Beyond the Infection: My Parasite Journey

in parasites •  7 years ago 

I really wanted to begin with a proper introduction to my blog/channel, as this was supposed to be a channel focused on the cars that I love ; all things old school Toyota and then some7397_10151549959418676_1192841354_n.jpg.
Life has forced me into a different direction for the time being. This all started in January of 2018 , my girl friend and I were going to the big island, Hawaii for a month and a half to go stay with some friends. A friend of mine who happens to share the same love for old school toyotaIMG_20180211_114224.jpg. We were scheduled to leave Jan 17th and return February 27th . I hadn't traveled in years and was eager to see some new territory other then Sunny So.CalIMG_20180118_133748.jpg. IMG_20180121_133205.jpgWe arrived on the Kona side and made our way to HPP in the district of puna . There we would stay for the next month and a half. We saw rainbow falls / akkaka fallsIMG_20180118_143947.jpg , checked out the lava flows, went fishing, skateboarding, Went to the hilo farmers market, shopped the local thrift stores, headed up to volcano and even down to LSD, we lived in Hawaii with locals getting a truly authentic experience . We ate local food, Pokereceived_935714196577277.jpeg , Shoyu chicken , Gisantes ,pumpkin chicken, pumpkin pork , i absolutely love steam buns , curry or BBQ pork. I being the adventurous one wanted to go fishing with my friend and his family. I didn't think we would be pulling a net across a channel at 2am in a waist deep lagoon to catch fish , that was an other worldly experience . The night of the catch I believe is where my parasite journey began. Traditional Hawaiian food includes raw uncooked fish, Ive had sushi before so I didn't think much of a raw piece of fish right from the sea, i mean how bad could it be? (terrible mistake) In addition to the raw piece of grey chubreceived_939041459577884.jpeg I ate with soy sauce and hot pepper, was also on another occasion eating a muscle right off the beach at the makalawana sideIMG_20180120_140654.jpg. My girl friend and i both were offered the same foods and both consumed them. We also had contact with a wild baby goat that became a pet to my friends family as well as a new born litter of puppies as well as chickens. I had been bitting by a ton of mosquitos fishing one night too boot. I also handled raw fish , cutting up bait while we fished and only having hand sanitizer to wash with. Looking back both my girlfriend and I exposed ourselves to a lot of things we weren't smart enough to avoid , i mean I was just trying to be adventurous and enjoy my stay, I did not think about consequences . about halfway into the trip, I remember getting a sharp pain in my colon, followed by constipation and diarrhea. That subsided , then my girlfriend started to exhibit the same Symptoms. The rest of the trip was pretty much uneventful in that light. We returned home and well things just started to get worse for me. About 2 and half weeks after we got back I started having what can be described as a brain fog, my mental energy was drained most of the time. I sat idle playing counter strike for a good while there, I would complain of a pain in my upper left quadrant . My guts felt tight most of the time. I just generally didn't feel well physically or mentally. My sleep changed i could not get good rest , would lay down and my mind would race and not allow me to sleep at times. My muscles twitched, my skin would itch , I had depressed thoughts even dark thoughts. All in all very emotional. Ive always been an emotional person, but not outwardly emotional. Mind you before this trip I had never had any medical problems , I ate a lot of junk, sugars, candy , soda, bread, pasta , un godly amounts of caffeine , but was always pretty active riding bicycles, skateboards , running . fixing cars etc . One day in the midst of the fog, i started researching my symptoms. Untimely after a lot of searching and reading, my symptoms have led me to the conclusion that I have an intestinal parasitic infection. This led me to research how to get rid of intestinal parasites , there are so many Different types of parasites as well as ways to combat them. Through more reading and searching i began to alter my diet. this started with water fasting and also taking herbal supplements Like Turmeric , home remedies like garlic & pineapple . I literally ate whole cloves of garlic with pineapple juice . I bought some Wormwood clove tincture, started taking that as well as diatomaceous earth. One thing i will note after the diet change is that the brain fog seemed to subside a bit. Through my diet change and all the things I was doing.,I passed a few worms .This led me to collect the sample and go to the ERIMG_20180427_091006.jpg. They weren't very responsive to say the least. I broke down the sequence of events as Im doing here on this blog, even showed them the worm, all they wanted to do was stool and urine tests. Didn't prescribe me a thing, I went home pretty upset , as if this this was getting any easier. Of course the tests all came back negative, and of course they couldn't tell me what kind of parasite i had. So i was back to being at home doing more reading and research. I was taking supplements, had an altered diet, then i added some over the counter pinworm medication pyrantel pomate . I took that and passed a few more wormsIMG_20180518_104919.jpgIMG_20180522_093332.jpg , again bottled up the sample and was off to another ER this time In the City of moreno valley. They admitted me, asked all the questions. I gave answers, they ran blood and urine. I show the doctor the sample, he was quite receptive which gave me a Little comfort , I then told him i wanted him to prescribe some mebendozolegeneric_vermox-100mg.jpg which is an anti parasitic drug, i had brushed up on my research before hand. He basically told me No because they wanted to see what the labs would result in and they would call me if