After nearly two years, it should come as no surprise that many people are tired of this dreadful pandemic, or are far more fatigued, sick, and tired of it, and its impact on our lives! However, this should not and cannot justify some people's complete disregard for the greater good and for following basic, common sense public health precautions! How did this turn into yet another political issue, with so many people putting their own personal/political agendas first? How many more people must become infected, hospitalized, endanger others, and/or die? Many seniors, as well as the immune-compromised, have succumbed to the disease, and we still don't know all of the long-term consequences and effects! Why does this country, despite its efforts and expenditures, have one of the lowest vaccination rates among first-tier, developed countries in the world? Everyone is tired of it and wants things to return to normal, but the efforts of a small group of people are harming our overall efforts and our ability to optimize our efforts! With that in mind, this article will attempt to examine and review this briefly, as well as why we need to improve.
- Conspiracy theories: For various reasons, some people prefer to believe and accept unfounded opinions over facts. It started with denials, progressed to accusations, and eventually resulted in harmful resistance. Is there anyone who hasn't seen or experienced the death of a loved one? While everyone has the right to their own opinion, they do not have the right to their own set of facts. It's one thing if your actions only hurt you; it's quite another when they endanger others!
2 Opposition to mandates: Despite the fact that public health mandates have been implemented in the past, it appears that we are witnessing the most polarized society in recent memory! Just because one disagrees does not imply that he is more knowledgeable than the experts!
3 Politics: Why has this, like so many other seemingly innocuous issues, become politicized? There is a significant difference between a realistic solution and a well-thought-out strategy and blame and moaning, denials, and stubbornness!