Poem: Trying to remember you

in palnet •  6 years ago 

Author's note: The following poem was published on Spanish language in July 19th, 2019.

Source of the image: Pexels

Why do I feel that I know you?

Your eyes,

your lips,

your hair,

your height,

your constitution,

your hands,

your voice.


I try to remember where I saw you;

I try to remember how your hands

touch my skin

and caress my lips

with the sweetness of a husband

and the passion of a lover.


I try to remember when I met you;

I try to remember your eyes,

your lips,

your voice,

your body.


In the end,

after so much effort,

I discover that I haven't met you yet,

that we haven't met yet.

That we belong each other

even if we didn't know about our existence.

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