A parable about two wolves. Or what kind of wolf lives in you?

in parable •  8 months ago 

Once upon a time, an old grandfather told his grandson the truth of life.

  • You understand, there is a struggle in every person. This fight is very similar to the fight between two wolves. One wolf is black. He represents various evils: envy, rage, jealousy, pity, selfishness, greed, lies... The other wolf is white. He represents good: peace, friendship, love, hope, care, kindness, loyalty, truth and other good things.

The grandson, touched to the core by his grandfather's words, thought for a long time. And then he asked:

  • Grandpa! And which wolf wins in the end? Evil or good?

The old man smiled faintly and answered:

  • Remember: the wolf you feed always wins.
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