aware of a political issue or action; often illegal. 
  •   The electorate become angry. 
  •   DC needs to protect itself. 
  •   Countermeasures are assigned and deployed to delay, obfuscate and create the illusion of investigation of the illegal governmental action. 
  •  Electorate watch. 
  •  Investigation goes nowhere. 
  •  Countermeasure deployment successful. 

Rinse, lather, repeat... while in the meantime Barr hits the weekly news shows and press conferences providing the rhetorical cover- the Deep State Two Step. "The President's tweets makes it impossible to do my job" can reasonably be translated as, the President constantly telling the truth makes my cover-up impossible.Moreover, Lindsey Graham's insistence on making witnesses available for "a probe into 'Crossfire Hurricane'" has more to do with covering it up crimes than exposing them.

 Anyone who has followed DC for a while could see this one coming a mile away… including the synergy of self-interested timing.  Catherine Herridge of CBS reports on a ‘tick-tock’ letter from Senator Lindsey Graham to AG Bill Barr where Graham announces his request for witnesses.   The Graham list is an assembly of various DOJ/FBI officials who participated in Crossfire Hurricane and the fraudulent FISA application(s). 

Graham is only looking to get out ahead of the narrative. If the Senate Judiciary Committee really wants information on intelligence they need look no further than the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI)- headed by two of the most corrupt snakes in the swamp, Richard Burr (R-NC) and Mark Warner (D-VA). They, along with John McCain worked hand in hand with the corrupt DOJ, FBI, CIA and others to first destroy and later unseat a sitting president. The DOJ will prosecute Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, Julian Assange and anyone else that threatens their fiefdom while SSCI leaker James Wolfe gets a pass. Once again it was Barr who provided the excuse. " The timing of the letter, alluding to some possible hearing at some possible later date, follows a DC pattern. [Chaff and Countermeasures] In essence, cover for visible inaction; an attempt to convince people to put down the pitchforks." The letter of course being from Graham to Barr- a nod and a wink.

Graham, instead of investigating, is trying to get out ahead of any blowback the SSCI might incur from Crossfire Hurricane- in effect running cover for them. 

 The problem for Attorney General Bill Barr is not only investigating what we don’t know, but rather navigating through what ‘We The People’ are already aware of…. A branch of the United States government (Legislative) was attempting a coup against the leader of another branch of government (Executive); by using the Senate Intelligence Committee and designated corrupt agents within the executive branch cabinet. 

A coup that, I remind you, continues to this very day. But let's look back for a moment to 2018:

 As a result of a FOIA release in Mid December 2018, Judicial Watch revealed how the State Department was feeding “classified information” to multiple U.S. Senators on the Senate Intelligence Committee by the Obama administration immediately prior to President Donald Trump’s inauguration: 
 The documents reveal that among those receiving the classified documents were Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), and Sen. Robert Corker (R-TN). Judicial Watch obtained the documents through a June 2018 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed against the State Department after it failed to respond to a February 2018 request seeking records of the Obama State Department’s last-minute efforts to share classified information about Russia election interference issues with Democratic Senator Ben Cardin (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:18-cv-01381)). The documents reveal the Obama State Department urgently gathering classified Russia investigation information and disseminating it to members of Congress within hours of Donald Trump taking office.  (read more) 

If it wasn't for the efforts of Judicial Watch it's unlikely that any of this would ever have come to light. Enter Bill Barr, cover-up man. "However, despite the overwhelming (public) circumstantial evidence that Wolfe leaked the FISA application, he was never charged with leaking classified information.  Wolfe was only charged with lying three times to federal authorities, and he pled down to one count of lying to the FBI." Barr's DOJ recommended 9 years for Roger Stone for a process crime while Wolfe- who they had dead to rights for far more- essentially gets a pass. We know for a fact that Wolfe leaked 82 pages of classified material to a journalist, Ali Watkins (with whom he was also having an affair). Where's Barr in all of this?

 Immediately after threatening to subpoena the SSCI (July 27, 2018), the DOJ cut a deal with Wolfe and dropped the charges down to a single charge of lying to investigators.  However, someone doing the investigative legwork wasn’t happy with that decision. Our overwhelming CTH circumstantial evidence that Wolfe leaked the FISA application went from a strong suspicion, to damn certain (after the plea deal) when the DOJ included a sentencing motion in mid-December 2018. 