there was anything. They discharged me , and i never received a call. This again led me back home doing more research on remedies for parasites, in my desperation i came across a remedy that was used by the slaves . The slaves had a home remedy for parasites, it was cheap and effective and also pretty widely known by the grand mothers and fathers of african american families . Turpentine and sugar, Now i know what you are thinking, and im not suggesting you follow or listen to anything im saying. But when you are in the situation im in now, you will pretty much do what it takes to achieve what you are looking for healing wise. I did buy some organic gum spirits of turpentine and I have taken it ( ingested it) with castor oil as my bowl movements have slowed down due to the parasites. It does kill parasites , after taking it on two occasions , I passed some parasites both times. Through my research and reading , Ive come across sites such as curezone, alternative medicine coaches such as Dr.Jennifer DanielsDSC_4053-copia.jpg , youtube health coach sun fruit danmqdefault (1).jpg , among others . Through my reading and research I’ve have also come to understand that our Modern western medical complex , has little to no insight on things such as intestinal parasitic infections. There are some factors that contribute to this , first being that we don’t live in a tropical climate here on the mainland in the high desert in so cal, second GP’s have little to no knowledge or experience with such infections. There is an incredible amount of bureaucracy in our modern medical system , And these institutions want to see ova(eggs) or cysts in the samples. Even though you may be passing worms In your stool , ones they can physically see, until they can identify exactly what type is and prescribe to corresponding drug. Thing is most of the anti-helminthic drugs On the market are used for more then one type of parasite , which is extremely redundant. In our modern medical system the branch of medicine that would specialize in such parasitic infections would the branch of tropical medicine , of which there are none in my area or even the greater So.Cal area . I reached out to a tropical medicine doctor in texas, a doctor i had found to be treating children in south america for intestinal worm infections. I asked him if I traveled there could he treat me or know of any doctor that can? he replied that any Infectious disease specialist could treat me , wrong. Most infectious disease specialists in my area anyway specialize in HIV, and again have little no experience or knowledge of intestinal parasite infections. One day through the Fog , i was on youtube looking for more answers . I really wanted to know which worm i had contracted and instead of relying on tests i would try and identify it visually , comparing my samples with photos of other infected individuals . A woman struggling with her parasite infection for quite sometime posted a video : The cure for rope worm. She explained all her symptoms , I Identified with a lot of what she was saying. Brain fog, lack of energy, dark thoughts , depression etc. After scouring through Images of parasites passed by contracted individuals. I had diagnosed myself with having contracted rope worm. There are over 300 different types of parasites that can live in the human body. the most common being ascaris. The Rope worm was only discovered in 2013 there is not much known about this species as there hasn’t been much research done on them. When you have a parasitic worm infection , you are emotional most of the time. I notice I’m easily agitated at times , thats just a case of the POW’s ( pissed off worm syndrome). In the cure for rope worm video joanie H. mentions the book healing the symptoms known as autism - By Kerri Rivera. Now I know what you are thinking, I’m not autistic nor is my girlfriend. In the Book Kerri explains that through the kalcker parasite protocol children with autism pass parasites while detoxing using Chlorine dioxide , diet change, natural herbs/ tinctures , and CD/ baths enimas . Chlorine dioxide is a water Purification solution , our government as well as others use this same solution in all kinds of products we buy from mouth wash to toothpaste ,teeth whitener , nasal spray the List goes on and on. Chances are you have probably already used CD you just didn’t know it. Chlorine Dioxide = CD, MMS = Miracle Mineral Solution, MS= Mineral solution they are one in the same. I can understand the name Chlorine dioxide making people nervous about its use being safe, but in that line of thinking most the RX drugs we are given by the doctor have compounds that are not even listed , nor do those compounds contribute to the active ingredients , these said compounds are fillers. Another line of thinking I want to address is we understand the need to deworm our pets monthly or annually , this is not a stigma in our society. Why is it that we are not told to deworm ourselves? Is it lack of education? Are there more nefarious reasons for such a predicament ? Why would doctors not tell us about something so basic? From what I’ve experienced it is my belief and opinion that most of the medical problems our bodies go through is due to parasitic infections. Parasites have been here longer then man, think about roaches they can survive a nuclear event. Parasites are a lot like that , they are robust, they invade your gut , the gut is responsible for producing most of the stuff we need to feel normal. They dump toxins into your body , controlling your hormones , even going as far as controlling your behavior. Have you ever heard someone say its gonna be a full moon and all the crazies will be out? ( ill go more into the Moons and how they effect parasite activity). I also want to note that the toxic substances being dumped into our bodies by parasites are things like Morphine, ammonia , formaldehyde all of these substances directly effect our central nervous system. In my experience deworming yourself