What Your Parents Think Means More

in parents •  4 years ago 

You know you are going to get hurt when people say that what you think is more important than what others say. I am telling you right now that if you are like me, that you are going to get hurt. If you are a parent, that you are going to get hurt if you let your kids use your toys in ways that are not appropriate for them.

So why do you let your kids play with toys that could hurt them? Do you have enough confidence in yourself to keep an eye on your kids? Do you want to take a stand for your kids or do you just want to let them have their way?

I mean, what kids don't think about when they are playing with things? Things like, toys that could hurt them. That is not to say that you do not care about your kids at all. It's just that you need to learn how to look past all the noise and just do what you know is right. What kids do when they are out of control is to get into fights with other kids. They will do it because they can not see past their own little fears.

Kids think what they feel is true and what they hear is not. They cannot see beyond themselves, so when a parent tries to tell them something different, they simply won't listen. Parents do not understand what kids are thinking. They believe that kids think like adults. They do not understand that children are children and that they do not always follow the same rules as adults.

Kids need parents to show them the ropes and show them what is expected of them in terms of behavior and what they can and cannot do. Parents can teach their kids a lot more about how to act and how to treat each other by teaching them the right way.

Kids do not have all the answers to the world. They need help to figure things out and to figure out how to act. They need good examples to go by and help them decide whether or not they should be doing something. in a particular way.
Your opinion is NOT your authority. Your beliefs do not have any power over anyone else's opinions or feelings. Your kids need you to be the one who is the leader and the only one who can do it from a real life situation.

Your opinions are not worth much more than sniveling, complaining, whining and crying about the world around you. You can't even make up your own mind. and you are definitely not the one who is going to take the first steps towards taking back the control of your life. What kids need from you is love, support, encouragement and hope. Not judgment and criticism. They need to know that you do care about them and that you have faith in them. and that you do understand their thinking and that you will not judge them or shame them because of what they believe. or do.

What kids think means more than you think and what your opinion means more than what they think. is your responsibility to help them. Your kids need you and your guidance. Your kids need you to show them the right way to be in this world. and what they can and cannot do in this world.

Your kids need a parent who loves them unconditionally. your kids need a parent who is willing to stand behind them when times get tough. and to help them learn from their mistakes. Your kids need you to stand by them when times get tough. your kids need you to love them when they get hurt. Your kids need you to be there for them in whatever situations you are not.

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