Pangea Agreement Standard (PAS), a concept for one component of proof-of-agreement (PoA)

in pangea •  7 years ago 

An agreement standard I made, as a concept. How it works is that agreements are negotiated off-state, and then signed, and uploaded to the state which verifies the agreement (and would give an initial PoA reward at that point. )

There are only positive incentives with the proof-of-agreement (PoA) system, and so on forming the agreement, both parties would get a little bit of PoA, and after completion, the rest of the PoA. The idea in how it would be used by society is that the positive incentives, forming a "reputation web", are enough to produce flow (trust). The PoA rewards, as they are accumulated together with PoN and PoC rewards, trigger payouts of PAT that is a currency for trade (tradeable. )

So by forming and completing contracts (and doing the PoN and PoC things) each person gets rewards that both prove that they have a habit of completing agreements, and also gives them a carrot (in the form of PAT) to do so.

contract PangeaAgreementStandard {

mapping(address => uint) citizenNonces;

mapping(bytes32 => address) agreementRegistry;

// Attach a public key to the internetOfAgreements
function newCitizen() { 

    if(citizenNonces[msg.sender] != 0) throw; // Already attached to the IoA


modifier isTransactionFee {

// Use this modifier to add a transaction fee in PAT for transacting with the IoA


function newAgreement(
        bytes32 _data, 
        bytes32 _agreementID, 
        address[] _citizens,
        bytes32[] _agreementSignatures) 

// Verify the agreement signatures, agreement ID as well as citizenship 
for(uint i = 0; i < _agreementSignatures.length, i++) {

uint nonce; 

for(uint i = 0; i < _citizens.length, i++) { 
    uint citizenNonce = citizenNonces[_citizens[i]]; 
    if(citizenNonce == 0) throw; // Agreements are only between citizen 
    nonce += citizenNonce; 

bytes32 agreementID = sha3(_citizens[], nonce, _data);

if(agreementID != _agreementID) throw; 

// and increment citizen nonces 

for(uint i = 0; i < _citizens.length; i++) { 
    address citizen = _citizens[i]; 
    citizenNonces[citizen] += 1; 

// Write the agreement contract to the state

    address agreementContract;
    uint s = _data.length;

    assembly {
        calldatacopy(mload(0x40), 68, s)
        agreementContract:= create(callvalue, mload(0x40), s)

    agreementRegistry[_agreementID] = agreementContract;

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Fabulous one!!!
the post is great ............/////////////

that a bit technical

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is a bit technical but its awesome. Keep up your good work.

difficult but i think i understand some of it :) 2nd year programmer ;)

That is indeed quite complicated !!