is a lot like Detoxing from substances like heroin , because as you begin to target and kill them off they release more toxins as they die. These toxins put even more stress on an already stressed system. Some parasitic worms can lay up to 200,000 eggs a day , to me that is very serious , sounds like a life threatening situation should they be able to grow un challenged . The CDC as well WHO are fully aware of this epidemic , yet this is not knowledge easily found, unless you really know where to look. Out of 7billion people on this planet 3 billion are Infected with an internal parasite be that a micro organism or helminth , If you have pets or care for animals I would wager you have some kind of parasite, its just the nature of the beast . Another thing i would like to note is that given the Diets we consume daily, Gluten , flour, sugars, preservatives , colorings , fillers , we as humans have created inside our selfs not knowingly a breeding ground for parasites. parasites feast on sugars, preservatives , vitamins like b12, and our antioxidant packed foods believe it or not actually bolster their defenses from what I understand. The hits just keep coming, i know. Well today Is Wed May ,30th 2018 , my CD came in the mail this morning , I’ve started with 1 Activated drop in 8oz of filtered water ill be dosing 1oz every hour for the next 72 hours ( I’m a full bore kinda guy). I’ve had 7 1oz does since 8:30a its now 3:30p. Parasites are a lot like fish ( i actually believe that the parasites control the fishes behavior) they go with the magnetic pull of the moons, they are more active around the times of first quarter,third quarter and full moon nights. Yesterday May 29th 2018 was a full moon night, around these times i find it impossible to get good rest. Parasites become more active at night in general. So to combat them Kerri Rivera notes in her book the 72/2 protocol. Dosing for 72 hours straight , now thats my kinda gal , hit them hard from many different angles. I am also taking a product from Markus R, called Body Force Parasite Free its $149.00 For a 3month supply , and yes you take it for 3 months straight. I took 10 pills of parasite free yesterday night (full moon night) just to give those little bastards something to chew on. While were on the subject of time, it takes 12-18 months to treat a parasitic infection, it could take longer depending on your level of infection. Worms are smart some of them lay dormant and wait it out only to reemerge and start there lifecycle again. These things are no joke, they make up a good portion of infant and children mortality rates. Man before all this I was Just foot loose and fancy free , but i was forced into action by parasites, its bitter sweet. Yet another thing I would Like to note, hippocretes download (1).jpegknew all to well about parasites, The word “parasite” comes from the Greek word meaning, “one who eats off the table of another.” Parasites, to Ancient Greeks, were those who sat at another’s table, and paid for their meal with flattery, I don’t know if that last parts a joke because tape worms are flat :D. It was common practice back then to not only keep your body clean , but also keep your bowels clean. Enemas were a part of bathing rituals during the time of the greeks , I would venture to say even before then. One reason i mention this is because even before I found out about the KPP, enemas saved my sanity . Again as these worms are living and die inside your body they are releasing toxic substances that get trapped in your guts and colon , because the worms slow down your digestion and bowels these substances as well as their little dead bodies can get reabsorbed through the lining of the intestine. Thus making you feel like a fragile frail drug user experiencing DT’s. I had never done an enema in my life , but let me tell you after experiencing my first while in the midst of feeling so terrible , it was an eye opening experience , usually when I’m feeling my worst , i do a series of enemas and for a short time i feel almost normal , that is until they start dumping more into my body. that usually what i tell my girlfriend after Ive done a few “ I almost feel normal again.” Honestly if you have never done an enema , you should , theres no telling what are backed up with. The mental clarity of doing enemas alone is worth it. Even after I have put my time in and seen these damn things out of my body i plan to keep doing them , as well as realizing the importance of life long deworming . I know this has been a very long lecture , theres no short answer with intestinal Parasites. In our modern society we have become accustomed to instant gratification , we just want to take a pill and it be over. That is not the nature and life cycle of parasites. I write this for all of human kind so that we can all draw from each others experience. Health and well being are more valuable then any material object be that money , cars, devices. Im telling you right now , this has been one of the scariest , eye opening, challenging , frustrating things i have ever experienced and continue to experience in my life . I attribute my willingness to over coming these parasites to the basic human drive to live that is inside of everyone . Actually this really is the short version summed up in a mashed up sort of way, theres a lot more comprehensive information detailed in Kerri Rivera’s - Healing the symptoms known as autism
You will be able to download it free as i have link will be posted here

And so obviously at this moment in 2018 , I am not cured of My rope worm infection, but I will do my best to keep all those informed with my progress as I treat both my girlfriend and myself. Please refer to the book for any info on the KPP, Diet, CD and other helpful supplements such as Diatomaceous earth Etc. Be happy be well, none of us will Live forever, so love and share as much as you can. - Chase S.Mendozareceived_932199950262035.jpeg

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