The terms of the plea deal say it all... the reason being that: "A branch of the United States government (Legislative) was attempting a coup against the leader of another branch of government (Executive); by using planted and designated corrupt agents within the cabinet…" This coup is still going on and Barr is trying to tiptoe around it while providing the Deep State excuse after excuse not to prosecute those involved. "Now do you see why I say: the problem for Attorney General Bill Barr is not investigating what we don’t know, but rather navigating through what ‘We The People’ are already aware of…."

And now the DOJ has decided not to prosecute Andrew McCabe... is anyone else starting to detect a pattern here?

 Andrew McCabe was once the deputy director of the FBI.  Former U.S. attorney general Jeff Sessions fired him, however, when Inspector General Michael Horowitz concluded that McCabe had not only improperly leaked intel to the Wall Street Journal about the Hillary email probe, but had also lied to the FBI about his decision.  McCabe, who was smart enough to be second in command at one of the U.S.'s most powerful government agencies, later explained that he was confused

This is after a recommendation from US Atty. Jessie Liu that McCabe be prosecuted for lying to investigators and Congress- this seems to be the most prevalent crime in Washington these days- one in which prosecution is very selective. If you're a Deep State member in good standing, the crime is overlooked, generally turned into something less nefarious by DOJ excuse-master Barr and his minions. However, if you're a patriot like Gen Flynn, your constitutional rights are typically violated and you're prosecuted. Flynn not only wasn't mirandized, he was told that he wasn't being interviewed or investigated. He didn't lie, his 302's were altered to make it look as though he was by Joseph Pietenka- a crooked FBI agent whose name is not to be mentioned. Barr has the power to put an end to this farce, but has called in a special prosecutor who will in all likelihood provide Barr with an excuse not to "interfere" in Flynn's sentencing- for not lying. Liu was tapped to head up Financial Crimes and Terrorism at the Treasury Dept. before Trump pulled her nomination. Now she's been politically (and legally) neutered for all intents and purposes.

 Despite Horowitz's findings and McCabe's weak excuse, the Department of Justice opted to drop all charges against McCabe.  Coincidentally or not, one of the prosecutors who signed off on that decision is the same prosecutor who cut a deal with Imran Awan, a former I.T. aide to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who may well have been spying on Congress. 

In Washington, only the good guys go to jail. 

 Ultimately all of the DOJ delay and hidden information under AG Bill Barr appears to have an identical motive: help protect Rod Rosenstein. That effort continues with the lack of released information and the ongoing, internal, DOJ and FBI redactions… 

 Here's the DOJ's record to date:

 Stone - Charged

Flynn - Charged

Papadopoulos - Charged

Gates - Charged

Cohen - Charged

McCabe - Pass

Comey - Pass

Brennan - Pass

Clapper - Pass

Podesta - Pass 

Once again, I'm seeing a pattern here. As Newsmax journalist John Cardillo puts it in a recent tweet:

 .@GenFlynn’s life was destroyed over a voluntary conversation with dirty FBI agents ordered to frame him by McCabe.

McCabe breaks the exact same law for which he’s criminally referred by DOJ’s own IG; he gets a pass and airtime.

Justice is dead in America 

And where is the man in charge of justice in America? Silent. If anything Barr will come up with an excuse for why Flynn is prosecuted while McCabe is freed for what are essentially the same crime (although only one was guilty). Perhaps it's time for a new term to enter our lexicon- Barrspeak. You have to give him credit- like his two predecessors- he has a perfect record... 0 arrests or prosecutions despite mountains of evidence. You have to hand it to the guy, when it comes to obfuscation, the man has no equal. The American people are waking up and can see the discrepancies in how justice is meted out. That's why a man with Barr's particular talents is necessary- to keep the pitchfork and torch crowd in check. It's far past time that we stand up and demand justice. This two-tiered system can only go for so long before people take to the streets- and I don't think those in power would like street justice. 


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Who was Attorney General during the investigations into the murders at Ruby Ridge? You remember, when an FBI sniper shot and killed Vicki Weaver and got an award instead of being prosecuted. When you can obfuscate and exonerate the murderer of an unarmed women holding an infant, then...

Then, you are a disciple of Lucifer? Perhaps?

.@GenFlynn’s life was destroyed over a voluntary conversation with dirty FBI agents ordered to frame him by McCabe.
McCabe breaks the exact same law for which he’s criminally referred by DOJ’s own IG; he gets a pass and airtime.

Certainly seems odd doesn't it?

That would be Bill Barr