I was in the insurance industry during a period of my life. And we were trained to never write a policy if
we felt there was a moral hazard involved.
What is a moral hazard? One example would be a profit motive.
When big corporations get in bed with big Government we have a moral hazard. We have all heard about the "Revolving Door." Politicians and their staff seem to make it into "News Media" gigs when they leave government service. An example of this, one of many, would be George Stephanopolis, former Clinton staffer now on ABC.
We also see politicians enter political office with a net worth under 100k leaving political office worth 10's of millions or greater. It is pretty easy to take bribes through fake real estate deals. Buy low and some one dear buys high from you. But a more common method would be to invest in companies that would benefit from future policy. Then these politicians retire and take a seat on the board of said companies.
And we cannot forget folks hiring relatives of politicians, to the tune of millions in the case of the son of Joe Biden.
Finally, we thought we stopped politicians from keeping their campaign funds for private use, but they all create non-profit foundations that pay them and their relatives this money. Can you all say "THE CLINTON FOUNDATION?"
Funny how they all do this and not just the Clinton's.
So are we surprised when we have corporate and government so intertwined that we have arrived in America to the Corporate Fascist State? Where corporations dictate and pursue government policy. We have the fox in the hen-house here folks.
Let's look at a FRIGHTENING example:
You used to be able to go bankrupt in this country. Now there are laws that prevent you from forgiveness on your credit card debt. So you can never truly go bankrupt can you?
A more frightening example would be your ability to sue folks who do you wrong. You can sue your doctor for malpractice but good luck suing the manufacturer of that "VACCINE" you are taking. REALLY TRUE. The vaccine companies are exempt from liability if their jab kills, maims or otherwise injures your person.
Now that "Big Pharma" does not have to worry about getting sued, what moral hazard do they have?
1.) they can use the population as their own private experiment, free of any liability;
2.) they can create designer diseases that require their solution/cures for unknown huge profits.
Have you always suspected that those in the know always get the best medicine and you and I only get the medicine that keeps us alive long enough to drain all of our assets? Remember Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg had Pancreatic Cancer and survived with good quality of life for over seven years, dying at 87. My wife lasted two months and a few days with the same diagnosis;
3.) they get paid for these vaccinations by the government at a hefty mark-up. But you get it for free. NOTHING is free folks. Meanwhile everyone in government or associated with, like Dr Fauci, invest in the "winners" on both sides of the tragedy.
Looking at Dr Fauci, he's invested in various vaccination companies, but he also was invested in the research and design of the very disease that came from the Wuhan labs. Now when you see pictures of him and Obama standing in the same lab at the same time inside of Communist China we see the union of public and private funds outside of formal supervision of our own FDA. Imagine at the power that the Chinese had in this equation? They want you to believe this was a PRIVATE company in CHINA.
Now wonder if the same tactics used by our own intelligence agencies to spy on Americans was adapted to illegal medical research into bio-weapons? Many nations have signed international treaties banning bio-weapon research. So you then sidestep the treaty by hiring "Civilian" labs outside of proper oversight and control and go ahead and do whatever you want. THIS IS A MORAL HAZARD folks. Fauci should be in jail, along with many others.
What they may have created is a disease that cannot be cured, only maintained. Hence the multitude of "BOOSTER SHOTS." Profit motive and collusion with government to enforce policy. If you want to see what is really being done here I encourage everyone to watch the movie from 2011 "In Time."
They have us there now, if we let them enslave us.
Makes one wonder if all of those flu shots over the last few decades, were just a dry run for the "master" flu Covid 19.
The next question is how do we stop them? Now find out who does not support the second amendment and take note.